Our own worst enemies

Seriously folks, we are our own worst enemies.


Pardon my straight face but I spent this morning searching for where the NRA is supporting the compromise.  Seriously  I went through all the NRA-ILA feed again trying to find it.  Tried to find it using Google.  Lastly I sent an email to Sebastian asking him to confirm this stance if possible.

I did find this which I am reposting in full just to illustrate the sheer “WTFO!?” moment I had when I saw the above image on Facebook.

Dear Senator,

I am writing regarding the National Rifle Association’s position on several firearms-related proposals under consideration in the Senate.

S. 649, the “Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013”, introduced on March 21, contains a number of provisions that would unfairly infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.  This legislation would criminalize the private transfer of firearms by honest citizens, requiring friends, neighbors and many family members to get government permission to exercise a fundamental right or face prosecution. The NRA is unequivocally opposed to S. 649.

In addition, the NRA will oppose any amendments offered to S. 649 that restrict fundamental Second Amendment freedoms; including, but not limited to, proposals that would ban commonly and lawfully owned firearms and magazines or criminalize the private transfer of firearms through an expansion of background checks.  This includes the misguided “compromise” proposal drafted by Senators Joe Manchin, Pat Toomey and Chuck Schumer.  As we have noted previously, expanding background checks, at gun shows or elsewhere, will not reduce violent crime or keep our kids safe in their schools.  Given the importance of these issues, votes on all anti-gun amendments or proposals will be considered in NRA’s future candidate evaluations.

Rather than focus its efforts on restricting the rights of America’s 100 million law-abiding gun owners, there are things Congress can do to fix our broken mental health system; increase prosecutions of violent criminals; and make our schools safer.  During consideration of S. 649, should one or more amendments be offered that adequately address these important issues while protecting the fundamental rights of law-abiding gun owners, the NRA will offer our enthusiastic support and consider those votes in our future candidate evaluations as well.

We hope the Senate will replace the current provisions of S. 649 with language that is properly focused on addressing mental health inadequacies; prosecuting violent criminals; and keeping our kids safe in their schools.  Should it fail to do so, the NRA will make an exception to our standard policy of not “scoring” procedural votes and strongly oppose a cloture motion to move to final passage of S. 649.

Chris W. Cox

Tell me, where in that letter does it say the NRA is accepting the “compromise”?  An hour ago the NRA-ILA feed was posting information about the possible filibuster from Paul and the other Republicans.

There was another comment from the NRA-ILA as well, found via Sabastian.

Expanding background checks at gun shows will not prevent the next shooting, will not solve violent crime and will not keep our kids safe in schools. While the overwhelming rejection of President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg’s “universal” background check agenda is a positive development, we have a broken mental health system that is not going to be fixed with more background checks at gun shows. The sad truth is that no background check would have prevented the tragedies in Newtown, Aurora or Tucson. We need a serious and meaningful solution that addresses crime in cities like Chicago, addresses mental health deficiencies, while at the same time protecting the rights of those of us who are not a danger to anyone. President Obama should be as committed to dealing with the gang problem that is tormenting honest people in his hometown as he is to blaming law-abiding gun owners for the acts of psychopathic murderers.

That isn’t a statement to accept it, it’s a statement of, if you’re serious about fixing “the problem” then actually do so!

Why do we need to drive a wedge between gun owners for particular groups?  More specifically why do some people feel the need to spread lies and falsehoods to vilify those who are on the same side?  What service does that do other than damage those who support you?

Seriously folks, don’t believe everything you see, especially on Facebook and even the blogs.  Not everyone spends time and effort trying to confirm or disprove the facts.  Just because it has a thousand likes, or has been shared hundreds of times doesn’t make it true.

Update from Sebastian: The Graham Bill clarified mental adjudication and is perceived,  at least by him, it was an attempt to get Dems to bite on something.  When it comes to vote vs. filibuster, since the NRA will be scoring cloture on S. 649, they would like to put some of these folks on record to hang them in 2014 and 2016.  NAGR is merely criticizing because they don’t have the risks or ability to decide strategically what happens in this fight.

*My comments on the email I got from Sebastian.  It makes sense but I have NOT found anything to confirm that the NRA is against the filibuster either.  Honestly I think this was just a big fat troll to drive a wedge.

Quote of the Day – Michael Bane(4/9/2012)

Yes, the words of victims have special poignancy, but what they don’t have is any special truth. Grief drives us to look toward the heavens and demand an answer from any nearby Deity. Grief drives us to demand a solution to the fundamental insoluble problem, which is that the world is as it is. Bad things happen, often to good people, and grief drives us to…do something.

To me there is no greater sin…and I use the word “sin” specifically…than harnessing grief to serve a crass political agenda.

Michael BaneRIVERDANCE With Blood

April 9th, 2012

[QTFMFT!  The other side of this debate points at us as if we are heartless and have absolutely no empathy with the victims.  That is merely a tactic they use to dehumanize their “enemy”.

We know that being a victim doesn’t make you magically knowledgeable about a subject.  We know that the only thing it does is give you the perspective of being a victim.  It doesn’t mean that because you say “Doing X” will actually make it better.  Other than being a victim, what supporting facts and evidence do they have?

This comes right back to the rules for coping with tragedy.

There are those who hate those rules because emotion is the only argument they have. -B]


Breaking News, Brady Campaign Admits What We All Knew

The Brady Campaign is now finally admitting that they would like to see a total confiscation of firearms.

In a surprising turn of events today the Brady Campaign issued the following press statement through email.

In light of the recent events at Sandy Hook along with the rampant gun violence seen through out America we think the time has finally come for American’s to lay down their arms.

There is no need for any type of bullet spewing machine in this day and age.  One has cell phones and can easily call the police if trouble should arise.  Guns only serve as a tool to harm innocents, including the young man just trying to get money to support his habit.

It is for this reason we support the acts proposed in Congress and would like to see the government take the arms of the American people if they are not willing to lay them down voluntarily.  Any person who would own a firearm is not an American, but a terrorist who wishes harm and violence upon them.

This is an extreme change in position of the past years where repeatedly the Brady Campaign would insist over and over than no one was out to take anyone’s firearms.  That the only changes they sought were “common sense” and would aid in keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals.

This press statement however has not indicated how this action will improve or change their perspective relevance in the current fight on gun control.

I will post more information as it comes in.

Note this was posted on April 1st and is a joke. Though it does serve as an additional reminder of Poe’s law.

Quote of the Day – Kelly Grayson (3/29/2013)

Why yes, that is a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy holding an AR15. Because that’s just how we roll down here in Bitter Clingerville.

Kelly GraysonTin Can Assassin*
March 28th, 2013

[First, go over and read the post and look at the pictures.

Yes, that AR-15 is so unwieldy according to Joe Biden that it should be banned yet all those features allow that wonderful little girl* to experience the same fun as the rest of us.

I will say it is stories like Kelly’s that builds an unbelievable fire in my belly to the point of wanting to just fight this battle with a scorched earth policy.  The thought of Mr. Biden or any other person telling that little girl that she has no reason for that rifle does nothing by make my blood boil.

These people don’t care about safety, violence or the rest of it.  They merely hate firearms, the people who own them, and ultimately what firearms represent.

While I like Kelly’s version, I think I like mine better because it emphasizes my feelings on the subject without any question as to my meaning.

Why yes, that is a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy holding an AR15. Because that’s just how we roll down here in Bitter Clingerville fuck you that’s why!

I suppose since this is Kelly’s daughter he was trying to avoid a 4 letter expletive, frankly the though of people trying to take away her tools and what she’s accomplished pisses me right the hell off.  Not only does it piss me off, but there is no “why” necessary when teaching someone a skill and watching them excel at it, especially when it provides them enjoyment.

*Given Kelly has many of the same online friends as well as knows some of the same people from Meat Space as myself, as well as reading his accounts of Katy Beth, I can only assume she is as awesome as she looks in the picture. -B]

Quote of the Day – Colion Noir (3/28/2013)

Gun control isn’t a solution, it’s a band-aid on a bullet hole.

Colion Noir

[First watch the video, it’s very well put and well said.  Second, save it in your back pocket the next time some bleeding heart starts crying at you.

I’ve grown tired of wasting my time with most of these people.  They are nothing more than tyrants who support the corruption and destruction of freedom by Bloomberg and his ilk.  They attempt to hide under the guise of caring, but honestly they don’t.  -B]

Quote of the Day – Robert Steed (3/25/2013)

The Constitution did not guarantee public safety, it guaranteed liberty.  And sometimes what comes with liberty is tragedy, unfortunately.

Robert Steed
March 14th, 2013

[His whole speech was fantastic, but that quote was down right priceless.

DFS!  I must say he was also very well spoken.  Well done and said sir!  -B]

h/t Sebastian.

Quote of the Day–John Klein (3/23/2013)

If I had known this would come from those mags, I would have purchased them for that sole purpose.

John Klein – IM Conversation

March 22nd, 2013

[The magazines in question can be seen here.  Screen shot is below, though it’s worth clicking over just to read the whole debate it started (I will include the best part).


You can probably already guess who the problem child was in that threat of comments.  Read through them the debate was interesting even if honestly it fits the script I’ve seen 100 times.  Seriously I don’t know how they do it but I swear every “debate” goes through the exact same evolution. The kicker though is during that evolution they always do the same thing at one particular point.


And that folks, ended the debate.  Seriously, he stayed quite after that.  Though there is one other comment that frankly had me laughing my ass off.


I think Matthew’s final observation there nails it.  I gave plenty of counter anecdotal evidence along with information he could independently verify.  Instead he alluded to the idea that John and I are compensating for something.  Yup, that’s the sign of the winning argument there. –B]

Quote of the Day: Michael Bane (3/22/2013)

Of course, you’ve got to pay your attorney, and because your car, guns and magazines were “seized for cause,” that is, the property was confiscated because you in fact broke a law, you will probably get your car back, but Denver and surrounding municipalities have a policy that NO guns “seized for cause” will be returned.

That’s the minor “inconvenience” that the Governor says is definitely worth inflicting on law-abiding Colorado citizens for a law that will, according to B-Ho’s own Justice Department says will have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on crime.

Michael BaneColorado ClusterF%$k

March 21st, 2013

[If you want a clue at the real intent of these laws, look no further than New York and this recent discovery:

Nearly a year before signing the nation’s most stringent gun control measure into law, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched a hotline that allows state residents to report illegal gun owners in exchange for a $500 reward.

Tell me, if this was really about lowering violent crime rates, why not actually offer that reward for catching people actually doing bad things?  Instead they created this broad bill that criminalizes every gun owner and are encouraging neighbors to stab each other in the back.

Here’s a tip for anyone living in that crap hole, get a 30 round mag from across the border and toss it in your local representatives car and have someone else call it in.  Even better toss it in their spouses car.  Even better if they’re a Fudd and just more than willing to throw you under the bus while they enjoy the rights they would deny you like Gabby Giffords and her husband.

There is no question in the intent of these laws, doubly so as the people supporting them also scream about confiscation. Next time someone tells you they’re not out to confiscate weapons, call bullshit.  There’s enough on the table now that anyone who says that is merely lying or not paying attention.  Frankly if you’re not paying attention, STFU, you have no business talking with regards to this conversation. –B ]