Quote of the Day – A Girl and Her Gun(10/11/2012)

To be honest I don’t give a flying flip about what I should be able to do or what is fair or any false ideal of not giving the bad guy power. I really only care about what I can do to create a world where I have the best possible chance of A. Avoiding a bad guy situation and B. Surviving it should that not be possible.

(Emphasis Mine) A Girl and Her Gun – Right In Your Own Backyard
October 11, 2012

[That folks is exactly what it is we’re fighting for.  Our opponents often try to twist the truth, as if some how everyone is going to be forced to be given a gun.  In reality we want only the choice of the tools at our disposal for option A and B.

While some would say that carrying a firearm doesn’t fall into the option A realm, I beg to differ.  There are many incidents where there isn’t even a shot fired to end the encounter.  My parents both had experiences where it the threat was enough to unconceal.   At the immediate presence of the firearm, the aggressors immediately altered their tune.  Not to mention incidents like this.

The fact is carrying a firearm is a choice, it’s a choice that the anti-rights cultists wish we didn’t have.  They would rather we live in their world of fear and dependence than stand up independent and strong.  That is the exact difference between the pro-rights and anti-rights communities.

Next time someone says you shouldn’t be carrying a gun, ask them, “Why do you want to force people into being a victim?  Do you like criminals? Why are you forcing your choices on others?” We know how the attitudes of the cultists make me feel, especially when I hear about people who were made to be a victim in criminal protection zones.  They may not have chosen to carry, but ultimately they had that choice made for them anyway, and it makes me very angry.

Interestingly though, as angry as I get, unlike our opponents, I don’t get violent or wish violence upon others. -B]

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About TMM

TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms. Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.

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