On That Candel Light Vigil

Weer’d came up with an idea that I think will work better than any meat space idea.  Today he gave the first reminder and posted a comment at the end.

That being said if you don’t have a blog of your own, I’d be perfectly
willing to post your picture on January 8th. Just attach it to an email
to weerdbeard gmail com, and make sure to include how you’d
like to be addressed online, and I’ll post it on January 8th with my own
official picture!

I am going to extend the same offer.  If you would like to post a picture and don’t have a place to put it send it to Weer’d or myself at (vigil.picture at the-minuteman.org).  I will continue to update the post adding pictures as they come in.

For the lady in your life (or yourself)

Know someone who’s interested in learning to shoot and defend themselves and family?  Well A Girl and Her Gun are putting forth a generous offer to pay $300 towards the training of a lucky female shooter.

You’re still here?  Go there now or send your friends that might be interested.

Quote of the Day – Brigid (1/4/2012)

For I have learned that survival is the individuals responsibility, all I
ask of my government is the freedom to think, to defend, to act, while
being free of the interference of those who don’t. Freedom based on a
Bill of Rights, which includes the right to fail.

BrigidSmall Things, Too Easily Lost

[Go read the whole thing.  I cannot add anything to that other than I wish the majority could understand and comprehend the lesson.  -B]

An Afternoon Pick Me Up

Initially I wasn’t sure I was going to do a post on this since Bitter already touched on it.  Then the wife emailed it to me and I watched this video and busted out laughing at the end.  If this is in your RSS, for some reason Google Reader won’t embed the video.

You’re killing me smalls!  Let me get this straight, you helped your buddy break into the house of the girl he was stalking, he got shot, and you called 911!?  If there’s a dumb criminal of the year award, he’s definitely a finalist.

Serious props to the young lady for defending herself and her child.  I supposed that Joan Peterson would have preferred that she wait to shoot until the intent was perfectly known and the woman’s body going to room temperature instead of the assailant.  Maybe it was just a normal armed robber? 

The bottom line is this is why I carry, even at home.  When I get dressed in the morning, that includes putting on my firearm.  Bad people exist in the world and they don’t call ahead when they plan on doing bad things.  If you don’t want to listen to me telling you to leave with my mouth, individually dispensing 230 Grain packages of hot lead will convince you leaving is the better option.  The bad news is at that point you’re going to be leaving the corporeal world.

Ear Worm Wednesday – 1/4/2012

This one sat in my head most of the weekend after hearing it on Octane.  Video is nice too.

It has since been added to the MP3 player.

SSCC #232/#233 – Utica NY

This one’s on video kids!

Note the officer pulls the bag out of his pocket.  Tosses it on the floor board.  Then picks it up and brings it back as evidence.  Nothing like framing people to get your arrest count up in the “War on Nouns.”  This is why officers should be reordered at all times while on duty or interacting with the public in an official capacity.  If a cop has a problem being recorded, he’s corrupt and up to no good.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 232: John Doe

#233: John Doe

Because framing individuals is perfectly acceptable behavior and necessary to protect the public.  

via Uncle.

SSCC #230/#231–Denver

A Civil Service Commission panel has overturned the firing of two Denver police officers accused of lying about their pursuit of a stolen car.

Well they were just accused right?

The panel agreed with Malatesta that the two disobeyed orders and violated official police pursuit policy, but concluded that neither were firing offenses, the Post reported.

“This panel finds the false or misleading statements (the two officers) made during the course of the investigation did not rise to the high level of proof (required),” to find they committed a deceptive act, according to the panel’s decision.

Oh so if I lie to a public official it’s a crime unless I’m a cop and work for the public, then it’s not note worthy.  Lying is a sign of a lack of character.  Someone that lacking in character shouldn’t be in a position where they can harm the public.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 230: David Torrez

#231: Jose Palomares

Because it’s only a crime or a problem if you’re not a cop.  If you are a cop, well you’re just doing your job right?

On Dancing In Blood

While I was busy this weekend I heard about a shooting in Mount Rainier National Park.  I didn’t have time to investigate, though this morning I heard details about it on the radio.  I figured the blood dancers would be out, I just didn’t think how idiotic they would be.

Miguel this morning just how dumb and crazy they were.  They wasted no time to blame the shooting on the NRA and the modification of the National Parks rules which said they had to follow state law regarding weapons and concealed carry. 


There’s some serious problems with this logic though.

First and foremost is that the individual was a prohibited person under the Lautenberg Amendment.

In July, the mother of Barnes’ young daughter said in court papers seeking a protection order that he “has possible PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) issues,” NBC station KING of Seattle reported. In seeking sole custody of the girl, she said Barnes was suicidal and “gets easily irritated, angry, depressed and frustrated.” 

Second the park shooting was not the first shooting that day.

Witnesses told investigators that about nine people attended the party, many of them armed, and some had a “show and tell” with their guns. Some fired shots in the air to celebrate the new year. At 3 a.m. Sunday, one partygoer asked to see another’s gun and then refused to give it back.

At least two people drew their weapons — Barnes was one of them — and four people were injured in the shootout, two of them critically, the sheriff’s office said Tuesday. It wasn’t clear who fired first.

So this individual illegally had a firearm, engaged in a shoot out with other individuals, then fled.  Yet somehow he was going to magically be stopped at an invisible border and turn around because you’re not allowed to carry a gun!?  I’ve driven through Mount Rainier national park numerous times since my 21st birthday, I often had a loaded firearm with me.  Why?  Because unnecessary handling of a firearm is how accidental discharges happen.  I was usually driving through on my way home to visit friends and family while on break.  Did I shoot anyone? No, it stayed in it’s holster the whole time, where it’s safer for everyone.  Yet these blood dancing savages criminalized that behavior and insist that it is horrible for public safety.  The would prefer I unholster at each side of the park and unload and reload.  Each of those instances provide for the chance of a accidental discharge.

You know what is really horrible for public safety.  Running out and dancing in the blood of the innocent blaming tools and inanimate objects.  The sole goal in doing so is to disarm the law abiding to ensure their victim status.  They focus on attacking the right of self-defense instead of trying to actually get people the help they need.  Why would you need to carry a firearm for self defense in a national park they’d ask.

The visitor center was locked down, with tourists finally being escorted out by armed guards after midnight. To warn one group of backcountry campers of the situation, authorities flew over by helicopter and dropped handwritten messages on paper coffee cups that a gunman was on the loose, according to postings and photographs on the nwhikers.net message board.

Looks like that question is self answering in this incident.  Tell me, were the authorities going to be able to protect those hikers in the back country of the national park?

Overall I find the behavior of the Brady Campaign and CSGV down right despicable.  Instead of trying to get people the help the need, which would help prevent incidents like this from ever happening, they insist of disarming the public and attacking inanimate objects.  They insist on ignoring the individual.  The individual is always responsible for their actions.  That said, if you want to help prevent things like this from happening, you should be seeking help for them if you are in fear for your safety.  Instead of actually trying to find out what was wrong, just like Jared Loughner, people ignored the signs.  The innocent shouldn’t be punished for the choices of others.  The correct way to help with this problem is to make sure to help those who are disturbed before they break.  Treat the individual in trouble, don’t disarm the victims.

h/t Miguel for the Facebook image.