Search Results for: node/SSCC children police

SSCC #283–Henderson

This is a bad one…

A federal jury in Memphis convicted Robert Stacy Kilgore Wednesday on four separate charges involving pornographic material he made of a 10-year-old girl and shipped across state lines.

Another predator in a position of trust.  More and more cops will employ force against children who disobey further increasing their compliance due to fear.

At least in this case they put him on trial, but only 30 years for such an abuse of power.  It is disturbing how much people blindly trust representatives of the state just because they’re from the state.  Just because they have a badge doesn’t make them some sort of saint.  They can just as easily be a predator who convinced the state to give him qualified immunity.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 283: Robert Stacy Kilgore

Because everyone’s human and those we give tin badges should be trusted by everyone implicitly without question.

SSCC #307 – TSA

This is by no means the first incident of a TSA agent doing this, and it certainly will not be the last.

Cops snared 55 Massachusetts men in a sweeping, multi-agency child
pornography crackdown — including a Transportation Security
Administration officer assigned to Logan International Airport who is
just the latest embarrassment for the troubled federal agency.

Remember though, they’re just abusing you, your family, and you’re children for the safety of everyone.  Never mind the fact that the TSA wouldn’t stop anyone actually intent on bringing down an airplane.  No the whole point is to trash our liberties and freedoms and empower a bunch of criminals to lord over us.

This man I have no doubt got a job as a TSA agent because it gave him access to victims who were unable to refuse and it rendered their parents defenseless.  Again, I have to ask myself why it is I restrain myself from doing violence to people like this.  Oh that’s right I’m better than that and I have to have faith that the state that sponsors these thugs will also hold them accountable.

Yeah, that’s not going to happen either.  One can dream though right?

State Sponsored Criminal Count 307: Jose E. Salgado


Because the real reason the TSA exists is to provide child molesters a way to get their rocks off in a legal manner.

SSCC #294 – TSA

Yet another pedophile found amongst the TSA employee pool, separate from this incident prior to the count.

A former employee of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration has
been sentenced to nearly three and a half years in prison for
possessing child pornography.

Just recently the TSA was in the count with a screener feeling a young boy in a wheel chair due to an injury was the biggest threat to society.  In that I included another incident than previously mentioned.

Still think the TSA is a bunch a good people and not a bunch of goons snatching up power to abuse the people?

State Sponsored Criminal Count 294: Andrew Cheever


Because becoming a TSA agent means that your abuse of children is really for the greater good right?

SSCC #244–Harrodsburg

Jason Elder, 31, pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree rape, 49 counts of third-degree sodomy and 97 counts of first-degree sexual abuse. All of the charges involved one girl, who was 14 at the time.

This is another cop who was hiding in plain sight amongst his prey.  This seems like a pretty light sentence given the severity of the crime and the number of counts.  I wonder if the judge was worried about the ex-officers safety.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 244:  Jason Elder

Because when a predator is placed amongst children what do we expect to happen?  Doubly so when he mascaraed as a good guy.

SSCC #458–I.C.E.

Anthony V. Mangione, who headed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s South Florida office for four years, possessed up to 150 images of child pornography, some depicting the "extreme abuse of children," according to federal prosecutors.

He was busted while still working for ICE.  This one’s bad and I’m not going to comment on it.  This one makes the count because:

As the Special Agent in Charge of ICE’s South Florida office, Mangione supervised more than 400 employees in nine counties. He was regularly at the forefront of arrests of child pornography suspects, vowing to see them punished.

State Sponsored Criminal #458: Anthony V. Mangione

Because there are monsters in this world.

SSCC 52-Wayne County

When the judge dismissed the criminal charges against Maryanne Godboldo – he called the child removal order that sparked the case unconstitutional. As the Action News Investigators first showed you – the order to remove Godboldo’s child from her home was never actually reviewed by a judge.

This process is called rubber-stamping – where probation officers – NOT judges — are literally stamping a judge’s signature onto the orders used to take children away from their parents. That means in Wayne County — a judge is not looking at the evidence in a case before a child is removed – and court experts say that’s illegal – and it has got to stop.

Judge didn’t sign the warrant.  Mother was acting in the best interests of her child when the medication worsened her child’s condition.  The order for the removal of the child was contradictory.  The list continues but you get the point.

Ultimately the whole thing was illegal, yet not a single individual involved in the attack against Mrs. Godboldo will be held accountable.  The lack of accountability is a problem.  Even bigger though is I don’t see how to easily change it.  It’s not as if our masters are going to vote to sacrifice their own immunity.  It is up to the people to hold them accountable and obviously voting the bastards out isn’t enough always.  Other remaining options are not exactly legal, however would be quite effective in making sure it never happened again.

My hope is that one day, the men responsible for crimes such is that will be held accountable for their actions.  Whether it be by tar and feathers, tree and rope, or just run out of town on a rail, they must pay for what they have done to their countrymen.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 52

Because working for CPS automatically makes you more capable at determining what’s best for someone’s child.  As such you should use a swat team to take them away with forged papers.

H/t: Phssthpok

SSCC #263–El Paso

This right here is just classic!

El Paso, Texas County Commissioner Willie Gandara Jr. was arrested late Wednesday on federal drug-trafficking charges. Few details have been released, but according to a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) spokeswoman, the investigation involves multiple agencies.

Ok a county commissioner was selling drugs, why is it classic though!?  This is why!

Back in September 2011, Gandara harshly criticized drug legalization in an official statement:

Legalizing drugs is the coward practice of combating cartels, it is an insult to our men and women in law enforcement, and the laziest form of parenting our children and youth about the effects of drugs.

Nice, he was pushing prohibition to protect his enterprise.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 263: Willie Gandara Jr.

Because the real reason you become an elected politician is so you can build an enterprise and make it illegal for everyone else!

via Uncle

SSCC #446 – DHS

A 43-year-old Department of Homeland Security worker allegedly used Facebook to solicit more than 70 area children for sexual acts, according to authorities.

We’re not talking high school students either…

Robert B. Rennie Jr., a Loudoun County resident, was charged Oct. 24 with five counts of using a computer to solicit a child under the age of 15, after a school resource officer was tipped off to suspicious activity on a Mercer Middle School student’s Facebook page.

Sounds like a fine upstanding government employee doesn’t it?  I wish I could come up with something better, but this just makes me sick.

State Sponsored Criminal #446: Robert B. Rennie

Because working for the government means you’re some how special.