A Vigil for the Victims of Violence

The Brady Campaign announced an effort to hold a candle light vigil in honor of the victims of “gun violence” today.  Weer’d came up with the idea of holding a vigil for all victims of violence.  Weer’d suggested we do this by having us post pictures of a candle with our defensive arms.

First up is a friends S&W 5906.  He didn’t have a good camera and lives down the street so he came over tonight and we just did all the arms at once.

S&W 5906

A candle does nothing to stop violence.  It does nothing to protect this mans family from harm.  This pistol however provides him, as well as his wife, an effective means to fight off a stronger attacker.  This provides them an effective means to ensure the safety of their children.

I followed that up with my standard open carry arm.  A 5 inch Kimber Custom Classic.

Kimber Custom Classic 1911

Away from the house, that arm is the equivalent of a portable fire extinguisher.  It is used for when evil decides to appear.  Evil doesn’t call in advance to let me know trouble is coming.  It is a tool that I can carry with me to help protect myself and my wife.

M4 Shotgun

This shotgun is one of the two defensive long arms for the house.  I normally carry my 1911, but when something goes bump in the night this is one of my go to weapons.  Enough power I know that those who wish to do me violence will stop in their tracks after meeting the lead.


The AR-15 makes a fantastic home defense weapon. With the weapon mounted light, it’s higher accuracy and higher capacity provides me the largest advantage against those who would wish to do me or mine violence.  It will protect my wife and my self equally well despite who has shouldered it.  Hence the Husky and Cougar both in the image. 

Lastly there is this image.


The most significant of the bunch.  That revolver, my wedding present to my wife, provides her the ability to stand up to any attacker who would do her violence.  That revolver allows her, despite her disability, to say NO with such force that they will lack the capacity to do violence to another.  She has the ability to stop the violence against her and in ending that violence she has the ability to ensure the safety of others by preventing violence against them as well.  She carries it with her, today on her birthday, to ensure that she can stop violence when it comes her way.

That’s the thing with firearms.  While they can be used in violence, they can be used to stop violence.  They can do so without a shot ever being fired.  The gun grabbers though would beg to differ.  They seem to think a criminal will stop if you light a candle and hold it.  Both of my parents had defensive gun uses without a single shot fired.  Violence stopped in it’s tracks at the presentation of overwhelming force.  Overwhelming force from the potential victim of the attacker.

Remember, there are victims of gun control.  When a mass shooting happens in a gun free zone everyone’s a victim of gun control.  Those candles forever burn in my mind as a reminder of them, and why I vehemently support the second amendment.

Again please email me any pictures you would like posted: vigil.picture at the-minuteman.org

Sometimes making things go boom is hard to do!

So I went out to help Joe with some testing today.  Last weekend there were some problems with boomers and testing needed be done to figure out the exact cause of the failures.

Joe and I stopped by the Taj and picked up some equipment however Joe forgot the keys to the magazine and we had to leave the targets that were stored to test how they react over time.

Once over at Mecca we began to mix explosives.  I noticed but didn’t think anything of it that the dust from the bin of KClO3 was less than usual.  Our first experiment was 4 control targets using our standard production methods and baggies with 8 other targets using different packaging methods.  We laid out the first 6 targets.  Two of each.  Loaded up with 62 grain JHP and started on the right. 

Bang, dead center, nothing.  Move to the next one. 

Bang slightly off, bang it’s low, bang it’s high, bang dead center, nothing. 

Bang dead center, nothing. 

Bang dead center, nothing.  Now at this point we’re moving on to the normal production control targets.

Bang dead center…. Nothing. I’m thinking, “what the hell is going on!”

Bang dead center, again nothing.

At this point Joe and I inspect the targets, they didn’t even begin to detonate.  We talk and think well maybe the ethylene glycol absorbed moisture, the bottle is almost empty.  We also realize it’s pretty cold and maybe that’s a problem.

We head back inside to mix up a new batch with fresh ethylene glycol and warm up the targets in front of the heater.  We continue discussing the problems while mixing up the new batch.  I realize that cold can’t be the problem.  A year ago we were detonating with it about 15F out.  At this point we both agree it must be the glycol.

We finish up the targets and take them out to test.

Bang, nothing.

Bang, nothing.

Bang, nothing.

Bang, nothing.  Bag is sitting there because it wasn’t a full square hit.  Throw the bag into the air by shooting the crap out of it.

Glycol is out.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!  What has changed!?  We mixed them at Mecca, but how could that cause the recipe to fail?  We go inside again and continue discussing the problem and I start staring at the potassium chlorate.  Finally I ask Joe, “where’s all the dust?”  Normally there’s dust everywhere, this time there’s no dust! 

We start feeling the potassium chlorate focusing our attention on it.  Did it absorb moisture, it’s certainly possible and the texture certainly isn’t right either.  How can we heat it up to dehydrate it?  Finally we decide to head over to his parents place to make use of the stove.  An hour later, the KClO3 is certainly dryer, but the texture isn’t right and there certainly isn’t enough dust still.

We decide to split the amount and make two batches.  Both with the straight freshly dehydrated KClO3, one that has been further ground in mortar and pestle.  A second that has been unmodified and left at it’s current size.  We finish mixing up the batches and have two of each target with a 5th super boomer from the excess left over from each.

We take the boomerite out back and lay them out for testing saving the mix box for later.

Bang, box shredded nothing.

Bang, nothing.

Bang, nothing.

Bang, nothing.

At this point I’m becoming a bit annoyed and disappointed.  I have no clue what’s left.  Joe mentions we could try a V-max bullet.  I’m up for that but my concern is, the past three years I’ve used these 62 grain bullets without a problem.  Joe goes and grabs his V-max mag and I set up the targets left over from the first batch and set up my super boomer.

I tap the mag and charge.  Swing on the first boomer and bang.

Nothing. (expletives run through my mind.)

Bang.   Nothing!

Bang.  Nothing!

Bang. Nothing!

What in the hell is going on.  The last boomer fell over.  I flip on the safety, walk the 25 yards and put it back up right.  Walking back at about 10 yards I say F-it, I’m far enough, it’s not going to blow anyway.  I’ll go entertainingly close.

Bang…….. BOOM!

Immediately I feel my face stinging.  I have a wall of smoke rolling towards me.  I walk back and smile at Joe and say, “Well it worked that time!”  At this point I start rubbing the corner of my lip.  I took a bunch of prills to the face and arm.  Joe even 25 years away said he was feeling the prills.  I clear my weapon and notice something.  This folks is why you wear eye protection!


You can somewhat see it on the other side of the lens too.  Some of the mud bounced off of me and landed on the other side of the lens.  I had mud on my glasses too.  At this point Joe and I both agree that it’s probably the KClO3, but we don’t know how to quantify it.

We clean up and decide to head back to Joe’s place to do some analysis.  We examine the KClO3 under a microscope.  I think we found our problem.


I’ll give you a hint, the three items above are KClO3, normal sugar, and flour.  Guess which is the KClO3.

If you guessed in the middle you’re right.  Normally the KClO3 is like powdered sugar or flour.  Doing some research we discovered the Mil-Standard and it appears they have different sizes.

Now we need to try and establish, empirically, which size we need for Boomerite.  Joe’s ordering a flour mill to try and grind the KClO3 smaller, we’re all ears if anyone has any other ideas on grinding it smaller.  Joe has video of the testing and hopefully he posts it here soon.  I want to see that explosion from his point of view.

SSCC #236–Lincoln RI

Officer Edward Krawetz is on trial for allegedly kicking Donna Levesque as she sits handcuffed on the ground.  The kick was caught on video but the defense is arguing that Krawetz was defending himself from further attacks after Levesque kicked him first.

So he’s on trial so is this really an SSCC?

The Lincoln police officer standing trial for allegedly kicking a handcuffed woman at Twin River in 2009 was convicted of assault in 2001.

How nice of the department to hire someone with a prior criminal history of assault into a position where they get qualified immunity a license to beat people.

State Sponsored Criminal Count #236: Edward Krawetz

Because if you like beating the crap out of defenseless people, become a cop, that way you’re immune from punishment.

You Can’t Make This Up

This seems like something out of a joke, but it’s absolutely real.

Louisville Metro Police are filing charges against a dead man.  Last month, police say two officers were hurt when Norman Smith opened fire on them near the intersection of 10th Street and Jefferson Street.

Now this choir boy had just gotten out of prison and did a bunch of stupid stuff and most definitely should be charged, if he was still alive.  Can someone please explain why it’s necessary to spend money and time filing charges against a dead man?  What the hell are they going to do, hang the corpse?

Things like this do not inspire me to allow the legal system to regain my confidence.  It actually does quite the opposite since they feel it necessary to waste time and money on a dead man.  All the while criminalizing everything under the sun.  If anyone has a logical reason for this please let me know.

Rifle vs. Shotgun

A girl and her gun actually asked a very good question, Rifle vs. Shotgun, what’s the difference?  I’m going to approach this from the point of view of what defines each and then close with the differences.  I’m going to avoid the odd exceptions because it’s not really relevant for the question and just aids confusion.

A rifle principally is a shoulder arm with a barrel length longer than what you would find in a pistol. 

  AR-15 Rifle

Modern rifles use a metallic cartridge similar to a pistol but with some differences that are not relevant to this discussion.  This question is a box of worms with a million tangents that you can run off with.  Suffice it to say a modern rifles ammunition with have a much higher muzzle velocity than a pistol.  It is worth noting you can get rifles in pistol calibers and you can get pistols in rifle calibers, but for the average condition they’re different.


The barrel is cut with rifling.  This rifling causes the bullet to spin while going down range.  We won’t go into why now, but there’s lands and groves with a twist that spin the bullet.

The longer barrel, ammunition, rifling, and the shoulder stock increase its accuracy.  Especially at long range.


Bruce it taking out 3 inch boxes at 675 yards above.

So what about shotguns?

They too are normally shoulder fired, with a barrel much longer than a pistol.


However unlike the rifle, the shotgun has a smooth bore.


The ammunition type is much different as well.  The muzzle velocities are lower than rifle rounds, however the the energy is higher because the overall projectile weight is heavier.


3 12-gauge slugs with a .223 hollow point.

Shotgun ammunition comes in a variety of types that can exploit the smooth bore.  Most commonly for home defense you hear about 00-buck shot.

This has the benefit of putting multiple projectiles out the barrel at once.  The objective is to increase the overall trauma and decrease the requirement on fine accuracy.  Instead of a single pin prick of a hit, you have a pattern which grows in size with distance.  A shotgun can be accurate, however they are no where near as accurate as a rifle.

So the two big differences between a rifle and shotgun is the bore of the weapon, smooth or rifled, and the rifle shoots a single projectile at once while the shotgun can fire multiple projectiles in a single round.

A side note: Often people claim that a shotgun is better for home defense due to less of a chance of over penetration.   Thing is, no matter what, with the exception of bird shot, that bullet is probably going to keep going unless it hits a stud.

SSCC #235–New York

It still is unclear why a drunken off-duty state trooper allegedly kicked his way into a Utica home early Saturday and began assaulting the homeowner, authorities said.

Well how bad could it have really been?

“The family basically heard a loud pounding on the front door, they called 911, and the person continued to bang on the door,” Utica police Chief Mark Williams said, according to police reports. “Miller then kicked the door in to gain entry, and he started coming toward the homeowner when the homeowner tried defending himself to protect his family, his home and a child in the house.”

As usual in these types of instances the officer has been placed on administrative leave.  That way he can resign and maintain his prospects for future employment.  Seriously what does it take to get fired immediately?  I might not care if it wasn’t for the resignation game.

A note for the home owner, get a gun, learn how to use it.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 235: Jesse Miller

Because when a cop decides to break into a house while drunk and assault the residents, no immediate action is necessary.

SSCC Honorable Mention–Seattle PD 01/05/2012

Seriously with the way Seattle PD and the Seattle City Attorney are behaving when crap like this happens I’m both happy and pissed off.

After more than a year of bruising news, the Seattle Police Department found itself reeling Thursday after a veteran officer died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound hours after being arrested in an undercover drug sting.

So I’m happy that a corrupt officer has finally been held accountable, doubly so he did it to himself with the barrel of his own gun saving the public the costs of prosecuting him.  Now why would I be pissed off I hear you ask, well that’s simple.

“This is a tremendous tragedy,” Deputy Chief Nick Metz said at a somber news conference Thursday evening at police headquarters.

Know what a tragedy is Chief Metz?  The abuses your department is delivering to the law abiding public, the behavior of your police officers, and the all out corruption displayed by your department.  Then again maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, maybe he was innocent and just caught in the cross fire.

On Wednesday, as part of a so-called “integrity test,” an undercover officer from another agency working in the Rainier Valley approached Nelson and gave him a purse that contained cocaine, Metz said.

Unknown to Nelson, he was under surveillance by detectives watching to see if he booked the cocaine into evidence.

“He did not do that,” Metz said.

The officer was followed in his car after work and stopped by police just outside the city limits.

“There was a search, and we found a quantity of the narcotics,” Metz said.

Well there went the caught in the crossfire theory.  There is a time to stand up and say, “We Fucked Up! Here’s what we did wrong, this is how we’re fixing it.”  This department lacks the ability to air its dirty laundry and continues to act as if for some reason it is exempt from the rules of lawful behavior.  It appears that Deputy Chief Metz is just considering this a tragedy because the guy got caught and then committed suicide propelling the incident to the front page. 

State Sponsored Criminal Count HM: Deputy Chief Nick Metz

Because it’s a tragedy when one of our officers gets caught, doubly so when he does something to cause it to end up in the news.

via Joe

SSCC #234–Seattle PD

But criminal defense attorney James Egan never expected the city would preemptively sue him just for asking for police dash cam video.

Wait, the city is suing him for requesting public records.  Well maybe he was just pestering them with BS requests.

The situation involves two cases Egan handled pro bono. He believed the videos in each case show officer misconduct. Egan wanted to know if those officers had other questionable arrests, so he asked for 36 additional dash-cam videos.

Seattle PD is arguing that they are caught in the privacy law, what fails me though is these videos are a matter of public record.  There are admissible in court as evidence.  The only reason I know of privacy laws being involved is if the victim has been sexually assaulted.  But then we see the real motivation behind these efforts.  It has nothing to do with protecting the privacy of the public and everything to do with protecting their corrupt police officers.

The city argues it doesn’t have to release any videos for three years. That also happens to be when the statute of limitations runs out for suing the city and, as a KOMO News investigation discovered, it is also when dash-cam videos are routinely erased from the system.

Wonder why they don’t have to release videos until after the statute of limitations?  Could it be a game of cover your ass kids?  Remember this is the same department who shot someone in the back.  This also isn’t their first rodeo in the count either.  Three or more times is enemy action. 

State Sponsored Criminal Count 234: Pete Holmes

Because when an officer beats someone, hold on to the video and delay it until it no longer matters.