SSCC #400 – LAPD

What else can I say?  These two officers felt they could get away with this because they weren’t being recorded.  Even now though I doubt they will be fired, at most they will receive “sensitivity training”.

The officers, whose names were not given, were placed on desk duty while the department investigated the alleged beatdown.

State Sponsored Criminal #400: Officer John Doe #1 and #2

Because a cell phone violation totally means you should be the living hell out of a woman and then fist bump afterwards, happy that you were able to do so.

Umm, no sparky…

So Mr. Biden went out today and said the following:

VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: They’ve said it. Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the—he said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules–unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains. He’s said he’s going to do nothing about stopping the practice of outsourcing…

Ok sparky, I know you’re a little slow so I’ll try and make this patently obvious.

You and your buddies are the ones putting us in chains.

Let’s get something straight, the definition of slavery involves an involuntary relationship.  IE the government taking more taxes out of its citizenry.  I am free to enter or not enter into business with banks or other institutions.  Likewise I wish that you meddling monkeys would keep your nose out of it and let the companies that are more promiscuous than that of a whore in a whore house fall flat on their face when their VD finally catches up with them.

The fact is numb nut, it is you and your buddy Fearless Leader which have laid chains upon us by forcing us enter into business with merchants.  In so doing you have also engineered the system into failing so that in the end, Our Enemy the State will be our master.

You see I am forced to pay taxes at gun point, even if you waste and squander money in ways I consider frivolous.  I am now forced to buy health care as well, and failure to do so results in me further paying my Uncle that has absolutely no fiscal sense.

I can make my choice of who I take a loan from.  In so doing it is my responsibility to understand the terms and conditions of that loan.  If a moron runs out and buys a house he can’t afford, well that’s his damn problem.  He placed himself in those chains voluntarily.

You however Mr. Vice President have worked with your friend the President to lay upon us a very heavy set of chains.  Frankly sir, I wish the two of you would do us both a favor and Fuck Off.  I didn’t ask for any of this bull shit yet I’m being stuck with the bill.

As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to you and President Shithook, you both are nothing more than forcefully enslaving the working middle class.  Go to hell you pretentious dick.

The Minuteman

P.S. I don’t like the alternative any better, but the one upshot is with Romney the media will finally do it’s damn job again.

P.P.S. You have no room to talk about Ryan’s budget because at least the fucker had one.  You and your cohorts haven’t had a budget in 3 years.  You know why?  Because you’re worse than a sailor on liberty in a whore house!

</end rant> Shit I need a beer.

SSCC #385–St. Paul

A St. Paul, Minnesota family claims in a lawsuit that police officers who conducted a wrong-door raid on their home shot their dog, and then forced their three handcuffed children to sit near the dead pet while officers ransacked the home.

Words fail to express my rage.  I shall do as Weer’d said and let it speak for itself.

State Sponsored Criminal #385: The St. Paul Minnesota SWAT Team

Because you need to teach little Timmy and Tiffany to obey their perverted Uncle Sam at an early age, and if you plug their dog and make them lay next to it, the next time Pedo-bear TSA agent molest them they’ll ignore it because they don’t want their new Sparky to take a bullet.

h/t Popehat

Irony, It is Strong With This

So I got an email from a friend this afternoon pointing me to a particular government document.  He told me to check out the new additions at the end.  We had both filled them out previously while at the NROTC Unit, and while I try to keep mine up to date in case it’s need for a future employment opportunity, the last time I looked at the form was in 2009 updating information after buying our house.

Well it has gone from 13 pages to 127 pages since the last I looked, but what is most interesting is the addition of Section 29.


That wasn’t too bad but I started laughing hysterically when I arrived at 29.5.

Tell me, how can one work for the DEA, FBI or god forbid the ATF and honestly answer that question with a “No”?  Doubly entertaining is this is a form geared towards protecting national security.  So the question of your association record is really this:

Have you EVER been a member of an organization that advocates or practices commission of acts of force or violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution or any state of the United States with the specific intent to further such action? Any organization that is a part of, or under the direct guidance of the US Government is excepted.

Think about it, any law enforcement agency that has turned the other way when caught physically assaulting people lawfully exercising their rights is guilty of that violation.  Our government, more specifically people in its employ, has gone well beyond he limitations set out within the Constitution, yet they are exempted from being held accountable for their abuses.  Most entertaining though is the ATF and Operation Fast and Furious since it meets the definition provided by them in almost a textbook fashion.

What I find most entertaining is I have no doubt that should the day ever come I need to file this paper work I know this blog will be scavenged and the interviewer will use this commentary against me.  The DHS for example has classified me as a possible terrorist through numerous methods even though I have never associated with, thought about or attempted an act of terrorism.  Yet a real act of terrorism is merely PTSD and I’m the real threat.

Yeah that realization stopped any laughter and humor I was feeling from the irony.  It is becoming more and more obvious that the government is doing everything it can to further the wedge between itself and the people.  I need a drink.

SSCC #382–Los Angeles

“I felt 300 pounds on my neck,” Brooks told reporters at NBC Los Angeles. Brooks, a volunteer employee at THC Downtown Collective, a Long Beach, CA medical marijuana dispensary, was arrested June 19 during a police raid of the pot shop. Footage from the dispensary’s security camera reveals a brutal bust, including cops walking on Brooks’ back and standing on his neck, while officers prepare to handcuff the suspect. “I just felt violated and disrespected,” said the 28-year-old volunteer, one of five arrested in the raid. “We got beat up and arrested for a citation that’s equivalent to someone jaywalking.”

Even less surprising is the fact that the officers also destroyed the surveillance equipment.  Tell me, why would an officer do that?  My immediate guess is to steal pot without evidence against him for own personal use.  There’s only one reason cops destroy surveillance equipment and that is to make sure they’re not recorded when they’re breaking the law.

Overall this is nothing more than state level cronyism when you see the following:

Although police admit the dispensary was compliant with California state law, Long Beach PD said the raid was ordered because the store was operating without a city permit. The attorney for Dorian Brooks, however, argued that the city of Long Beach denied owners a permit, and makes it increasingly difficult for dispensaries like THC Downtown Collective to get one.

State Sponsored Criminal #381:

Because honest up right cops just don’t like being recorded right?  I mean they’re honest so they don’t need to be recorded, they’re just doing their job right?

h/t Uncle

How Fear, Not Fact, Informs the Gun Rights Debate

Wonderful video from Reason TV the truth behind the gun rights debate.

I find this a great addition to go along with this video I’ve used numerous times previously:

Then again, most of these people who fall into the irrational panic state don’t seem to understand the benefit of discussion occurring while you’re calm and rational.  Their coping mechanism for tragedy is to “Do Something,” even if that something actually causes more people to die they feel better because the did something.

I did see a video this weekend and I think I’m going to have to get together with some friends and script out a response.

SSCC #380 & #381 – Tacoma

KIRO TV’s investigative unit has discovered Tacoma police used force to arrest and handcuff an innocent deaf woman after she called 911 for their help.

Instead of an apology, she ended up bloody and in jail for  early three days without an interpreter before a prosecutor declined to press charges.  

This whole incident is all sorts of fail and can easily be broken down as an officer was quick to resort to his taser without using his brain.  Then after screwing the pooch on that front they doubled down on stupid.

 State law on the employment of ASL interpreters for deaf suspects is clear. 

RCW 2.42.120 (4)requires law enforcement agencies conducting an investigation to “appoint and pay for a qualified interpreter throughout the investigation.”

RCW 2.42.120 (5) states “If a hearing impaired person is arrested for an alleged violation of a criminal law, the arresting officer or the officer’s supervisor shall, at the earliest possible time, procure and arrange payment for a qualified interpreter for any notification of rights, warning, interrogation, or taking of a statement. No employee of the law enforcement agency who has responsibilities other than interpreting may be appointed as a qualified interpreter.”

Basically these officers played the game of CYA and ended up violating more laws because of it.  There’s a reason the prosecutor didn’t file charges, no jury in the world would convict.  Further she probably saw the civil suit writing on the wall.  This ends up in the full count because of the following:

White said despite her repeated requests to police for a certified ASL interpreter, one was never provided.

The story is complex and the officers at the scene clearly had a different point of view.  KIRO 7 Investigators have tried to get their explanation for six weeks and while we’ve talked to Tacoma Police on the phone they would not respond to the allegations.  We’ve also sent them emails and left several messages. 

If Tacoma police want to explain their side of the story, we’ll have a follow-up. 

There is no doubt that the Tacoma Police will not be punishing the officers involved and will do nothing to mediate or resolve the situation they have created.  This is a textbook case of the state sponsoring its own criminals.

State Sponsored Criminal #380: Ryan Koskovich

#381: Michael Young

Because you immediately jump to the taser when you know there is a deaf woman involved.  Further, after finding out you tasered an innocent, you charge her with a crime and hold her against the law without an interpreter or informing your supervisor she’s deaf.  Because the police don’t have to follow the law, they are the law.

Quote of the Day – Say Uncle (8/3/2012)

The real outrage in this is that two elected officials threatened the president under color of law for expressing his views. That’s what you should be mad about. I’ll continue my boycott of Chicago and MA.

Say UncleChick Fellatio
August 3, 2012

[The other day Popehat posted a link on twitter and I had the urge to comment but let it subside.  My main contention with the linked content was this though:

Don’t you dare say that you’re just supporting Dan Cathy’s freedom of speech and religious expression. While there may be some of you who actually do care about the First Amendment working for everyone, I would like to know where you were when:

At which point he goes into a list of places that have been boycotted for their views one way or another.  I have to disagree and here’s why.

I, like most American’s, only become involved when I feel that something affects me.  I didn’t see the LGBT community come and participate with the Starbucks buycott for example.  I’m sure there was overlap as I know that Gay Cynic probably participated but as a whole the groups are not tied together at the hip.  I would in general do my best to support someone, but I will not expend energy in going out of my way as I will with places who forbid concealed carry for example.

What has happened here is that a large number of people are supporting Chick-Fil-A, not because of the owners stance on Gay marriage.  That is an entirely separate debate and my position can be summed thusly:

The state has no business being involved in marriage.  As for the legal rights provided by marriage between partners, who cares if they’re both male or female.  Everyone deserves the same legal rights and it is no one’s business to judge anyone else for their choices.

Moving on though this situation was aggravated by two political individuals.  Namely the mayors of Chicago and Boston.  These two individuals attempted to use the force of state to punish a company and its owner for voicing their opinion.  While I disagree with that opinion, they had every right to say it without the threat or use of force from government.  That is the problem, these politicians were using government to silence speech.  It wasn’t a separate part of the public attempting to shame the company for their opinion, it was the state.  The fact that they were using government to influence or control speech is a blatant violation of the first amendment and is worthy of note because what is to stop either of them saying I cannot conduct business because of my outspoken support of the second amendment?  It doesn’t have to even be about the second amendment though, it could be anything they disagree with.

I am by no means the only one with this view as well.  This is very much a free speech issue because the state should not be allowed to disallow businesses from operation based on the opinions and speech of their owners or employees.

I live in Washington and there is no Chick-Fil-A out here.  Overall I probably wouldn’t go if there was, but given the behavior of a few tyrannical politician’s I would give patronage just to show my support.  That’s exactly what those politicians did by doing that.  They drove people to patronize that business merely because the government was intimidating them. -B]