Remember, There’s No Bias Though…

A woman wearing an MIT t-shirt was barred from voting Florida, according to a local report. MIT stands for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, not Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

That’s right folks, a poll watcher attempted, she was eventually allowed to vote, to stop someone because they were wearing a college shirt for one of the best engineering schools in the country.  Now why do I say there’s no bias, well lets look at this:

It took a court order from a judge to get that covered up.  Even then though the Obama campaign logo is still visible.  It gets better though because lets look at Florida:

Yet the poll watchers do nothing.  They are however more than happy to jump at someone wearing a MIT shirt.

I am a firm believer in the Soap-Box, Ballot-Box, and Cartridge-Box.  Even the UN poll watchers, which I think honestly have no business being here, are astonished that we don’t show ID.  Yet fearless leader and his supporters claim that requiring ID would be discriminatory against a fundamental right.

Interestingly those same people are more than willing to require my ID and a pile of paperwork for me to exercise my enumerated right to own a firearm.

Honestly on a national level, I have absolutely no faith in the ballot system any more.  There’s a reason people don’t want ID’s shown, it’s the only way they can maintain control and survive since it widens the margin of cheat.  My soap-box is working, my cartridge-box still works, I’m finding my ballot-box though extremely suspect.

The Day Has Finally Arrived


Liquor was the only way I could cause my rage to dull enough to actually finish filling the bastard out.  Currently the spread in Washington is so large on the federal level there was no point in me even voting for Romney.  Someone told me it was a wasted vote for Johnson, and for a while Bill Whittle almost had me.  Except I remember it matters on the state level and the electoral college.  What is interesting though is since I was free to vote my conscience as I don’t live in a battle ground state it was anything but wasted.  For those who really aren’t aware of what the margin of cheat is here in Washington State, there’s a reason I regularly joke, “Re-elect Dino Rossi”.


Could we make 5%, maybe, who knows, but a lot of people are voting against Obama more than they’re really voting for Romney.  The people do want change, they want to ditch the current two parties.

Other interesting things about the better half’s ballot as well as my own.  Since Washington State allows write in choices I made sure to exercise it where applicable.  For instance the incumbent for my congressional rep, who I actually prefer over her opponent, voted to renew the patriot act.  Well I sure wasn’t going to vote for her opponent because there’s no doubt he would have done the same, so instead we voted for her opponent in the primary.

Next there were some Judges, one of whom we really didn’t like because of a ruling from 2004 which is equivalent to holding a gun manufacturer liable for what someone does with their product.  We voted for Henry Bowman instead for that particular judge. If you don’t get the reference, I suggest you do a bit of reading, you can find it for free in some places digitally.  Dagney Taggart was the write in for the second judge.

My personal favorite was a particular judge who I had the “pleasure” of being a defendant in his court room was also up for reelection, unopposed I might add, so instead we voted for Ellis Wyatt.

So yes, some may give me crap and say I wasted my vote.  To those who would say I did that, prove it.  Prove that some how my vote would have closed a 10% gap in the state of Washington and some how defeated the margin of cheat.

No instead I came out wit ha clean conscience and was able voice my dissent through the electoral process where necessary.  Overall it’s no ones business how we voted, but here’s the thing.  I’m not ashamed of how I voted because I stood up for what I believed in.

A Fitting Poem…

Read this and remember Benghazi.

THEY shall not return to us, the resolute, the young,
The eager and whole-hearted whom we gave:
But the men who left them thriftily to die in their own dung,
Shall they come with years and honour to the grave?
They shall not return to us; the strong men coldly slain
In sight of help denied from day to day:
But the men who edged their agonies and chid them in their pain,
Are they too strong and wise to put away?
Our dead shall not return to us while Day and Night divide–
Never while the bars of sunset hold.
But the idle-minded overlings who quibbled while they died,
Shall they thrust for high employments as of old?
Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour:
When the storm is ended shall we find
How softly but how swiftly they have sidled back to power
By the favour and contrivance of their kind?
Even while they soothe us, while they promise large amends,
Even while they make a show of fear,
Do they call upon their debtors, and take counsel with their friends,
To conform and re-establish each career?
Their lives cannot repay us–their death could not undo–
The shame that they have laid upon our race.
But the slothfulness that wasted and the arrogance that slew,
Shell we leave it unabated in its place?

-Rudyard Kipling, Mesopotamia 1917

I seriously want to cry.  It is however a solid reminder, that history can and does repeat itself and it seems so much like nothing ever changes.

Overheard in the TMM Castle…

The Minutewoman: So evidently Joe Biden was joking about running for president in 2016.

Myself: (makes a funny face) I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Seriously that isn’t funny, that’s not a joke, that’s just disturbing.  The idea of another four years of fearless leader is bad enough, but following that up with the tyranny of Plugs is unbelievably disturbing.

As it is I keep hoping I will wake up from this nightmare but instead it just keeps getting worse.

If you don’t get the reference for my quote above:

Though I think this version is even funnier:

Yes, it’s a parody of this song.

Over Reliance Can Get You Killed…

Over reliance on both the government and technology can get you killed.  Why would I combine the two, well fearless leader has an over reliance on technology which he then passed onto his drones in the middle of a disaster area.

When President Barack Obama urged Americans under siege from Hurricane Sandy to stay inside and keep watch on for the latest, he left out something pretty important — where to turn if the electricity goes out.

Despite the heightened expectation of widespread power and cable television failures, everyone from the president to local newscasters seem to expect the public to rely entirely on the Internet and their TVs for vital news and instructions.

Because complex interconnected systems are reliable when operating out of the their normal range of operation?  Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t to say that social media and the internet isn’t a tool worthy of use or note.  What I am saying is it is not the only tool in the tool box.  Seriously, if you’re power goes out, the only internet connection you’d have left is your smart phone.  Smart phone batteries don’t last forever, especially after you take an update from Google and removes battery saving features, I digress.

The point is  about the most reliable form of emergency communication is radio.  Period, full stop, end of discussion.  AM Radios can be built that do not require extensive antennas or even batteries.  I have handheld HAM radios that no only work on the HAM bands but can also receive shortwave radio sent from thousands of miles away.

That’s the thing about radio, it can be broadcast from outside the disaster area.  All you need within the disaster area is a capable receiver, which most are small compact, and some are even battery free.  Take these for example that I found on Amazon* (not visible in RSS).

Reliance on cellphones, while you can certainly get  hand crank chargers doesn’t mean your cell towers will stay in operation.  Cellular signals are on a shorter wavelength and will not travel as far.  Now most cellular sites have 72 hours of emergency power, but this also assumes their back haul remains active and intact.

I find it unbelievable how over reliant people are on technology to protect them and save them.  Yes it can help you survive, but just like a firearm it isn’t some magic talisman that will save you.  You need to understand how it works so you know it’s limitations.  You need to be familiar with how it can fail so you know what you need to do for plan B or C.

Yes you may not be able to communicate out for help but I have some bad news on the cell phone front during a disaster.  It will probably fail, like it has done in NYC.  Even if you have signal it probably wont work.  For example during the Nisqually Quake in 2001 communications throughout the Puget Sound went down, even emergency dispatch centers lost their primary radios.  Cell phones for the most part were dead, mainly because they were jammed with people trying to communicate in the area.    I got lucky and was able to make a connection to a location 300 miles away, local calls I got nothing.

The key is this, do not count on anything that requires established infrastructure in an emergency.  You could easily lose radio towers however, temporary antennas are easily set up to replace them.  This again was proven during the Nisqually Quake when emergency HAM nets were activated and operationally moving traffic throughout the Puget Sound in under 30 minutes after the quake.

So, have a plan, plan on that plan failing.  No plan survives first contact with the enemy.  Being able to communicate out is a very nice tool to have, but for most instances you just need to be able to hear and receive traffic.

*This is not an endorsement of these products, I have not used them.

Quote of the Day – Tyrone Woods (10/29/2012)

It’s better to die a hero than live a coward.

Tyrone Woods – A message to Barack Obama.

Here’s video of his statement.

[OldNFO has a post up with some discussion on the topic.  One of the conclusions reached is this:

Based on what we’ve been going back and forth on, I think the bottom line is they didn’t put assets in because of the perception in ME/muslim that it would have been an INVASION of Libya.

Personally I find that one of two options, the second of which is almost unfathomable to me.  However given this President’s cowering before the enemy and his indecisiveness in sending a team after Osama Bin Laden option B for me isn’t out.  Option B, he wanted to give something to the enemy without looking weak to the American public.

Considering Obama has referred to this as “a bump in the road” and our response as being “sub-optimal”, he knows damn well what happened and what was going on.  Even while attempting to distract attention and blame it on a video instead of calling it what it was.  An organized terrorist attack.

At best Obama is a coward.  At worst he is a domestic enemy and traitor.  -B]

But I thought It Had Popular Support!?

Conversely, not even André Carson, holder of an hereditary sinecure in the Bluest district in Indiana south of the Chicago ‘burbs is coming out and saying "and I voted for Obamacare!" in commercials otherwise gloatingly touting his Bolshevist voting record in Congress since he took the seat over from the embalmed corpse of his grandma.

Tam“Instead of the cross,the Albatross / About my neck was hung”

[I find it interesting that Obamacare and many of the negative effects that are screaming up on us quite fast are being ignored and suppressed.  Last night I noticed something very interesting since I hadn’t bothered to connect the dots between this and this.  To save you some reading one links to the fact that taxes will be increasing for 51% of the population come January.  The other links to the fact that people working 40 hour weeks without healthcare will probably all the sudden be working 29 hour weeks.

Think about that, tax burden is increasing, by government regulation, and hours are going to end up being cut because of government regulation.  It’s the low income worker who is really getting the short straw here and it’s not businesses doing the screwing, it’s the government.  Their main lever to do it, Obamacare.  The sad thing is I don’t ever see them actually killing it. –B ]

Romney and The Lesser of Two Evils Argument…

Bill Whittle on the problem of principles and wanting to vote 3rd party and the upcoming election.  It is definitely worth a watch.

Sadly he’s right.  I would rather vote third-party, except as Bill Whittle says doing so enables the greater evil.

The closing comment from Bill Whittle is right:

The fundamental difference between these two men is Mitt Romney loves America and Barack Obama is determined to destroy America.

No matter what we’re not reversing the slope this election.  The best we can do is lessen it to try to pull back.  I am principled enough that I cannot fool myself into thinking that voting for a third-party exempts me from my responsibility regarding the health and well-being of this country.