Search Results for: open carry

A Vigil for the Victims of Violence

The Brady Campaign announced an effort to hold a candle light vigil in honor of the victims of “gun violence” today.  Weer’d came up with the idea of holding a vigil for all victims of violence.  Weer’d suggested we do this by having us post pictures of a candle with our defensive arms.

First up is a friends S&W 5906.  He didn’t have a good camera and lives down the street so he came over tonight and we just did all the arms at once.

S&W 5906

A candle does nothing to stop violence.  It does nothing to protect this mans family from harm.  This pistol however provides him, as well as his wife, an effective means to fight off a stronger attacker.  This provides them an effective means to ensure the safety of their children.

I followed that up with my standard open carry arm.  A 5 inch Kimber Custom Classic.

Kimber Custom Classic 1911

Away from the house, that arm is the equivalent of a portable fire extinguisher.  It is used for when evil decides to appear.  Evil doesn’t call in advance to let me know trouble is coming.  It is a tool that I can carry with me to help protect myself and my wife.

M4 Shotgun

This shotgun is one of the two defensive long arms for the house.  I normally carry my 1911, but when something goes bump in the night this is one of my go to weapons.  Enough power I know that those who wish to do me violence will stop in their tracks after meeting the lead.


The AR-15 makes a fantastic home defense weapon. With the weapon mounted light, it’s higher accuracy and higher capacity provides me the largest advantage against those who would wish to do me or mine violence.  It will protect my wife and my self equally well despite who has shouldered it.  Hence the Husky and Cougar both in the image. 

Lastly there is this image.


The most significant of the bunch.  That revolver, my wedding present to my wife, provides her the ability to stand up to any attacker who would do her violence.  That revolver allows her, despite her disability, to say NO with such force that they will lack the capacity to do violence to another.  She has the ability to stop the violence against her and in ending that violence she has the ability to ensure the safety of others by preventing violence against them as well.  She carries it with her, today on her birthday, to ensure that she can stop violence when it comes her way.

That’s the thing with firearms.  While they can be used in violence, they can be used to stop violence.  They can do so without a shot ever being fired.  The gun grabbers though would beg to differ.  They seem to think a criminal will stop if you light a candle and hold it.  Both of my parents had defensive gun uses without a single shot fired.  Violence stopped in it’s tracks at the presentation of overwhelming force.  Overwhelming force from the potential victim of the attacker.

Remember, there are victims of gun control.  When a mass shooting happens in a gun free zone everyone’s a victim of gun control.  Those candles forever burn in my mind as a reminder of them, and why I vehemently support the second amendment.

Again please email me any pictures you would like posted: vigil.picture at

SSCC #201 – Arapahoe County

Since this guy is currently waiting locked up in the jail named after him I feel this is more of an honorable mention.  It’s not going to be fully accountabilibuddible though.

Former Arapahoe County Sheriff Pat Sullivan limped into court Wednesday morning, using a cane, as he faced accusations of trying to exchange methamphetamine for a sexual encounter with an adult man.

But this isn’t even the best part though.  He evidently would personally bond out suspects from jail.

Robinson would not say what type of suspects he bonded out and would not confirm if they were drug suspects.

Is it still prostitution if instead of a direct payment of cash the John just bond’s you out of prison?  Still that’s just minor icing on the cake compared to the next item.

At the time, Sullivan used the event to champion gun control. He held up a semiautomatic weapon on TV and demanded more restrictions.

Sullivan then participated in many national programs, some preparing the country for a national disaster. He also took a prominent role during the 1999 Columbine High School shootings. After he retired in 2002, he led the security department for the Cherry Creek School District. He worked there until the end of the 2007-2008 school year.

That’s right folks. This holier than thou member of the anointed class was using his position to argue for the disarmament of law abiding citizens.  He began his crusade in 1989 prior to the Brady Bill.  So here comes this eternal question, did he support the Brady Bill?  Not only did he, he was considered by the Brady Campaign an expert witness.  

He worked in a may issue county and attempted to use concealed weapons permits as bargaining chips to get people to stop fighting for the second amendment.

Sheriff Sullivan was also famous for trying to buy off local gun rights activists with a “buddy” concealed carry permit (when permits were almost impossible to acquire).

In 1995 Sullivan offered me a permit, attempting to buy my inactivity in the battle for concealed carry in Colorado.

Think about that for a second.  This state sponsored criminal was selling your rights down the drain and attempting to bribe others who were fighting the good fight to leave and be complicit.  They only way this guy could ever be held accountable is to have his naked body flogged by every victim of violent crime who was disarmed by his efforts.  When that was complete he would be keelhauled in open water.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 201: Former Sheriff Patrick Sullivan

Because it’s perfectly fine to use your position of power not only for your personal gratification, but then try and disarm the public so they can more easily become your victim.

*There has not even been an acknowledgement from the Brady Campaign of the corruption of one of their former “expert witnesses”.  I guess it never happened just like the death of Brian Terry and operation Fast and Furious.  Out here in the world of facts and logic we air our dirty laundry.  In the world of emotions and Peterson Syndrome that is not an option since it destroys the crux of their argument.

via David Wilson

SSCC #51-DC police

The D.C. police officer accused of drunkenly shooting at transgendered people has been punished at least twice before for alcohol-related incidents, records and sources said.

Charging documents released Monday described how Kenneth Furr crashed his Cadillac into another vehicle early Friday morning, stood on the hood of the victims’ vehicle and shouted, "I’m gonna kill all of you."

While he wasn’t on duty, he did commit this act with his service weapon.  Tell me, do they allow concealed carry or open carry within the capital for civilians?  Given the answer to that question I find this issue state sponsored.  Doubly so considering the egregiousness, bigotry, and down right viciousness of the incident.  The icing that sealed my decision on counting it even though he was off duty is that his punishment is only paid leave.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 51

Because being a cop means you can assault anyone you don’t like and just get a paid vacation!

H/t to JayG who emailed me Robb’s post.  I saw it earlier today and starred it for tonight, but it makes it SOO much easier when people email them in.  So please, send me your submissions!  Not to mention you get bonus links from me! See, WizardPC sent it in too! 

Update: Phssthpok sent it in as well.  Good lord that was a hot one!

Quote of the Day – Caleb Giddings (7/6/2012)

I’m not saying that we should sit back and rest on our laurels or anything, because we need to keep fighting for the 2nd Amendment. But when you look at where we are now in terms of where we were in the late 90s, it’s no wonder we have all this free time to get riled up open carry or Kel-Tecs.

Caleb GiddingsWhy so serious?

July 6th, 2012

[Honestly, that’s the way I like it.  I like the fact we’re winning, however there are two things that concern me.  Complacency and ignorance of history.  As Caleb points out, a lot of kids going to buy the latest weapon in CoD probably don’t remember the Assault Weapons Ban, the effect it had, and how easily that switch can be flipped off.  They will never really understand, they can’t.

Places like Massachusetts and California the youth still are dealing with the pain of stupid legislation.  Overall we’re still fighting those battles, but now momentum is helping carry us forward.  That momentum is allowing us to have other conversations, some good, others not so much.  Frankly though, I like being here because it’s a lot better future than what we were predicting in the 90’s.

Frankly, if we were to have a problem, I think this is a good one to have.  -B]

SSCC #221 -Madison WI

A federal court has ordered the city of Madison to pay members of a gun-rights group $10,000 to settle a lawsuit.

Notice its the city paying for the officers screw up, not the officers responsible.  Also note the damage bill is so low the city isn’t going to even notice, doubly so since the city insurance will probably pick up the bill.

This case started prior to the Wisconsin concealed carry law when open carry was their only option since it was legal.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 221: John Doe

Because deprivation of rights is a administration problem, no need for the actual perpetrators to pay.

I’m sure someone’s fuming

So I’m sure our opponents will go into PSH over the following:

The four hour course, which will be held this Saturday, January 12th, is recommended for children who received a new BB gun, shotgun or hunting rifle for Christmas or for those who may already have a gun.

Sheriff Steve Prator told Shreveport Times, “Children who will receive a gun for Christmas can try it for the first time in front of certified law enforcement academy firearms instructors.

That’s right folks, a Sheriff’s department is offering free firearms training to kids.  But it gets better, to cover the costs of the training some different sources have stepped up to the plate.

The course is free and is sponsored by donations from local citizens, Walmart, and local wholesalers.  Children without a gun can use a gun that will be supplied by the academy, according to Shreveport Times.

I’m sure our opponents are screaming how Walmart and other businesses should be buying back the guns from the kids.  How that if we keep them hidden and out of sight children will never find them or be curious about them.  At the same time though these individuals are more than happy to have them go through sex education, because you “know kids are curious and not talking about it won’t do anything to solve the problem.”

I’m sure someone else will scream how it’s insensitive given the recent school shootings, blah de blah blah blah.  At which point their hood and veil come off.  We see right through their lies into the bell of the beast.  This isn’t about making kids safer, this isn’t about stopping criminals, it is about banning firearms and control. Period.  They use the tragedy merely as an emotional crutch to support their agenda because they cannot support it with facts and logic.

Don’t believe me?  Let’s look at a conversation that happened over at Sebastian’s place.  I’m going to post it here because honestly, I don’t want it lost down in some thread in the comments, I want it front and center.  Especially with how it ended.  This is pretty long so I’m shoving it below the fold.  Here is a link to skip to the conclusion below the fold.

Continue reading

Quick, Say Something Funny – VC 118

118 – Quick, Say Something Funny
is up.

As usual there was drinking involved and much was covered involving current events this time.  From the TSA, open carry and the 2AF, and we even go find out what the hell we’re talking about.  Enjoy, laugh, learn, and be disturbed.

Vicious Circle – You only will want to gouge your eyes out if you click on all the links.

And Nothing Happened

Went and picked up my boat today and stopped by the store on our way back from Pullman.  I was open carrying cause it was freaking hot.  As I walked through the checkout line the clerk asked me if I was an off off duty cop.  I chuckled and said, “No, I just believe in being prepared to defend myself and in the process exercise my rights.”  It is especially nice to carry it today considering what it is.

Overall he was actually quite happy with it and was interested in what I was carrying.  He was even further surprised to hear the wife normally carries as well. Sadly there were people behind us in line so the conversation ended up getting rushed.  Ultimately though yet again I have carried my firearm, as so many times before, and it hasn’t just magically jumped out of it’s holster and shot someone.  CSGV and the Brady Bunch keep saying that it will result in blood in the streets or that it will alarm citizens.  The only real behavior I’ve personally seen is curiosity like the above.

Something even more curious is trying wearing a HT ham radio with a hand microphone.  While wearing a paddle holstered 1911.  All the questions you will have will be about the radio, absolutely no one notices the firearm, or if they do they dismiss it as “normal” since the radio is more abnormal.  If my thoughts regarding that are correct, it means that slowly we’re winning the normalization fight.