I saw this last week and I kept trying to come up with something to put with it and then a reader bumped it to me over the weekend.  This one is just disturbing in so many ways.

A New York City police officer who allegedly planned to kidnap, cook and eat as many 100 women has been arrested following a joint NYPD and FBI investigation.

This one makes the count because of the following:

Gilberto Valle III, of Forest Hills, Queens, was charged with one count of conspiracy to commit kidnapping, according to a federal criminal complaint, as well was using the National Crime Information Center database to access unauthorized data.

This is why I have serious issues with databases created even with the most noble of intentions.  Just because the intent is good at the beginning or even the majority of users doesn’t mean that it cannot be turned by one individual set upon evil.  The details are just sickening.

It makes me wonder if he came across this(NSFW, Not Safe For Work, seriously do NOT click at work!  What can I say? GBC has corrupted me.) and didn’t realize that was all fake.

This is disturbing and sickening on so many levels.

State Sponsored Criminal #444: Gilberto Valle

Because the state exists to enable criminals and cannibals to find their unwitting victims to prey upon.

via Lone Wanderer for the reminder.

On today’s mass shooting…

As usual twitter erupted into a bunch of people yelling and screaming for gun control, because well that’s what you do instead of nothing.

I sat and patiently waited until I could find the name of the shooter, with held for obvious reasons.  What is significant though is the following:

Authorities said they believed the shooting was related to a domestic dispute. The man they identified as the suspect, *redacted*, 45, of Brown Deer, had a restraining order against him.

So lets see here, restraining order and a serious domestic dispute.  Hmm, there’s some amendment I remember that says those with Protective Restraining Orders against them cannot have firearms. What is it called again, oh yeah the Lautenberg Amendment.

The act bans shipment, transport, ownership and use of guns or ammunition by individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, or who are under a restraining (protection) order for domestic abuse in all 50 states. The act also makes it unlawful to knowingly sell or give a firearm or ammunition to such persons.

So what’s the score on this one.  Gun control didn’t stop this murderer set on his mission.  It could have very well prevented people from defending themselves depending on the policies of the spa and mall.  It could have also prevented the victim from effectively seeking arms from the waiting period.  Ultimately though we won’t know the true effect of either of those items.

What is know, for a fact, that this man was a prohibited person, and as oh so often occurs, gun control failed.  Also of worthy note:

After the shooting, police said an improvised explosive device was found at the spa and a bomb squad is investigating, but they did not indicate whether the suspect ever tried to set the device off.

Personally I prefer these nut bags go use firearms.  There is a decent chance of survival and overall they are much less effective than explosives or fire.  The bottom line is all the clamoring for gun control is yet another example of the failure of people to comprehend how to properly cope with tragedy.

Gun control only does one thing really well.  It ensures that the law-abiding victims are disarmed so the criminals can have their way without fear of failure.

*I will not aid in giving this monster his 15 minutes of fame.

SSCC #419–Powell

Kirk B. Chapman is facing a count of third-degree sexual assault, which alleges he used his position of authority as a police officer to get a Powell woman to submit to sexual contact last September. According to charging documents filed in the case, the woman alleges Chapman touched her genitals, rubbed his groin on her rear end and kissed her after stopping by her residence early one morning under the auspices of checking to make sure she was all right.

Have no fear though, the law enforcement office involved reacted as they all normally do.

In a Wednesday interview, Powell Police Chief Roy Eckerdt said that after the department was made aware of the allegations last year, Chapman was placed on administrative leave while investigations were pending. Eckerdt said Chapman did not return to duty before resigning in November. Eckerdt would not comment further — including on the findings of an internal investigation — saying it was a personnel matter confidential under state law.

Nothing says, son you did wrong, like giving them a paid vacation and letting them resign to save their career.

State Sponsored Criminal #419: Kirk B. Chapman

Because when you’re a cop and you see a woman you fancy, you can evidently do whatever the hell you want.  Just do your best to make sure you don’t get caught.

Shooting Like A Girl…

So I was browsing through footage from Boomershoot 2012 and there was a couple clips I had intended to use but forgot about.  You see when Anette heard there was a rifle caliber pistol, she looked all giddy when I told her that.  Then we warned her about all the things that could possibly go wrong, most importantly making sure you provide correct eye relief before the shot. 

Below is the video of Anette and Shelly teaching us how to shoot like a girl.

Yes, Anette squealed like a little girl and Shelly just turned around and rocked it like a boss.  Now in Anette’s defense, she hadn’t seen that pistol fired every.  She didn’t know really what to expect other than what we warned her about.  Well when you’re warned about it flying back punching people in the face, you get a bit apprehensive.   Shelly got the benefit of watching Anette shoot it so she knew exactly what to expect.  Never the less, it was fun for everyone there, even Anette!

At the end was my new production clip I’m going to put at the end of every video I do.  That was my first venture into the world of After Effects and over time I may add more but that was 100% done in house.  I recorded the sound and edited it, did the 3D animation, and did the effect for the writing.  The animation was the hardest part because for some reason my render would break about a quarter of the way through.  Finally I did it in a bunch of stills and then condensed it into a clip.  Also of note, creating models in Solidworks is much easier than Blender.  Honestly I think blender has to be the most counter intuitive UI I have ever encountered.  When you’re excuse is, you haven’t learned it, you’re doing it wrong.  It doesn’t even lend itself to playing to figure it out, that’s a freaking clue!

There’s Monsters In the Hills…

Pullman Police arrested a man for burglary on Sunday morning after he allegedly broke into an apartment on Oak Street and got into bed with one of the women who lived there.

No, this isn’t a case of a drunk guy getting confused about where his home is either.

Shortly thereafter, he was found hiding under a stairwell. He was arrested and taken to the Whitman County Jail. Police believe that Alhaidari intended to rape the victim. The case is still under investigation and police said that it’s possible that Alhaidari tried entering other apartments in the area earlier that night. 

I’m glad the woman is OK and relatively unscathed.  Now the article says they merely told him to leave, though I’m hoping they told him to leave using the Universal Hand Signal for leave me alone.  Though if they had I would have preferred his perforation and a guaranteed recidivism rate.  I’m afraid though the odds are most likely the women in this case got lucky and were unarmed.

Be careful out there folks, there are monsters and predators out here in the real world.  Some monsters will give up as easily as this one did, others however are much more determined and much more sinister.  This is under the It Can’t Happen Here category specifically because I hear people say how nice Pullman is so often and there is no reason I would ever need a firearm.  Yup, it’s so peaceful around here that the cops still carry guns too right?

Do not count on the kindness of your aggressor.  You may find out that the petty crime is just a ruse and what he is really after is you or your family’s life.  Be careful and carry your guns out there, you don’t know when the time will come when you finally need it.

SSCC #408: Miami-Dade

A Miami-Dade police officer routinely stopped women drivers for no reason so he could have “sexually suggestive conversations” — including asking to see the scars on a Miami Beach bartender’s surgically enhanced breasts — and then let the women go without issuing any citations, federal authorities say.

We’re not talking just conversations though:

Dwivedi asked the driver to exit her car and sit in the back seat of his marked cruiser, then “instructed A.R. to lower the zipper on the front of her dress down past her breasts to her mid-stomach,” the complaint says. “A.R. stated that, by following Dwivedi’s instructions, she somewhat exposed her breasts.”

She was detained for one hour and twenty minutes before the officer left without issuing a citation. According to Miami-Dade police, Dwivedi did not list the traffic stop on his daily activity report, nor did he advise a dispatcher of the stop. He also did not conduct a driver’s license check of A.R. or her two passengers.

Thankfully this officer hadn’t become more aggressive in his predatory habits, yet.

State Sponsored Criminal #408: Prabhainjana Dwivedi

Because being a cop means you can deprive women of their rights and intimidate them into compliance for your own gratification.


SSCC #398–Rockwood

"It is alleged that Zieminski engaged in inappropriate sexual contact using force or coercion with a female prisoner who was in his custody at the time," Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office spokeswoman Maria Miller said in a release issued Tuesday.

Couldn’t get any worse than that right?

This is the second time that sexual improprieties while employed as a police officer have led to Zieminski’s firing.

(Emphasis mine.)  Yeah, I think the state is culpable for round two.  It is worth noting the following as well about the prior incident.

Zieminski was fired by the Rockwood Police Department on July 6, though Rockwood Police Chief Stephen Rowe declined to state the reason, according to the News-Herald, and once before in 2006 when he was 28 and worked in Brownstown Township as a police liaison at Woodhaven High School, during which time a 17-year-old female student reported having inappropriate contact with Ziemenski.

Are we surprised a sexual predator would want to be in law enforcement where his position would give him “unquestioned authority”.

State Sponsored Criminal #398: Christian Zieminski

Because evidently the city of Rockwood feels that it is a smart idea to place a sexual predator around people while giving him a badge and a gun to coerce his victims.

ICHH – The Kind I Hate

Normally TMW does these posts, she hasn’t been as active about it lately though.  Also when we do them it focuses on people’s belief that it can’t happen here.  Usually someone says a variant of the following, “I never thought it could happen here.”

Well this one close enough to home for some of us that it should drive the point home.

Everything that has just occurred took place, not in minutes, but seconds.  From the initial observation of the man… to his strange question… to the attack… and finally to the assailant running off took a total of maybe less than ten, not more than fifteen seconds.  The sheriff’s department was called… the young gal… all of sixteen… was taken to the hospital for treatment… and the assailant was caught… found lying on the ground under another camper not far away… apparently under the influence of drugs.

Go read Dann’s post, seriously, it is a prime example of how quickly the world can change, and no place is safe.  This particular incident occurred at a County Fair, with her parents close by and a friend sitting next to her.

Many of us exercise risk management and the thing is, like firearms, “Is Life, Is not Safe.”  Everything in life has risk, some things are lower risk that others.  Ultimately though your number can be called.  It may be an unlikely event, but it very well could be called out.  It can happen without warning and without cause.  It can happen there, it can happen here.  It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

I carry a gun, among other tools because I won’t get a warning if my number is going to be called.  I could very well only have seconds to identify my number is up and to react.