Search Results for: node/tsa the children

I’m sure someone’s fuming

So I’m sure our opponents will go into PSH over the following:

The four hour course, which will be held this Saturday, January 12th, is recommended for children who received a new BB gun, shotgun or hunting rifle for Christmas or for those who may already have a gun.

Sheriff Steve Prator told Shreveport Times, “Children who will receive a gun for Christmas can try it for the first time in front of certified law enforcement academy firearms instructors.

That’s right folks, a Sheriff’s department is offering free firearms training to kids.  But it gets better, to cover the costs of the training some different sources have stepped up to the plate.

The course is free and is sponsored by donations from local citizens, Walmart, and local wholesalers.  Children without a gun can use a gun that will be supplied by the academy, according to Shreveport Times.

I’m sure our opponents are screaming how Walmart and other businesses should be buying back the guns from the kids.  How that if we keep them hidden and out of sight children will never find them or be curious about them.  At the same time though these individuals are more than happy to have them go through sex education, because you “know kids are curious and not talking about it won’t do anything to solve the problem.”

I’m sure someone else will scream how it’s insensitive given the recent school shootings, blah de blah blah blah.  At which point their hood and veil come off.  We see right through their lies into the bell of the beast.  This isn’t about making kids safer, this isn’t about stopping criminals, it is about banning firearms and control. Period.  They use the tragedy merely as an emotional crutch to support their agenda because they cannot support it with facts and logic.

Don’t believe me?  Let’s look at a conversation that happened over at Sebastian’s place.  I’m going to post it here because honestly, I don’t want it lost down in some thread in the comments, I want it front and center.  Especially with how it ended.  This is pretty long so I’m shoving it below the fold.  Here is a link to skip to the conclusion below the fold.

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The TSA is Pointless

So, Joe recently proved how useless the TSA is.  His backpack, which had explosives in it the month before, I was there as he packed it across the frozen tundra, passed screening with flying colors.  We’re not talking GSR here folks, were talking Ammonium Nitrate and Potassium Chlorate with some other fuels.   His other bags which also spend copious amounts of time passed with flying colors as well.

Then tonight Joe posts this wonderful graphic.  Posted here because it’s just that awesome.

TSA Waste
Created by:

The TSA is pointless and nothing but a security theater.  Their whole job is to make stupid people think that some how they’re safer while destroying their rights.  All the while figuring out how to steal money from their customers.

Don’t forget about all of these incidents, or the incidents of sexual predators.  Remember though, it’s all for your protection.  If you don’t like them molesting you, your wife, or your children, well too bad they’re the state and can do whatever the hell they want.  I’ve disowned and disassociated from anyone willing to work for the thugs, have you?

SSCC 128 – TSA

Here’s yet another unpossible, inconceivable addition from our infallible overlords at the TSA.

A Transportation Security Administration security officer is out on bail after he was arrested and charged with child pornography.

Remember, this is by no means the first time and it most certainly won’t be the last. The claims that they thoroughly screen their agents are yet again proved false.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 128 – Michael Scott Wilson

Because the real reason for the TSA is to acclimate our children and provide compliant victims under color of law for sexual predators.  It’s a security theater, it has nothing to do with security.

The TSA is on Fire Today

So evidently a TSA agent forgot about a firearm he was carrying.

A Transportation Safety Administration employee was taken into custody Tuesday after he unlawfully tried to bring a handgun into the secured area of Miami International Airport, police said.

According to the police report, Valdes admitted he knew it was illegal to bring a firearm into the airport and that he just “forgot.” He also said the gun was not registered and he did not have a concealed weapons permit.

(Emphasis Mine)  What is most scary though is he was hired and passed the TSA background checks, yet he didn’t apply for a Florida carry license?!  It makes me wonder if he was actually eligible for possession of the firearm.

The bottom line here is it just proves the failure of screening processes and gun control. They got lucky this time they caught him carrying the firearm.  How many times had he carried into the secure areas unnoticed?  

*I am reasonably sure this isn’t the first time an incident like this has occurred, however I cannot find any news record for it and I evidently didn’t blog it.  If you find or know of a previous incident, where a TSA agent was caught unlawfully carrying a firearm, please post it in the comments.


Peaks Jr. admitted he bribed a TSA agent, Dianna Perez, to let his
suitcase go through security screening for an American Airlines flight.
He and Perez also said that they had worked together before and that
several thousands of dollars had exchanged hands.

Don’t worry though folks because Peaks is not exactly hard off.

The son of Los Angeles’ former fire chief, Millage Peaks, has been
arrested for allegedly bribing a TSA agent to help him smuggle marijuana
on board a flight.

I guess all that public funding headed to his dad’s bank account wasn’t enough to keep this kid from becoming a gutter-ball. Given the exorbitant pay and benefits provided to public employee’s it’s hard for me to believe this kid had a “Hard Knock Life.”  Now back to the real crook.

Remember kiddos you’re being disarmed and sexually assaulted so that others can bribe their contraband through the security check point.  Remember thought the TSA’s screening procedure for new hires is so difficult, corruption like this is unpossible.

State Sponsored Criminal: #138 Dianna Perez

Spoiled Rotten Bratt: Millage Peaks

Because helping dealers smuggle nouns is just what the government does.

TSA Employees…

They’re not hired because they’re bright, intelligent, or honest.

TSA air marshal Adam Marshall was arrested by the Boston police department at 3:50 a.m. on Dec. 10 after he allegedly argued with members of Occupy, called some of them prostitutes, struck one of Occupy’s organizers and main tweeters in the face, grabbed her iPhone and then fled.

You know, I dislike the Occupy movement more than just about anyone.  That said, I’m not going to support anyone who goes in there, assaults people, and steals private property, even if I dislike the victim group.

He did it because, “I’m a TSA agent and work for the DHS, I’m invincible.”  Yeah, the TSA better fire his ass, and they better prosecute him to the full extent of the law.  If not I’m moving this one to the count.

*I do find it funny that all these people who bitch about how poor they are have 600 dollar phones with expensive service plans.

**It’s not in the count because he wasn’t on duty and currently he does not appear to be benefiting from his job.


Don’t believe me that the TSA is a criminal enterprise sponsored by the state?  Or do you think my comment was off base that the higher ups are only upset when their employees are caught?  Well think again.

The couple contacted TSA to see if security cameras are in place to prevent employees from taking people’s belongings after they go behind closed doors. LaFlamme said she was told no.

A TSA spokesperson told us out of security concerns they couldn’t disclose that information.

Now it wasn’t the smartest idea to put money in your checked baggage, but if you can’t transport valuables in your luggage what is it there for?  Seriously, I remember when I could have a hard suitcase with my own lock that no one else had access to. 

Now you have a bunch of thieves watching x-ray machines for cash and valuables.  They have a stamp from the government that allows them to steal from your bag and the government does nothing to prevent the thefts.  Anything they could do they discount in the name of “National Security.” 

This coming from the same agency that labels me a domestic terrorist.  Yeah, still think we need this crooked agency around?

State Sponsored Criminal Count 246: John Doe

Because when you provide people the opportunity to commit a crime, they wouldn’t do it because they’re honest hard working government employees right?

SSCC #252 – TSA

Imagine that, the only people really shocked at this are the sheep who still think the TSA still has something to do with “safety”.

Authorities say a Transportation Security Administration agent has
stolen $5,000 from a passenger as he was going through security at a New
York City airport.

Now, it was in the passengers coat going through the X-Ray, not in his luggage.  Well I hear a bunch of you crying to maintain possession of the money except the TSA requires people to remove even money belts.  How serious are they about that fact, they forced an elderly woman to remove her back brace, against TSA policy, thinking it was a money belt.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 252: Alexandra Schmid

Because when you’re the creme of the crop and still paid minimum wage, you should take forcible donations from those you rule over.