Search Results for: node/SSCC children police

SSCC 128 – TSA

Here’s yet another unpossible, inconceivable addition from our infallible overlords at the TSA.

A Transportation Security Administration security officer is out on bail after he was arrested and charged with child pornography.

Remember, this is by no means the first time and it most certainly won’t be the last. The claims that they thoroughly screen their agents are yet again proved false.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 128 – Michael Scott Wilson

Because the real reason for the TSA is to acclimate our children and provide compliant victims under color of law for sexual predators.  It’s a security theater, it has nothing to do with security.

SSCC Update–Columbus

This incident is going from bad to worse.

“There is an ongoing investigation to (determine) the identity of other potential victims,” Squires wrote in a motion. “There is evidence indicating there is at least one additional potential victim.”

The additional details confirm my thoughts as well.

Last week, a federal grand jury indicted Smith on two charges of attempted production of sexual photos or videos of minors and one charge of coercing a minor to have sex with him.

There is evil in this world, and some times the evil tries to appear as the good.

State Sponsored Criminal: Todd L. Smith

Because there is no doubt when others say the following:

“Smith abused his position of trust, which was to guard safety and security of children at school,” Squires wrote. He said Smith encouraged one of his female victims to “film sex acts with another adult.”

That position of trust was created and managed by the state.

And here come the Fudds…

So already I’ve seen comments and even got an email from a friend about a particular comment that was left, below is what the comment said (emphasis mine, spelling his).

We all here want to feel safe and do what we can to protect our families & loved ones: we are parents to our children, wives to our husbands, true friends to our friends. More than this we are neighbors and members of our community, in church, club, workplace and park.

I honor the Bill Of Rights and welcome the freedom the Second Ammendment gives me. I also recognize that this was written 221 years ago against the backdrop of our emerging nation. At this sad time and remembering past atrocities I will now seek a complete ban on assault riflesI will continue to proudly keep and carry my little Ruger.
While I dont know many of you here I know that you are no different to my own neighbors; good people living in difficult times. We all need to do the right thing and show leadership.

Here’s the thing folks, you either have a right to arms or you don’t.  There is no negotiating on this, we did that in 1994 and look what happened.  Further the current atrocity pulling at everyone’s heart strings happened within a state with an assault weapons ban!

If the ban didn’t stop him there what makes you think it would somehow work in the future?  Please inform me how “just one more law” would have altered the course of events given the litany of laws he broke before he even started shooting children.  Explain to me how the law-abiding gun owners are at fault and the sacrifice of their rights will somehow make the world a safer place.  Even law-makers admit that an assault weapons ban wouldn’t have changed anything, you must know something the rest of us don’t.

But lets destroy your BS regarding 221 years ago shall we?  At the time people owned cannon, artillery, and during the American Revolution the Kentucky Long Rifle was the AR-15 of the era.  Read that again, the Kentucky Long Rifle was the AR-15 of the era.  It was a military arm that was quite excellent at striking targets at long distances.  By todays standard our bolt-action rifles could be compared with muskets.  Muskets, lacking rifling, were less accurate but quicker to reload.  So there’s a trade-off yes, overall the technology was quite similar, however there was a considerable difference between the two.

Lets move forward not even 100 years to the civil war and the advent of the henry repeating rifle as well as the percussion-cap revolver.  Both of which greatly increased the available firepower of a single individual, yet by your argument we should have nothing more than what we had 221 years ago when it was written.  So no revolvers, no repeating rifles, this destroys cartridge firearms, thus kiss your bolt-action rifles and shotguns good-bye seeing as they couldn’t have conceived of this 221 years ago.

Because they couldn’t conceive of the advances in technology 221 years ago, because they didn’t see the immediate benefit of the printing press, you argue for a complete ban on an inanimate object, that you don’t use, thinking that will somehow stop evil. You are however more than happy to continue carrying your “little Ruger” which, by your argument, should be outlawed since we should only take into account what they had at the time.

So if you want to carry a defensive pistol and you want to carry on this argument, you will carry nothing more than a single shot flint-lock pistol.  For you see, you should only ever need one round!  If you need more than one, obviously you need to practice your aim more!  No one needs a 10 shot magazine, the size of the Ruger LCP, or even a six shot revolver, for our fore-fathers survived on 1 shot flint locks and that is what they had in mind when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, at least that’s what you claim.  You cannot have it both ways, you cannot just embrace technology you like and throw away that you dislike.

Our opponents would be happy to take away every semi-automatic pistol, who needs them right?  You can carry a revolver, it has six rounds, more than enough for anything you might encounter!  Then one day someone goes on a spree, reloading while the response takes 20 minutes and you hear cries that we need blanket revolver ban.  It’s a slippery slope my friend and the first assault weapons ban proved that along with another important fact.

The federal assault-weapons ban, scheduled to expire in September, is not responsible for the nation’s steady decline in gun-related violence and its renewal likely will achieve little, according to an independent study commissioned by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

“We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence,” said the unreleased NIJ report, written by Christopher Koper, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Now you could say I’m over stepping and taking this too far to which I would reply, how do you set the bar then?  George Washington didn’t cross the Delaware to get to his duck blind and by god the Second Amendment was not written with the aspect of hunting in mind.  No, at the time the American public maintained it’s own supply of military arms and while some would say that is no longer necessary, I would point out that to this day the United States has an unorganized militia that can be called upon to defend her.  As well as the fact that our government has committed atrocities against her own people and you wish to give that same government a sole monopoly on force.  Merely ensuring that her own citizens cannot resist if they feel it necessary to do so.

Lastly your argument for an assault weapons ban also completely ignores the fact that the majority of the features banned are purely cosmetic and safety related.  Tell me, what good does it do to ban a collapsible stock?  You know that thing that allows you to adjust the length of pull for different sized shooters.  That thing you adjust to make sure the shooter doesn’t get scoped, or otherwise suffer injury.  The pistol grip, which is quite beneficial for disabled shooters allowing for a more natural grip angle and thus preventing further damage to the wrist because of recoil.  Also my personal favorite, banning a barrel shroud.  Really!? Banning an object who’s sole purpose is to prevent the user from burning themselves.  That’s like banning suppressors, because we all like hearing damage!

Your statement above is nothing but pure hypocrisy no matter how you cut it. You either support the individual right of self-defense, including their right to choose what they think is the best arm for them, or you don’t.  You cannot just say, well I don’t like evil black rifles so their bad but leave my pistols alone.  What happens to the disabled woman who cannot easily deploy a pistol but can a rifle?  Must she be stuck with a bolt-action rifle that she cannot effectively operate the bolt on?  Ok, so you’ve left semi-auto rifles now with the necessary features to aid in ease of use.  Now are you going to limit her to 10 rounds?  That operator as I said lacks normal dexterity so while you can quickly and easily reload a magazine you’ve still limited the disabled shooter.  And for what?  It’s not like the magazine bans really matter to a determined individual:

Remember it was 20 minutes for the police to respond, so short of banning metallic cartridges, people can reload guns, again and again, using them for evil.  The answer is to step up and stop evil when it appears, that is best done by allowing people to retain the best tools for doing so.  That is not done by banning the otherwise law-abiding and turning them into felons overnight.  I find it ironic though that you claim we should do the right thing and show leadership and you do so by blindly following the talking heads.  The right thing is stepping up and doing what needs to be done, even if it seems difficult.  The right thing is protecting the rights of others despite the actions of a lone mad man.  By the way sir, you lead from the front, not from the rear as you kiss the boots of your future masters begging forgiveness for something that wasn’t your fault.

In the words of Samuel Adams:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.

We ask not your counsels or your arms.

Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

This is Why you Don’t Call the Police

A woman was given $12,000 as a tip.  The waitress ran out and the woman who left the tip told her to keep the money I’m not sure why she would involve the police.  My suspicion is because that’s what we’ve always been told to do.  What is unsurprising is the police departments reaction.

Officers told the woman to wait 90 days in case someone claimed the money. The Forum reports that after three months, police told the woman the cash was being held as drug money.

See, the officers don’t want to loose that money.  Honestly they probably already spent it on hookers and blow.  Then again they can just get the blow from the lock up, so just hookers then.

Ultimately this is yet another example of why you don’t involve the government and police anymore than necessary.  They are more than willing to take property that is not their just because they can.  They take it and keep it using any excuse that fits their fancy, more often than not it’s drugs.

I don’t like drugs, I wouldn’t do drugs even if they’re legal.  That said they should be legal for no other reason than I’m sick of people trampling my rights, freedom, and liberty because someone wants to do something in the privacy of their own home.  Let’s cut the BS about accidents, DUI is already illegal, and as harsh as I sound an overdose is just Darwin doing some spring weeding in the gene pool.  The “War on Nouns” is nothing more than an excuse to violate the rights of people for victimless crimes.  If someone wants to destroy themselves that’s their business.

Look at the CATO map which is nothing more than a graphic display of the innocents who are casualties in this “War on Nouns”.  Remember, when someone talks about outlawing drugs they’re either trying to secure their cash flow or they want to further the police state.  

SSCC #375–Update

Via Lance I got the following regarding SSCC #375:

Due to a technicality, a drunken driving charge was dismissed against the Gladstone State Police Post commander on Wednesday in Chippewa County District Court.

The exact issue at hand:

Dispatch directed police to obtain the search warrant from a former Chippewa County court employee who was no longer serving as magistrate at the time, said Vizina. The former magistrate had been relieved of her duties five weeks prior due to mental health issues, he said.

"Dispatch sent the officers to the wrong place to sign a warrant," said Vizina.

Because the former court employee was not legally authorized to sign and execute the search warrant, any information police obtained under the document during the investigation could not be considered as evidence, Vizina said.

"Blood test results were not admissible and could not be used in court," he noted.

How convenient.  That’s not to say the judge wasn’t right in this case, but it’s interesting that they would screw the pooch so hard when one of their own screwed up so bad.  Don’t worry though, it couldn’t possibly be intentional since they bothered to put him on paid leave.  Heaven forbid he’s held accountable.

State Sponsored Criminal: William Smith

Because when your buddy does a DUI, just make sure it’s not a current judge that signs the warrant.

SSCC #401 – Wayne County

On August 15, 2012 Wayne County Sheriff’s deputies, along with Macedon, NY Police broke into 75 year old Phyllis Loquasto’s Plank Road home in the town of Walworth, NY, forced her at gunpoint to lay on her bathroom floor, screamed at her to close her eyes and stay down, then executed her dog “Duke.”

This officer evidently couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn either.

“The dog hadn’t even barked, yet I heard one of them say, he’s aggressive, shoot him! I’ll never forget the sound of that gunshot and the blood flying everywhere. They did all this while forcing me to lay on the bathroom floor, screaming at me to stay down, and holding me at gunpoint. I couldn’t get up if I wanted to. I’m 75 years old, had three strokes and knee replacement, and can hardly walk. There was nothing I could do to help my pet.”

Unfortunately, Duke died a slow death. 

“They shot him with a shotgun in such a manner that he ran around in pain and bled all over the house and suffered a slow, cruel death. There was no reason for this kind of treatment, they killed my dog for no reason. This was the sweetest and most gentle animal anyone could want, I would trust him with a baby.”

That’s right folks, those officers wounded an animal that wasn’t a threat and then let it suffer.  The put the grandmother then in a car for an hour.  All of this was because evidently her grandson had placed two plants of marijuana on the her property.

They physically assaulted her and shot her dog over a plant of marijuana.  This is unsurprising given the comments from the police chief involved.

Again, when I asked Chief Colella if in fact officers with his WayneNET task force held a 75 year old grandmother at gunpoint on her bathroom floor, Chief Colella replied “I don’t care if she is 2 years old or 75 years old.”

Evidently the concept of reasonable use of force is lost upon this police chief and he obviously isn’t out to serve his community but would rather abuse, intimidate, and terrorize them.  Since you know heaven forbid the possibly use a brain about what is actually necessary.  Any man who would make such a statement has no business in law enforcement.

State Sponsored Criminal #401: John P. Colella

Because it doesn’t matter if it’s a baby or a grandmother, if we can shoot it we damn well will, unreasonable force be damned.

*If you would like to contact the Chief or his officers:

Macedon, NY Police Chief
and WayneNET Commander
John P. Colella
315-986-7103, -7262, -5932
E-mail: [email protected]

WayneNET Sgt.
Roger LaClair
(315) 947-9711

Chief Deputy
Bob Hetzke
(315) 946-9711

Feel free to link them here and let them know they have joined the ranks of State Sponsored Criminals.  However they’ll probably consider it an honor since it basically lets them get away with murder.

SSCC Honorable Mention–New York

A New York Police Department officer has been indicted in the shooting in February of an unarmed man who was pursued into his Bronx home amid a crackdown on street corner drug dealing, according to a law enforcement official.

Well at least he’s being charged.  The person shot is yet another victim on the war on nouns.  While there certainly appears that there was some chaos in that apartment, this definitely should be heading to a jury.  It’s not quite accountabilibuddyable as he hasn’t been terminated from the department yet.  There were no weapons found, however drugs were found according to an older article.  It also appears that even their superiors were questioning their actions from the beginning.

The Bronx district attorney and the Police Department’s Internal Affairs Bureau are investigating the shooting, but in interviews, more than a half-dozen police officials — from detectives to commanders — picked apart the decisions made that day by the members of the Street Narcotics Enforcement Unit, known as S.N.E.U., and raised troubling questions about their actions.

Is the war on nouns really worth killing others over as well as basically giving police a blank kill someone over pot card?  All of this is the inevitable result of these laws.  Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean you have to do it.

State Sponsored Criminal Honorable Mention: Ramarley Graham

Because a baggie of pot totally looks like a gun and is totally worth shooting someone over because you didn’t want to wait for someone else to “steal your glory”.

SSCC #184 – Bainbridge PD

Bainbridge police officer and Police Guild President Scott Weiss has been given a 160-hour suspension in lieu of termination after a Washington State Patrol investigation found that he followed Council member Kim Brackett to the home of Council member Bill Knobloch for “personal reasons.” According to a Notice of Discipline issued by City Manager Brenda Bauer and Police Chief Jon Fehlman, Weiss was on duty and in a patrol car when he followed Brackett after a meeting at City Hall in October of 2010.

Now this is a very creepy way to do some “investigative journalism”. Though it ends up he violated ethical guidelines and departmental policy..

The Notice of Discipline noted that Weiss’s actions were directed at leaders of his employing agency, and cited numerous violations of the Bainbridge Island Police Department Canon of Ethics and General Orders Manual.

Given his willingness to violate them and then blog about it, wouldn’t one deem it better for the public to actually fire his ass?

State Sponsored Criminal Count #184: Scott Weiss

Because ethics and general orders are really just a guideline and don’t really have to be followed.