Washington Residents, Contact Your State Legislators

Had something come across my screen tonight, and it’s not good news for those of us in Washington.

Washington lawmakers are beginning to coalesce around a plan that would expand the state’s laws on gun background checks, providing hope for supporters after years of failed efforts.

While the measure is supported by many Democrats, the background checks plan also picked up support from Republican Rep. Mike Hope of Lake Stevens, Republican Sen. Steve Litzow of Mercer Island and Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom, a Democrat who has aligned himself with Republicans this year. The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs also supports the idea.

This is not a joke folks and this is deadly serious.  The bill in question is SB 5711 and as you can see there are some Republican’s selling us and our rights up the river.  Make no mistake folks, this has nothing to do with background checks and never mind that in the end they wont actually do anything.

Our opponents claim that it will not deny anyone their rights, except many are delayed for no reason other than NICS cannot handle the load.  In December the local gun shop was having trouble getting through to NICS to complete purchases.  There are no provisions in this law to create a state system or otherwise provide additional funding to the federal system.  All it will do is increase burden, which will decrease availability and increase the difficulty and delay in getting  a firearm.  Further without a state registry there is no way this law could be effectively enforced.  Given the behavior of California and New York with moves for confiscation, does anyone think that’s a good idea?

Tell me, if the state is so desperate for background checks at the state level, why not just place an endorsement on every drivers license indicating that they are not a prohibited person.  Now the background check merely becomes checking your driver’s license.  Or why not do something like Idaho, your CPL satisfies the NICS requirement, lessen the burden on the federal system.

The problem is those creating this legislation aren’t actually interested in solutions to the problem they claim to be after.  Their problem statement is as follows:

How do we disarm the citizens of the State of Washington?

Their statement isn’t:

How can we work to aid the law-abiding people of Washington in preventing arms from falling into the hands of criminals while also protecting the rights of the law-abiding?

Think about that long and hard folks.  Don’t believe the lies they feed you.  Most certainly do not think that republicans are on your side.  Tonight’s post was originally going to be on an event that occurred last Saturday but that will be delayed until tomorrow.

There are more bills in the works than just this one as well.  Public hearings are scheduled for 0800 on Wednesday the 13th.

What I need, what your fellow gun owners of Washington need is for all of you sound the alarm and contact your representatives and attend the hearings if you can.  This fight is real and it’s down right serious.

via Gay Cynic

Quote of the Day – Sebastian (2/6/2013)

Journalists just assume this stuff is true, and print it as truth, but the truth is that the gun culture changed first, and then the gun culture changed the industry. The industry did not change the gun culture. When is the left going to recognize that this is a movement composed of millions of actual people? Thinking people. People who are often smarter than the journalists who write this crap.

SebastianOn the Popularity of the AR-15
February 6th, 2013

[When is the left going to realize that fact?  Never.  They want to destroy us and our culture.  They want to imprison us for being different and daring to be independent.  They hate who we are and what we represent and they will peddle any lie they can to help them accomplish their goal.

The idea that this culture is big enough and massive enough to move whole industries is unfathomable to them.  The idea that a rifle became popular due to its utilitarian value just the same is blasphemy.  They are trying to understand and comprehend a culture and an environment they know nothing about.

When you cannot even get basic nomenclature correct, when you constantly describe things incorrectly, it should be obvious that you don’t know what you’re talking about.  Alas they double down on stupid because they have no interest in learning, just in criminalizing those they hate with differing opinions. -B]

Ear Worm Wednesday – 2/6/2013

If you listen carefully, you might hear why I like this one.

Lynyrd Skynyrd – Still Unbroken

Well Said Sir!

This is by far one of the best speeches I’ve seen directed towards the petty tyrants attacking our rights.

Good to see I’m not alone in getting angry for much the same reasons, and honestly has more of a reason than anyone else to be angry.

And yes, I was grinning as he called those representatives tyrants.

Along the same lines we need more people in politics like this mayor.  If you haven’t seen this video, I suggest watching it to the end.

I like how the mayor called out the two petty tyrants at the end.  Hopefully that ass who walked out is recalled from office.

Quote of the Day – Marshall K. Robinson (02/05/2013)

In your infinite wisdom, you outlawed bayonet lugs, flash hiders, and collapsible stocks. In over forty years of being a firearm and tool mark examiner, I have never seen these components inflict any injury whatsoever on any person. In your infinite wisdom, you outlawed fully automatic firearms that have the capability of firing a single shot. Ladies and gentlemen, I really need help with that one.

(Emphasis mine.)
Marshall K. RobinsonPublic Testimony
January 2013

[I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who is baffled and confused by the actions of our elected representatives.  There is a large group of people who are completely uneducated regarding firearms and this includes the people attempting to legislate our rights away.

The powers that be currently even admit that the new laws would do nothing to prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook, yet here they continue to push their falsehoods and lies.  Why?  I think this nailed it on the head. -B]

SSCC #512 & #513: Lake Stevens

Lake Stevens has agreed to pay $100,000 to a young couple after two officers, without a warrant, forced their way into their home and forcibly arrested the man over a day-old traffic confrontation.

Screwed up barely begins to describe this situation and honestly those two officers are lucky they weren’t perforated.  In the current political climate, officers behaving like this could very well set off a powder keg.

Go read the whole story, it’s long enough and complicated enough I cannot easily post get all the details here.  However here’s the money shot:

Berg said Warbis and Wellington remain members of the Lake Stevens Police Department.

Reading through the comments indicates that Lake Stevens has a serious problem with this type of behavior and corruption.

State Sponsored Criminal #512: Steve Warbis

#513: James Wellington

Because warrants, probable cause, and all that other stuff are for other police officers.  These two can kick in whatever door they want, arrest whoever they want, threaten whoever they want, out of uniform, and absolutely nothing will happen to the officers.  Instead the taxpayers payout for their crimes.

via Marc.

SSCC #511 – TSA

A Charlotte woman told Eyewitness News she also had cash stolen from a TSA baggage inspector at Charlotte Douglas airport.

Reggie Edwards was arrested and charged with stealing cash out of a suitcase.

Edwards was arrested again Thursday after police said they linked him to stealing $150 from a woman’s suitcase just weeks before.

So much for their “zero tolerance” policy on stealing.  Someone explain to me how schools can take “zero tolerance” to a level where it resembles “zero brains”; yet the TSA runs it so low as to make it seem like it’s, “do nothing”.

State Sponsored Criminal #511: Reggie Edwards

Because when you get caught stealing as a TSA agent, your only mistake was getting caught.  Have no fear though, you won’t be fired.

Quote of the Day – LawDog (1/31/2013)

And when it comes down to brass tacks, the individual is the only person ultimately responsible for his — or her — own safety. Part of that responsibility involves being able to defend your own self, with appropriate tools.

Gun control is denying you those tools in exchange for the nebulous assurance that the police will “do their best”.

“Doing their best” oft involves putting a toe-tag on your corpse and finding the guy that killed you so that he can plea bargain his way out of an extended sentence, but that’s gun control for you.

LawDogGun-Free does not equal Violence-Free
January 30th, 2013

[First, go read his whole post and watch the linked video.  That is by far the best example I have ever seen to show the complete and utter failure that gun-free-zones are.

Lastly, those paragraphs are the central point of this debate and you either admit this harsh reality, or you pretend that unicorn farts do exist and you want the force of state to coerce others into giving up their tools for non-existent unicorn farts.

This is the world our opponents want.  This is the world many of our elected representatives want to force upon us.  Make no mistake, they want the strong to prey upon the weak and they want the state to have a total monopoly on force.  -B]