Quote of the Day – Barack Obama(10/17/2012)

“What I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally, part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced.”

Barack Obama – Presidential Debate
October 16th, 2012

[All of you who kept telling me that Obama wasn’t coming for my guns, shut the hell up.  That statement above makes it clear as day that we have a problem.  We have gone down this road before and it did not do anything to solve the problems it was claimed to solve.  What it did do was prevent thousands of Americans from getting effective defensive arms.  Any individual who supports a law like that is not looking out for the best for anyone.

It is becoming obvious to even those who wish to keep their heads in the sand that this man is the enemy of freedom we all thought he was.  Looks like I will be investing in more firearms and ammunition right quick.

Updated to add: I forgot that about a week ago I did this post, which quotes right off of Obama’s campaign website.  His site stated the following:

Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.


Screenshot of the site can be seen here.  The fact remains that this man has no qualms about outlawing the most popular rifle in America and we also know it is a slippery slope to other restrictions.  We learned our lesson and it must be said, “Never Again!” -B ]

A Compare and Contrast Exercise…

Let’s compare and contrast the following two people, what they did, and the reactions by the American Media.


For those who don’t recognize the pictures, on the left we have former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, on the right we have Attorney General Eric Holder.

The significant similarities necessary for this discussion:

  • Both are tied to the highest position within the Department of Justice.
  • Both committed questionable acts while in that position.
  • Both were disliked by large parts of the American people for their actions.
  • Both acted in a manner with the express intent of undermining and destroying enumerated rights.


  • Eric Holder’s decisions resulted in the deaths of both American and Mexican civilians.
  • Eric Holder refused to process cases where the American public was intimidated from exercising their rights.
  • Alberto Gonzales was forced to resign while Holder continues to retain his position.
  • Eric Holder was found in contempt of congress.  Eric Holder has not been arrested despite the ability for congress to do so.
  • The Congressional “no-confidence” vote against Gonzales did not succeed.
  • Alberto Gonzales was appointed by President George Bush.
  • Eric Holder was appointed by President Barack Obama.

For those who may not remember the details.  Here is the quick rundown of the two big scandals under Holder.

The details you more likely need a reminder of is the incidents involving Alberto Gonzales

So while the comments and behavior of Gonzales was despicable and worthy of question, why has AG Holder been allowed to remain?  There is a man responsible for creating programs with the express purpose of illegally undermining a constitutional right.  Programs that resulted in the deaths of members of the public.  A man who has been found in contempt of congress, yet no one seems to have the balls to actually fire him.

Ultimately the biggest difference between these two is the men who were responsible for appointing them.  Because honestly that’s the only reason Eric Holder has been able to continue in his position.  Remember that the next time some tells you about how the media isn’t biased.

On the Discussion of Gun Control

Often the anti gunners as of late keep asking why we cannot have a discussion regarding gun control.  The fallacy of this shows through in a quote from Joe to start with.

We had the "conversation". Your side lied, cheated, and took unfair advantage at every opportunity. But still your side lost. Big time.

Moving forward though there is an even bigger reason no one is having a discussion with the other side.  No one over there is actually interested in a discussion, all they want is their pipe dreams to be implemented.  Don’t think I’m wrong?  Lets look at the most recent incident that Linoge and Sean have run into.

And here we are, with yet another "gun control" extremist who not only cannot substantiate their own arguments, but who says they welcome discussion but acts in a fashion that says something else entirely. Yeah, I know, nothing new there, but it is worth noting that these folks are still employing the same tactics that have resulted in so very much fail over the past few decades; in the end, "gun control" boils down to the idiocy of "do it again, only HARDER", and its supporters seem hamstrung by the same mentality throughout all facets of their lives.

Go read his post and see what the comment was that caused this individual to black list him.  Now not only is it worth noting though that they engage in “Reasoned Discourse” while claiming to want to have a conversation, but when our side speaks up they may also go the route of shoving the whole post down the memory hole too.

So, to all the anti-rights cultists out there, please enlighten me, if you delete your post, how can there be a conversation?  Even worse though how can you have a conversation if you’re the only one allowed to talk?

I consider this yet another example of our opponents going through the stages of grief.

SSCC #430–Billings

A 12-year-old girl suffered burns to one side of her body when a flash grenade went off next to her as a police SWAT team raided a West End home Tuesday morning.

Why would an officer feel he needed to throw a flash-bang towards a small young child?

Police Chief Rich St. John said the 6 a.m. raid at 2128 Custer Ave., was to execute a search warrant as part of an ongoing narcotics investigation by the City-County Special Investigations Unit.

Ahh, the war on drugs.  Supposedly they felt this to be a high threat raid, except no one bothered to take into account the two small children in the house.  Instead they felt it to be a better option to kick down the door, break windows, and emotionally scar them since you know, knocking on the door and serving the warrant would be some how bad.

The real clue is that no charges have been field, the police claim they found evidence, of what who knows.  Most likely they will use that “evidence” as leverage to prevent legal action on their negligence.

State Sponsored Criminal #430: The Billings SWAT Team

Because by no means should an officer use his own brain to think whether or not “X” is a good idea or actually required.  Even more so, hand the potentially dangerous material to someone too stupid to wait till it goes off before letting it go.

h/t The Wife.

Socialism First Hand, A Warning

Now, with his comments about taking away the incentives for success and people losing interest in working hard in mind.  Lets look at another video:

Think about this for a second.  They’re penalizing success and there are large groups of people who instead of working live off of entitlements from the government.  As RobertaX said, we cannot reverse the slope, but we can at least change it to give us some time.  Given time we might be able to reverse it.

The ACA is going to have some serious repercussions that many probably don’t even realize.  Especially in large parts of the voter base that is most likely to support Obama. What am I talking about?  College internships are liable to get screwed.

There is no way a company is going to bother paying for benefits for an intern, doubly so since usually they are on school or their parents healthcare.  So now when you’re working 40 hour weeks in the summer they’ll have to provide care of face a fine.  Well instead they’ll limit you to 29 hour work weeks.

This is significant because during the summer I regularly worked 40+ hour weeks to pull overtime to save up for my upcoming semesters.  Now instead students will have to incur more debt because they will be prevented from earning money to pay for school.  Wait, who is it that subsidizes most of the loans, which are exempt from most laws governing debt, that’s right the government.

That’s right folks, the government passed legislation that will force more people to take loans and pay them interest.  Nice huh?  Don’t worry though, they’re from the government and they’re here to help…

Ultimately though Bill Whittle nails it with this one:

The money quote:

The left has these same failed ideas from about a 20 year window at the end of the 19th century.  That have never worked, don’t work now, and will never work.  And this clinging to an ossified discredited model based on envy and resentment has killed no less than 100 million people.  And many people call this progressive as they cover themselves in glory, but not in the blood or the failure.

It may be the recent history of the 20th century, however I think it’s certainly in the current path of the future for the United States.

Quote of the Day – A Girl and Her Gun(10/11/2012)

To be honest I don’t give a flying flip about what I should be able to do or what is fair or any false ideal of not giving the bad guy power. I really only care about what I can do to create a world where I have the best possible chance of A. Avoiding a bad guy situation and B. Surviving it should that not be possible.

(Emphasis Mine) A Girl and Her Gun – Right In Your Own Backyard
October 11, 2012

[That folks is exactly what it is we’re fighting for.  Our opponents often try to twist the truth, as if some how everyone is going to be forced to be given a gun.  In reality we want only the choice of the tools at our disposal for option A and B.

While some would say that carrying a firearm doesn’t fall into the option A realm, I beg to differ.  There are many incidents where there isn’t even a shot fired to end the encounter.  My parents both had experiences where it the threat was enough to unconceal.   At the immediate presence of the firearm, the aggressors immediately altered their tune.  Not to mention incidents like this.

The fact is carrying a firearm is a choice, it’s a choice that the anti-rights cultists wish we didn’t have.  They would rather we live in their world of fear and dependence than stand up independent and strong.  That is the exact difference between the pro-rights and anti-rights communities.

Next time someone says you shouldn’t be carrying a gun, ask them, “Why do you want to force people into being a victim?  Do you like criminals? Why are you forcing your choices on others?” We know how the attitudes of the cultists make me feel, especially when I hear about people who were made to be a victim in criminal protection zones.  They may not have chosen to carry, but ultimately they had that choice made for them anyway, and it makes me very angry.

Interestingly though, as angry as I get, unlike our opponents, I don’t get violent or wish violence upon others. -B]

Not a Friend to Gun Rights…

We’ve said this for a while but every once in a while someone bats for Obama saying how he hasn’t done anything against gun rights, much less said he would do anything to infringe on the Second Amendment.   Still think Obama is all sunshine and unicorn farts when it comes to the Second Amendment?

Well, a serious hat tip to Dave Hardy on this one, here it is right out of the horse’s mouth.

Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.

(Emphasis mine.)  And just to make sure it doesn’t go down the memory hole, here’s a screen shot of the entire page as of 1330 PDT October 10th, 2012.

Remember these facts when going to the polls or talking with others.  He is not a supporter of the Second Amendment and if he had his way personal ownership of firearms would be outlawed tomorrow.

Lets not even get started on the Fast and Furious debacle either.  As always, vote out the incumbents.

SSCC #427 – DEA, BATFEieio

The nation’s top drug and gun enforcement agencies do not track how often they give their informants permission to break the law on the government’s behalf.

U.S. Justice Department rules put strict limits on when and how agents at the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives can authorize their informants — often drawn from the ranks of the criminals they are investigating — to commit a crime. But both the ATFand DEA acknowledged, in response to open-records requests and in written statements, that they do not track how often such permission is given.

(Emphasis mine.) When you see it written like that, it reads as the definition of a State Sponsored Criminal now doesn’t it?

State Sponsored Criminal #427: The Feds

Because if you want to get a crime, just ask the government for permission first.  If you have to sweeten the deal by squealing on your compatriots.  No honor among thieves you know.