Stage 2 – Anger

It appears that many of our opponents are moving on from denial to anger.  Via Gun Free Zone comes this example:

image via Gun Free Zone

 Slowly more and more of our opponents are going to leave the realm of denial and move toward anger.  Even Sebastian is noting that they are beginning to “behave like angry children”.

On Today

Initially I wasn’t going to put up a post regarding today.  Then I went over to Weer’d’s place and read his post.  I was about to write a comment but instead I realized it was growing into a post.  Here’s what I wrote before I pulled the plug.

I haven’t forgotten, I may or may not put up a post this year.

Yesterday I was embracing the suck and someone was all too unhappy about it. You see our Federal overlords have declared everyone and their mother suspected terrorists for things as innocuous as going about their daily business.  Things such as using cash for a transaction.

I do remember that day.  I remember it quite well.  I remember staring at the TV in disbelief as I watched what was happening live as I prepared to go to school.  I remember the freedom and liberty I had prior to that day.  I also remember hour our government reacted.  They have reacted to the point where they label me with the same title as those monsters.  By god if they’re going to stick me with that title, I am going to embrace the suck and drag the meaning of that word right straight down.

Thanks to the behavior of our modern government, in 2001 terrorists were responsible for that atrocious act.  In 2012, the best that can be said is it was done by evil.  By monsters who despise and hate us.  The title of terrorist no longer fits because according to our overlords, those who fight these monsters are terrorists as well.

Every year on this day I used to be angry at just those who attacked us.  Angry at those who took the lives of so many innocent people.

As the years progressed though I found my anger including others.  While I am still mainly angry at the men who started this snow ball, I am just as angry at the American politicians for exploiting this tragedy for a power grab.  At the same time I am angry because the American people have been complacent with it.

The biggest difference for the majority of America between now and September 10th, 2001 is that we have considerably less freedom now than we did then.  Some would argue that “it was necessary” and it keeps us safe.  The only thing is, it doesn’t do anything to actually make you safe, it just makes a bunch of sheep feel safe.

Today is a day of mourning.  Mourning for not only those we lost, but an ideology that is slowly being destroyed, all in the name of the “War on Terrorism.”  Most of the things on the above list are things that I do as well as many of my friends.  Hell, you can go through all the flyers for different types of flyer’s here.

When you start labeling normal behavior as a “potential terrorist action” why don’t you just admit that you think anyone who isn’t just a good little sheep a terrorist that needs to be put down?

I would further like to note, the mere fact I’m willing to voice this dissenting opinion probably gets me labeled a terrorist as well.  See, they don’t outlaw speech anymore, they just tell you what you said makes you either a racist or a terrorist.  Isn’t all this freedom we have nice?  Never mind that the government actually fits the real definition of the word terrorist.

*I think I need to get one of these T-Shirts to wear on September 11th every year from now on.

Quote of the Day-Bill Quick(9/7/2012)

I live in California which means I am living in prison.

Bill Quick – Comment at Gun Blogger Rendezvous

[The most common reply to someone at GBR when they say they’re from California is either “I’m sorry” or “My Condolences.”  This comment was made while talking to a representative from the NRA when he was asking about what was on the horizon to help with the restrictions seen in places like California.

It is obvious that I’m around my kind of people.  While we all recognize that we are winning and doing well, as Joe said yesterday, “We’re no where near done, we’ve barely gotten started and have a long way to go.” -B]

SSCC #404 – New Brunswick

The two students claimed in their lawsuit they were sleeping when plainclothes police broke down the door and rushed yelling into the basement apartment of the Somerset Street rental house about 4:30 a.m. on Dec. 10, 2010. The officers handcuffed and beat the two, the lawsuit stated.

The students also claimed a destructive search of their room was made by officers, while they were left in a cold room in only their underwear. They alleged they were called a slur against homosexuals.

You know why officers would do something like that in New Jersey?  Their odds of getting shot are quite low thanks to their gun control.  Neither of these individuals were arrested or charged either.  You’ll be glad to know though the city and the police department are picking up the costs for those officers actions.

State Sponsored Criminal #404: John Doe

Because cops should be able to kick down any door for any reason and beat the people inside.

Quote of the Day – Frank Fleming

I hear the DNC had a video tribute to Ted Kennedy, the only politician with a confirmed kill in the War on Women.

Frank Fleming (@IMAO_) – Tweet (via Alan Gura)

[All I can think to add to this is, “That’s about par for the course.”  I did make a tweet about the hypocrisy of the DNC requiring ID to get in, but you don’t need ID to vote.  Someone replied saying the following:

It’s called security you know secret service.

I didn’t realize they needed photo ID before they searched you or your belongings for “security”.  Sounds like a great excuse to keep out “undesirables.”

Joe and I were driving across Nevada as the thing went down though we were getting updates via Bitter and others.  The feeling I got by the end was the hypocrisy coming from them was so thick it could have been granite by the time it was all over.  -B]

The War on Mice

Those who know me know I hate varmints and vermin with a passion.  We had a small problem last year but we quickly got it taken care of and didn’t have any further issues.  Well this year they have returned, with a vengeance.

Our cats clued us in to their return as they started staring at the access panel to the Jacuzzi tub again.  We opened it up and there was evidence galore they had recently come back.  Down went the kill traps and the wait began.

Yesterday morning I woke up to this:

The other trap had been set off but evidently they got lucky and didn’t take a metal bar to the face.  I reset the traps and away we went.  The wife got home and informed me of the following:

That’s right, two more of the little buggers took metal bars to their necks.  I reset the traps and not even 3 hours later I’m informed by the wife, they’re full again.

Now I’m saying, holy !@#$ Huston we have a problem.  I clean it all up.  Reset the traps and add in two more.  I wake up this morning to find the sneakiest bastard of the bunch:

The little bastard tripped three out of the 4 traps and some how didn’t get snapped… Well the 4th trap broke his neck and ripped open his nose.

Earlier in August the wife and I signed up for pest control which thus far had worked well.  Took out a couple of larger wasp nests that were forming in areas that were difficult for me to get to.  We’ve seen fewer creepy crawlies overall.  At that point we hadn’t seen much in the way of mice signs so they didn’t do much at that time.

Well now that harvest is in full swing, and I’ve killed 6 in 24 hours, they’ll be back out on Thursday.  TMW is less that thrilled right now though because I’m leaving with Joe tonight for Mecca and then we’re headed to Reno for GBR tomorrow morning.  So that means if there are any more of the little buggers she gets to clean them up and reset the traps.

As an FYI, just about everyone has mice problems this time of year in the area, even brand new construction.  It’s the down side of basically living surrounded by wheat fields.  I would poison them, but the last thing I want is for them to die in the crawlspace.  The house would stink to high heaven and then finding the little buggers would be an interesting venture all of it’s own.

SSCC #401 – Wayne County

On August 15, 2012 Wayne County Sheriff’s deputies, along with Macedon, NY Police broke into 75 year old Phyllis Loquasto’s Plank Road home in the town of Walworth, NY, forced her at gunpoint to lay on her bathroom floor, screamed at her to close her eyes and stay down, then executed her dog “Duke.”

This officer evidently couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn either.

“The dog hadn’t even barked, yet I heard one of them say, he’s aggressive, shoot him! I’ll never forget the sound of that gunshot and the blood flying everywhere. They did all this while forcing me to lay on the bathroom floor, screaming at me to stay down, and holding me at gunpoint. I couldn’t get up if I wanted to. I’m 75 years old, had three strokes and knee replacement, and can hardly walk. There was nothing I could do to help my pet.”

Unfortunately, Duke died a slow death. 

“They shot him with a shotgun in such a manner that he ran around in pain and bled all over the house and suffered a slow, cruel death. There was no reason for this kind of treatment, they killed my dog for no reason. This was the sweetest and most gentle animal anyone could want, I would trust him with a baby.”

That’s right folks, those officers wounded an animal that wasn’t a threat and then let it suffer.  The put the grandmother then in a car for an hour.  All of this was because evidently her grandson had placed two plants of marijuana on the her property.

They physically assaulted her and shot her dog over a plant of marijuana.  This is unsurprising given the comments from the police chief involved.

Again, when I asked Chief Colella if in fact officers with his WayneNET task force held a 75 year old grandmother at gunpoint on her bathroom floor, Chief Colella replied “I don’t care if she is 2 years old or 75 years old.”

Evidently the concept of reasonable use of force is lost upon this police chief and he obviously isn’t out to serve his community but would rather abuse, intimidate, and terrorize them.  Since you know heaven forbid the possibly use a brain about what is actually necessary.  Any man who would make such a statement has no business in law enforcement.

State Sponsored Criminal #401: John P. Colella

Because it doesn’t matter if it’s a baby or a grandmother, if we can shoot it we damn well will, unreasonable force be damned.

*If you would like to contact the Chief or his officers:

Macedon, NY Police Chief
and WayneNET Commander
John P. Colella
315-986-7103, -7262, -5932
E-mail: [email protected]

WayneNET Sgt.
Roger LaClair
(315) 947-9711

Chief Deputy
Bob Hetzke
(315) 946-9711

Feel free to link them here and let them know they have joined the ranks of State Sponsored Criminals.  However they’ll probably consider it an honor since it basically lets them get away with murder.

Quote of the Day–Robb Allen (08/30/2012)

One place I refuse to debate anti-gun people in is Twitter. The problem is that it’s a terrible format for discussion enough as it is, but watching the anti’s try to argue in < 140 characters means their stupidity is condensed. Trust me folks, you don’t want to get that shit on you, it stains.

Robb AllenWeapons grade stupid

August 30, 2012

[I have been getting into it with the fools on twitter a lot more recently, mainly because the stupidity is just unbelievable.  Today’s shining example from the short bus:


This is well after I tweeted this at him:


He then sent this a short bit later which appears to have gone down the memory hole as a deleted tweet.  But here’s a related tweet that will show you what he was basically saying.


That’s right folks, he played the victim card.  Not only did he play it, but he claimed the status so fervently that we were automatically unable to comprehend what he was talking about.  Not only were we unable to comprehend, but we were informed that any one who could actually claim victim status would agree with his point of view.  That deleted tweet was him claiming that there were no victims of gun violence that were against gun control.  I really wish I had saved it because Linoge and I both called him on it and it appears it promptly went down the memory hole.

This whole conversation is a bit broken up within twitter, but another entertaining bit was the following:


Overall it degraded from there and it became quite obvious that his understanding and mastery of the English language was non-existent.  In case you don’t know, here is the definitions of fetishism:

A fetish (derived from the French fétiche; which comes from the Portuguese feitiço; and this in turn from Latin facticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object.

This is a glimpse inside the head of those who want disarm the law abiding so that predators may roam free and unhindered.  As Robb said, it’s concentrated and stains.  Be careful while handling it, but by all means show everyone what these people really are.* –B

*And most certainly stop if you feel your IQ beginning to drop.  It is suspected you can do permanent damage.]