About TMM

TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms. Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.

Here Comes the Fat Fuzz!

Damn you Mike Griffeath! All sarcasm aside now though, I do really like Mike and I know we have the same views on the BMI scale and I’m glad he tossed the following up on facebook. This is some scary crap for so many reasons my mind just flipped out.

States receiving federal grants provided for in the bill would be required to annually track the Body Mass Index of all children ages 2 through 18. The grant-receiving states would be required to mandate that all health care providers in the state determine the Body Mass Index of all their patients in the 2-to-18 age bracket and then report that information to the state government. The state government, in turn, would be required to report the information to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for analysis.

This is one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a long time. BMI is not an accurate measure of fat content. In high school my BMI had me overweight through the roof. I swam 5 days a week, 3.5 hours a day, plus weight lifting and I was “severely overweight”. I was extremely active, didn’t sit around, eat junk and do nothing. I know I’m not the only one with this view on BMI and current methods to measure “fat content”. What I find most scary though is that this can easily be manipulated to take someone’s child away from them. It is extremely disconcerting because it totally violates the Jews in the Attic test. Your child will be required to be reported to the state; even if the only reason he is there is an emergency. I hope that anyone who helps the state or complies with the law realizes that I along with many others will consider them to be the equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo. The number one best way to make a man extremely dangerous and hostile is to mess with his family, and the government is now finding ways to take your children from you. BMI just makes an excellent excuse. You’re teaching your kid firearms usage… oh his BMI says he’s fat, we’re taking your kid you horrible parent.

With the fat ass Michelle Obama has, it’s not as if she has room to talk either.

New Jersey Senator loves criminal safe zones

Senator Lautenberg feels that it is better to expand the areas of an airport so murderers can work unhindered law abiding citizens cannot protect themselves.

“In the post-9/11 world, it simply defies common sense that it would be legal to carry a gun into an airport,” he said in a statement. “Our airports face threats every day and allowing someone to walk into a major airport with a loaded gun is a recipe for disaster. My legislation will ban guns in airports and make air travel more safe and secure.”

Already you cannot carry a firearm on a plane legally. What is changing is that when your family comes to pick you up from the airport they cannot be armed. Your husband or wife will have to leave their self-defense tools in the vehicle, to possibly be stolen, instead of carrying them with. Your family is just meeting you at the baggage claim and then walking back to the car, they’re not going anywhere near the “secured area”. Why would you need a gun though, all those security guards inside make it perfectly safe. Sure you feel safe inside, but what about all those people outside. They know you’re unarmed so instead the thug can wait to rob you in the garage where there are no security guards. Way to go genius!

Also, I love the use of the 9/11 crutch. I’m surprised I don’t hear more Pearl Harbor crutches currently to support internment of the Japanese. But we can totally trust the government. I would also like to point out the Democrat hero FDR interred the Japanese. Still trust those democrats?

An inanimate object did what?

So I came across this online tonight, “A gun took his son, now Rock Hill dad puzzled by NRA rally.” I fail to understand how the gun magically pointed itself at your son, pulled its own trigger, and then hopped in the car and drove off.

In 1998, Krenn’s 16-year-old son, Erik, was dropping off a buddy on Rock Hill’s South Jones Avenue when four guys carjacked Erik.

Oh wait, it was four individuals that car-jacked your son Erik, pointed the firearm at your son, and then pulled the trigger. These four individuals had no respect for the law then, what makes you think that banning firearms from the hands of law abiding citizens is going to change anything.

Reading the article though, we can tell there is absolutely zero bias and this was in no way written by a bigot.

Erik was shot with a Saturday Night Special handgun, and died. Among them, the four scoundrels got 120 years in prison.

Oh wait, Saturday Night Special, that’s the term coined by politicians to prevent poor blacks from being able to buy firearms for self defense from the Klan in the south. But that statement isn’t bigoted at all.

Not hunting guns, or sportsmen’s guns – Krenn isn’t worried about people deer hunting – but handguns and assault rifles.

So he’s just concerned about people being able to defend themselves and a class of rifles whose definition changes on the whim of politicians. Assault weapons bans actually focus on banning safety features. A pistol grip, a collapsible stock, and a barrel shroud all serve to aid in usability, prevent injury, and tailor the rifle to the operator.

The loss of his son hurts; however blaming that on inanimate objects is not the solution and will not help his grief. The men who committed that atrocious crime are responsible, not the gun. One final question, if defensive firearms are banned, how would one defend themselves from an armed criminal? The police obviously did not save your son, so you cannot expect us to believe that lie. Response is measured in minutes, combat takes seconds. You sir want to rob law abiding citizens of their ability to save their own lives. This woman would be dead if you had your way. This woman would still have her husband if it was not for bigots like yourself.

My suggestion is to seek some grief counseling and seek treatment for your Hoplophobia. Attacking law abiding citizens and forcing them to end up victims like your son serves no purpose. If I had a son who ended up a victim because of your bigotry I would have every reason to be angry because he was robbed of the liberty of self-defense. Your son was the victim of criminals, not an inanimate object.


Damn your civil rights, and your little dog too!

Just stumbled across this on Snarky Bytes. The core statement via federal court judge is below for your immediate viewing pleasure.

“No reasonable person would dispute that walking into a retail store openly carrying a firearm is highly disruptive conduct which is virtually certain to create a disturbance. This is so because when employees and shoppers in retail stores see a person carrying a lethal weapon, they are likely to be frightened and possibly even panicky. many employees and shoppers are likely to think that the person with the gun is either deranged or about to commit a felony or both. Further, it is almost certain that someone will call the police. And when police respond to a “man with a gun” call, they have no idea what the armed individual’s intentions are. The volatility in such a situation could easily lead to someone being seriously injured or killed.”

A couple thoughts immediately come to mind, one being, “Sir your stupidity is showing.” Thankfully Hsoi in the comments on Snarky’s blog did the bigoted translation.

Of course, we can just have some fun with some slight edits:

“No reasonable person would dispute that a black man walking into a retail store is highly disruptive conduct which is virtually certain to create a disturbance. This is so because when employees and shoppers in retail stores see a black person, they are likely to be frightened and possibly even panicky. many employees and shoppers are likely to think that the black person is either deranged or about to commit a felony or both. Further, it is almost certain that someone will call the police. And when police respond to a “black man” call, they have no idea what the black individual’s intentions are. The volatility in such a situation could easily lead to someone being seriously injured or killed.”

But you know, that sort of bigotry is different.

Thanks to Snarky for posting the info. Just because it is something you can visibly see makes it no less of a right. After hearing the story from Laurel at PGB about The Inconvenience at Rosaures I’m sure the judge and Moscow PD would get along great.



Qotd – Jeff Snyder May 13, 2010

As the Founding Fathers knew well, a government that does not trust its honest, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens with the means of self-defense is not itself worthy of trust. Laws disarming honest citizens proclaim that the government is the master, not the servant, of the people. — Jeff Snyder

[After writing the previous post, I felt this as fitting quote. –B]

Well that’s no surprise

Obama claims to support second amendment rights, and states his administration has no position on gun control. Yet all of us who actually have a brain find this to be no surprise. Instead of destroying the second amendment over night, he’s just going to do it over 30 years.


Duly qualified eh?

So the city of Harvey Illinois, a suburb of Chicago had 21 guns stolen. It is a suburb of the same Chicago that some politicians claimed recently the National Guard was needed to bring the murder rate under control.

Let me get this straight, the bigots claim that civilians are too irresponsible and are not capable of safely handling and storing a firearm, yet the bastion example of Law Enforcement for a single municipality looses 21 by themselves. Lest the fact that the ATF has lost firearms that were then later used to commit crimes. Though I am beginning to see a pattern emerge from behavior of those determined to be “duly qualified” to carry and handle firearms.

The scariest line from the article was this:

At 4:15 p.m., Harvey spokesman Sandra Alvarado said, “after some really awesome investigating this afternoon, many of the stolen weapons were recovered, along with many other items that were stolen out of the gun range.”

Followed by:

Alvarado could not say where the guns were recovered – or if anyone has been arrested. Or how many guns are still missing.

This confirms the suspicions created by the first line. The public has no idea how many weapons are still unaccounted for, and the most depressing thing is that they will probably be used to commit a crime against a law abiding citizen who paid for those weapons through taxes. That citizen will be deprived of life and/or property by a criminal because his government deprived them of the liberty of self-defense. Self defense is a Devine right that cannot be restricted or limited by the laws of man yet for some reason some men think ill of that right and demand it be restricted. It is restricted by the same group of individuals that are inadvertently arming the criminals, it is not irony, it is idiocy.

Quote Of The Day Newbius, 05122010

Libertarian Terrorists? You mean those guys who want to take over, then leave you alone? – Newbius

[This made me laugh because when it comes to true Libertarians, it’s true! The idea of liberty is very terrifying to some people for some reason. Still haven’t quite figured out why. -B]