SSCC #171 – Gulfport MI

Chauvin, 50, was employed by the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department as
a school resource officer at North Woolmarket Elementary when he was
accused of having child pornography on his home computer in October
2009. Chauvin was a week or so from retiring after a 24-year career with
the sheriff’s department.

It’s annoying that this predator who roamed around among his prey only got 3 years in prison for what he did.  He damn well knew better.  Seriously this crap pisses me right the hell off and the rage meter is plumb maxed out.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 171: Mike Chauvin

Because when you’re a elementary resource officer, what the hell else would you do with your free time!?

SSCC #143 – Round Two

Reader Jake posted a comment regarding a continuation of SSCC #143.  It appears that Grubbs has now kidnapped his victim.

A 16-year-old Bedford County girl who has been missing since Sunday
night might be with a former sheriff’s deputy charged with taking
indecent liberties with a child, state police said.

He was released after being charged on a $5,000 bond.  Given the loss of his job, the pending charges, and probable prison time this predator has gone from lurking in the shadows to all out dangerous.

I would also be reasonably sure that the judge issued a no contact order to Grubbs for the victim, yet again showing how pointless that little piece of paper is.  All it does is provide an extra charge to tack on after they zip up the body bag.  I hope in this case they find the young woman safe, but there is no question Grubbs was a rabid predator hiding amongst his prey.

Because being a former cop means life is easier when you’re brought before the bar.  No worries of high bail even with a large amount of evidence, which ensures you can get the hell out of dodge. 

SSCC #167-#170 – Clermont Police


A Clermont police officer was fired this week after an internal investigation revealed that he falsely arrested a teenager on a drug charge and lied on the arrest report.


From reading the article it appears that the main reason this individual was fired may not be because of his actions in this particular case. Instead it is because of political wrangling between him and the chief. Never the less, the evidence of this officers unlawful actions stand on their own.

Given the gravity of the charges and potential damage to the defendant and the fact these were sworn statements it is disturbing that there would be any tolerance for perjury. If he wasn’t sure exactly where they came from he should have reviewed his evidence instead of making it up. Then he continued to believe his own lie after other officers pointed out the inconsistency.

The actions of that officer are most definitely worthy of jail time. The other officers that were aware of the inconsistency contributed to the wrongful arrest. They had a duty to protect the wrongfully accused from their fellow officer who was intent on continuing his wrongful arrest.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: #167 – Officer Cecil Garrett is most guilty

These officers did not shield the wrongfully accused after discovering the mistake.

#168 – Mark Edwards

#169 – Marc Thompson

#170 – Dennis Hall

Update, the Chief was framing them.

Because lying on the police report and ignoring physical evidence that is less fallible than a human is perfectly fine when you’re a cop.  You’re a cop and thus you are an infallible god right?

SSCC #166 – Vermont State Police

In keeping with my previous post regarding the state monopoly on alcohol and the PSH involved I found the following quite fitting.

A Vermont State Police officer has pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, according to the state attorney general.

He did resign from his job, but he only got a $500 fine.  No time in jail, nothing.  We’re coming up on the holidays and I always remember seeing numerous ads from police agencies about drinking and driving.

The fact of the matter is drinking and driving is bad and he sure as hell knew better.  I have absolutely no sympathy and while he’s no longer employed the lack of a stiff sentence given his position is wrong.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 166: Joshua P. Lemieux

Because drinking and driving is only bad when the person who does it isn’t in law enforcement.

SSCC #165 – Sacramento

The probe focuses on peace officers selling weapons that most civilians cannot legally buy and sell, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Deputy Jason Ramos said. He said he did not know the types of weapons involved.

Lets not forget about the similar incident in New York recently either.  It seems that in the wake of Fast and Furious the ATF is busy making itself appear useful by nailing those who didn’t get clearance for their own “Gun Walker” operations.

Given this is California the list of firearms that are not available for public consumption is long and distinguished.  It may have been they were selling things without NFA stamps, I find that unlikely but certainly not outside the realm of possibility.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 165: John Doe

Because firearms laws only apply to law abiding civilians, everyone else, cops and criminals alike, are exempt from the rules.

SSCC #164 – Atlanta PD

Wilson Carstaffin, 46, met his 12-year-old victim in November 2007 while working a side job as a resource officer at a middle school. According
to prosecutors, Carstaffin summoned the girl, who has a slight developmental disability, from class and instructed her to meet him after school at a nearby church.

Yet again a police officer placed within a school has ended up being a predator. Again I ask, why does a police officer all the sudden get a free pass when it comes to trust just because he is an agent of the government?

I understand why they put resource officers within schools, but I do wonder why departments don’t follow basic youth protection policy involving two deep interaction.  If you have kids remind them that as a minor if the officers wish to interact with them they have a right to have their guardian or legal council present.  As always, your children should know to exercise that right.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 164: Wilson Carstaffin

Because when you wear a badge you no longer have to work to be trusted, it is bestowed by government.

SSCC #163 – Canton Mo.

Hudnall pleaded guilty to buying a .45-caliber firearm at a Canton gun shop. He admitted with his plea that he made a false statement on the Firearms Transaction Record form to obtain the firearm for an individual known by Hudnall to be a convicted felon and, therefore, prohibited from possessing a firearm.

I don’t know if he was currently the chief at the time of this incident but the act is so egrigious that I cannot let it pass.  Doubly so considering the very light sentence he was given.  Had it been someone who wasn’t in law enforcement their ass would have been grilled to the wall.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 163: William Hudnall

Because it’s the job of police and law enforcement to arm felons.  Just ask the ATF.*

*You would think that joke would get old, but seriously, it just doesn’t considering how horrible the ATFs actions are yet those responsible are all walking away.

SSCC #162 – Sacramento County

At all times Gonsalves knew that Biggers was a sworn officer with the
Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department and believed that any attempt to defend himself
would result in his own arrest and prosecution.

After verbally berating Gonsalves, and without any provocation or warning,
Biggers sucker-punched Gonsalves in the nose which began bleeding profusely

Now to the officers credit it sounded like this punk needed his bell rung. That said there’s other ways to do it and most certainly unprovoked assault while using your status as a law enforcement officer as protection ranks at an all time low. At least if you’re going to do something like that, provoke him into at least hitting you first.

Seriously this whole incident still just makes me shake my head that an officer would so blatantly and callously commit assault without fear.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 162: Detective Keith Biggers

Because if your a cop, you can take physical corrective action into your own hands.  Cops can’t commit assaults.