SSCC: Rio Hondo

A federal judge in Brownsville sentenced 31-year-old Armando Duenez (DWHEN’-ehz). He pleaded guilty in January to conspiracy to export firearms and failure to appear.

Investigators say Duenez was a Rio Hondo police officer at the time of the scheme to export rifles from the U.S. to Mexico.

Maybe he was the pilot program for Fast and Furious?

State Sponsored Criminal: Armando Duenez

Because he should have gone to work for the ATF instead.

h/t Bob S.

Denial, the first stage of grief…

So the wife brought home an article and it is a reminder our fight is not over, but mainly because of their attachment to their false reality.

After struggling to sway both state and federal lawmakers, proponents of expanding background checks for gun sales are now exploring whether they will have more success by taking the issue directly to voters.

While advocates generally prefer that new gun laws be passed through the legislative process, especially at the national level, they are also concerned about how much sway the National Rifle Association has with lawmakers. Washington Rep. Jamie Pedersen, a Democrat who had sponsored unsuccessful legislation on background checks at the state level, said a winning ballot initiative would make a statement with broad implications.

We shutdown the Federal attempt at creating new gun control.  Even an amendment that had some decent support from big names on our side failed.  Lets take a quick look at what new gun laws have been passed even at the state level.

New York:

They railroaded their legislation through in the middle of the night so that the people, not the NRA, could fight it.  The legislation was so full of problems that there was not even a police exemption.


This was railroaded in much the same as New York.  They declared it a legislative emergency to prevent public debate and discussion of the topic.  Notice a pattern here? 

Maryland and Colorado:

Both allowed but limited public debate.  Those supporting gun-control were by far outnumbered but due to time constraints, some people had to wait multiple days to testify.

Where am I going?

I could continue but do you notice a pattern in this?  The fact is we outnumber you. You are in fact the minority and doubly you are a puritan and hate liberty.  You are living in a world of denial.  The NRA has passed the 5.5 million member mark.  At the Boomershoot dinner this year we met a nice old lady who doesn’t even own a firearm that just recently joined the NRA.  Why?  Because she doesn’t support the goals you’re attempting to achieve.

Hell, the NRA Annual Meeting having an attendance size above 60,000.  Tell me, how big was your last Gun Grabber Annual Meeting?  Tell me, how many paying members have come into the rolls of the Brady Campaign and CSGV over the past 5 months?  Wikipedia lists it at under 28,000.  We had more than twice the people pay to attend the annual meeting in Texas than you have in your entire membership.  That’s also in a weak economy where many don’t have excess cash to spend.

News flash to you Mr. Baker I am the NRA and I vote.  There are 5.5 million of us who have joined the NRA to explicitly support our rights, and we all vote.  There are millions more who aren’t members of the NRA but the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a central item to their voting pattern and guess what, they vote too.

I want you to understand something Mr. Baker.  Behind me there are thousands of other gun owners who will fight until the bitter end.  You call me a bitter clinger so by god I might as well just accept the suck.  We will not stop until we sweep you and your hateful compatriots into the dust bin of history where you will sit next to the likes of the KKK.

All your side has is emotion and heart strings.  We have facts, reason, and the support of the majority.  The first step in the grieving process is denial.  You refuse to accept the truth Mr. Baker despite all the facts to the contrary.  You insist on conspiracies and a lack of public support despite all the evidence showing this isn’t true.  You insist that gun owners, as well as those who support their rights, are in the minority without any evidence to prove it.  At the mass convention of your “arch nemesis” you could only route 40 people to protest your enemy.

We routed 2/3 that number on two days notice in a considerably less populated area of Idaho.  And that was to protest a Republican.  Where’s your numbers to support your initiatives for the ballot box?

I’m sure somehow we’ll be blamed for this…

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office are asking for help from the public in gathering information about the theft of approximately 559 pounds of high explosives from a USFS explosives bunker located near Red Lodge.

We’re not talking just blasting agent either.

Officials say that various emulsion-type explosives, explosive cast boosters and detonating cord were taken from the facility.

How serious is the ATF taking the theft?  They’re offering a $5,000 reward.  Their warmth and sincerity given the theft occurred with forced entry makes me feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside.  Doubly so given the propensity of the government, not to mention the BATFE, is more than willing to throw civil rights and liberties to the wind.

[Sarcasm] But remember, it’s me and you that they need to restrict.  The government could never fail us. [/Sarcasm]

SSCC Cleveland

A dozen Cleveland police supervisors face internal discipline charges stemming from a chase that saw officers fire 137 shots and kill a fleeing driver and his passenger, the city’s police chief said Tuesday.

Both the victims in this case had a prior history and were on drugs at the time of the car chase.  The police claim the chase began with a report of gunfire.  Neither a weapon or shell casings were found in the car.  This could mean they ditched a revolver or that the police made it up.

The icing on the cake though is the following:

An internal police review showed that both officers and supervisors broke department policies. The chief said a review is continuing into whether any officers will be disciplined.

So in other words they did it cowboy style.

State Sponsored Criminal: John Doe

Because by all means endanger the lives of citizens and ignore department policy in so doing.

h/t OldNFO

Quote of the Day – Tim (4/30/2013)

“With a terrorist on the loose and literally thousands of police and even military officials searching to no avail, suddenly the idea of having an AR-15 handy to keep a dangerous terrorist from conducting his grand finale in *your* house with *your* loved ones starts to make a hell of a lot of sense, don’t it?”

Tim – The Idiocy of “Outdated”

April 25th, 2013

[Despite the complete trampling of civil liberties, was it a LEO who found the fugitive?  Was it in an area where citizens could easily and readily obtain arms for their own defense?

Tell me, why is it that people grabbed cameras instead of shooting the assailants who were threatening their neighborhood.  Oh calling the police worked great all right, turned the neighborhood into a total war zone and endangered the lives of additional people.  Instead of fighting back to defend themselves and in so doing aiding law enforcement that was risking their lives to protect them, they grabbed a camera.

They grabbed a camera instead of firing one round and taking down the last assailant.  Instead of firing from an elevated position with a clear line of fire to the aggressors, they grabbed a camera.  They grabbed a camera and instead gave the government an excuse to abuse their neighbors and friends at gun point.  They grabbed a camera instead of taking the risk that goes with freedom and liberty.  They grabbed a camera and signed their name as a supporting participant in the death of American Liberty. -B]


SSCC East St. Louis

A former assistant police chief in southwestern Illinois faces up five years in federal prison for lying to investigators about selling a gun to a registered sex offender.

On reading the article you think he may be innocent, then you notice that he plead guilty to the charge of making false statements to federal law-enforcement.

Also remember they want to make the current mine field even worse because of crap like what this officer did.  He makes the count though for the following statement:

Allen said he got the gun while working as a police officer and kept and sold it.

Remember now, this is the communist republic of Illinois where getting a gun is a pain in the ass well beyond what it should be and good luck carrying one.  Just to own a firearm you need an FOID, so if the purchaser didn’t have it he shouldn’t have sold it.

State Sponsored Criminal: Assistant Police Chief Corey Allen

Because by all means sell a firearm to a felon and sex-offender where the law-abiding victims cannot carry to defend themselves.

The Company I Keep…

I am very glad I can call Mike Jefferson my friend.  Why might you ask?  Well watch this.

I kind of have to laugh though.  I met Jefferson actually through his previous wife who is a fellow blogger though now she doesn’t really blog.  As he said over at his place and is worthy of note here, he gave this speech the same day as our government was doing this.

I hate to say it, but I’m getting an early 90’s vibe again about the governments use of force against its people.  Only this time we have a bunch of people cheering and talking about how they’d appreciate a warrant-less cavity search.  In the words of Samuel Adams,

“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

The republic is in the most dire of straights friends.  Even those who we thought were friends of liberty have now betrayed us.  I don’t know how this ends, but usually I’m pretty good at staying in the middle and seeing both the dark and the light.  Currently the light at the end of the tunnel has been extinguished and there is no telling if it will ever be found again.


But a TSA supervisor was himself caught on videotape last month stealing 12 Tylenol pills from a passenger’s luggage in Syracuse, according to a police report.

Stealing Tylenol, really?  I thought by the headline he was stealing prescription pain killers.  He was either fired or resigned that day and there has been no word of criminal charges.

State Sponsored Criminal Jeremy Hemingway

Because with the war on drugs, when you see some drugs steal them.  You can figure out what they are later.