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QoTD Mike Rowe 26 May 2010

I know, I know. You’re sitting at home and you’re scratching your head and you’re saying why in this age of enlightenment is it still necessary to blast these beautiful creatures out of the sky and the answer is simple. Responsible hunting has always been a part of responsible conservation. Plus they taste really good. – Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs (Collection 5 Episode 2 Goose Down Plucker)

Hunters are the biggest contributors to conservation, yet the Liberals think hunting and the tools used are a bad thing.

As TMM put it, Mike Rowe actually got something out of his Eagle Scout unlike Michael Bloomberg.

Palouse Car Show – 2010

I discovered late last week there was going to be a car show in Palouse yesterday. Being the amature photographer and absolutely loving classic cars I decided I would pay a visit. I took over 1000 pictures (literally) over the course of the day.

I spent all day today processing what I could and working on the photo gallery. While most would say just post all 1000 photos, thing is a lot of them are three shot brackets for HDR work. Also each weights about 10 megs a piece since they’re in raw format so I still have to process them to make them smaller and in a publicly useable format. If you had a vehicle at the car show, and you see a picture of it in the Gallery feel free to contact me. I would love to update the info with your exact year and model and put any other info you’d like.

Note all my work is under the creative commons license. Feel free to display it just attribute a photo credit to me, only conditions are no alterations and no commercial use. If you want to do either of those, contact me and we will work something out. I’m not a dick, but I did spend time doing all this work and commercial use dictates I should be compensated.

I did get a lot of really good photographs, I’m dropping a few of my favorites here as well. The family BBQ joint I frequent was where I discovered the car show. They informed me because well, they were catering it, and I often show up Saturday night.

Since the whole crew was there, I must provide a picture of TGC. She’s the real reason I like hanging out with Mike and Laurel. She provides hours of entertainment for a much lower price than TV service. Even the replays on Laurel’s iPhone the next day are awesome.

Overall the day was an absolute blast and it appears that everyone had fun. Doc Brown even showed up with his Delorean.

We even unexpectedly ran into other familiars like Lyle.

And here is one last parting image I was working on today. (Note I’m only though about the first 250 images.)

I will probably be going to the Clarkston car show end of this month, as well as Hot August Nights. If you’re going to be there and would like me to take pictures of your car, contact me. Time for a break!

Forced civil service anyone?

It’s back.

To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.

So the government wants to force us to serve 2 years in either uniformed or civilian service under the sole authority of the President. Who cares if you have a good job or are in college, etc? Under this bill, there would be no choice. If you are between the ages of 18 and 42, male or female, you would have to serve. Land of the “Free” my ass. What a bunch of slave driving hypocrites. How many of those same politicians or politician’s husbands skipped to Canada during the last draft? Now they feel they have the right to force others into service on their behalf.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with voluntary service. Forced service is the most evil thing on the planet. The Russians had forced service called conscription, the Germans did as well and it was also seen in the V-1 rocket factories. Mr. Obama and Congress take your brown shirts and go to hell.

I knew there was a reason…

I loathe and despise groups like ALF and PETA and now there is even more cause for me to absolutely abhor PETA.

Since 1998, PETA has opted to “put down” 23,640 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens instead of finding homes for them.

I believe in treating animals ethically, but I still hunt and enjoy eating meat. I don’t kill wild game for sport. To me it is nourishment for me and my family. It is also a method of animal conservation. Without hunting, animal populations would increase and bring an increase in starvation to the same animals.

Domesticated animals cannot survive without their human counterparts and people who believe otherwise are foolish. Dogs and cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and depend on humans for their survival.

I also do not have a problem with animals being used for research as long as it is ethical. We would not be as medically advanced as we are without these animals. Cures for many diseases would not have been found and people would not have the hope that they carry every day of being able to beat disease and live better lives.

How is it okay to put healthy adoptable animals down instead of adopting them out to good homes? So much for animal welfare; it’s obvious they just care about money to line their pockets and advertise the wrong doing of pet owners and hunters with no understanding whatsoever about true animal welfare and conservation.

H/T to Bitter

The Moral Politics Test

I discovered this quiz while reading Say Uncle’s blog. Normally I would be offended by the results.

Your scored -1 on Moral Order and -6.5 on Moral Rules.

The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible):

    System: Liberalism

    Ideology:
Progressive NeoLiberalism

    Party:
Libertarian Party

    Presidents:
Ronald Reagan

    04′ Election:
Michael Badnarik

    08′ Election:
Ron Paul

Of the 642,536 respondents (11,571 on Facebook):

    4% are close to you.

    3% are more

    1% are more liberal.

    51% are more socialist.

    37% are more authoritarian.

However, in this case, the term Liberal was used correctly, so no offense taken.

Liberalism is a political system that blends NonConformance and Independence:

    Children are born good and should be nurtured to become productive members of society.

    Individual initiatives are more effective than collective ones.

Liberalism sees individual liberty as the highest values in social and economical life. It favors the right to dissent from orthodox tenets or established authorities in social or economical matters. This definition blends the social aspects of U.S. Liberalism [NonConformance] with the economic aspects of European Liberalism [Independence].

Progressive NeoLiberalism is a moderate form of Economic Liberalism.

Neoliberalism is a political philosophy and a political-economic movement beginning in the 1970s that de-emphasizes or rejects government intervention in the economy, focusing instead on achieving progress and even social justice by more free-market methods, especially an emphasis on economic growth, as measured by changes in real gross domestic product.

Progressive Neoliberalism is Neoliberalism associated with non-conforming moral values.

Economic Liberalism is the variation of Liberalism that emphasizes Independence over NonConformance.

People in this category will tend to have stronger opinions about favoring individual initiatives (lower taxes, less corporate and environmental regulations, …) than about loosening the moral order (gay rights, ecology, drug legalization,…).

It Could Always Be Worse

So my schedule for yesterday did a big fat change Friday night.  Instead of the Palouse car show we decided to help Joe with a private Boomershoot party.  We drove the truck for simplicity sake and got out there a little bit late.  Late enough that everyone was at the Taj by the time we got there.

As I arrived I saw a set of tracks running through the field next to the berm down at 380.  Figured ok passage should be good.  I eventually get in a ways and see a small mud hole that doesn’t look too bad.  This thing was deep enough and wet enough it could have been used as a runaway truck ramp because that’s exactly how it behaved.  I hit it at about 20 to 25 and immediately stated slowing down I got to just the other side but the rear end was mired in.  I Tried backing up cutting to one side to try and get another run, big freaking mistake.  My front end sunk in absolutely no time flat.  When I got out this is what it looked like.


The weight of the diesel block is what did me in cause notice how the front wheels sunk.


We tried to pull it out initially by Joe doing a snatch with his Escape.  It didn’t work, I then tried to use the come along and with his rig as the anchor with the truck trying to pull out.  The Escape just started sliding towards the truck. 

We then proceeded to just move the bare minimum gear up there and were going to get the truck out after the party.  After the depressing failure of the fireball we went and grabbed the Cat.  Hooked it up to the back and pulled her right out.DSC_0150



The ruts tell the story of how bad it really was.


I have now joined the limited group of Boomershoot staff that goes out there so often that they have finally gotten stuck.

When I stopped to chat with some friends from work last night I was reminded of one very important thing.  No matter what, it could always be worse.  How much worse you ask?


That is a Steiger Quadtrac 4WD tractor that sunk in the Palouse mud out here near Pullman.  How sunk you ask?  Well normally they look like the following and they have been known to pull stuck dozers out of the mud.


State Sponsored Criminal Count

Time and time again I am hearing about TSA agents stealing from airline passengers.  They’ve been caught stealing cash, electronics, organizing thefts with their coworkers, and some have even busted for child pornography.  Now with the addition of the “Fast and Furious Scandal” we are finding that the government knowingly gave felons a clear background check even though they should have been stopped.  Our government provided arms to disqualified purchasers.  Given all of this information when I received an email today of yet another incident with the TSA I felt it was time to create something similar to the Dead Goblin Count

The rules are simple:

  1. The person worked for the government, IE: TSA, DHS, FBI, BATFE, or any other part of the government, local, state or federal.
  2. The person committed the crime while on duty, or his job provided access to commit the crime under color of law (see the pedophile above).
  3. High level incidents such as the “Fast and Furious” incidents count.  Individual incidents involved in the same program can be counted separately.
  4. Must have accompanying documentation with the submission.

To submit incidents, please use this form.  You can also recommend any additions or changes to the rules, I may or may not accept them.  Even if you don’t think it will fully meet the requirements above, most likely disqualifying factor is rule #2, send it anyway it will at least get an honorable mention. 

So here’s the first entry in the list goes to the one that finally pushed me to actually do it.

A Transportation Security Administration officer has been accused of stealing $22,000 worth of watches from passengers’ luggage at Los Angeles International Airport.

It’s good to know that the TSA agent was so busy stealing jewelry there is no way anything else could have slipped past him.  Yet another example of A Security Theater.  He joins the list of previously uncounted TSA agents stealing from passengers.

Thank god the TSA is here to protect us, who else would rifle through our luggage, sniffing our underwear and stealing jewelry.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 1 + 5(examples at top) = 6

Quote of the Day–Anonymous(03/01/2012)

Life without joy is not worth living and death is not an option for me.

Anonymous – For Your Funny Bone

[That’s a good attitude to have towards life.  Even when life has you down remember this little fact:

For without sorrow and pain, laughter and joy would hold nowhere near the same value.

Along with this story:

A king called his chief advisors into his court to ask their council.  He gave them a charge, to bring him something that would make him happy when he was sad, and sad when he was happy.

The three men bowed and left to work on their task.  They returned two weeks later with a ring.  They handed to the king who then inspected it.  Inscribed within the ring was the following text:

This too shall pass.

The funniest thing about that thread was for the most part it wasn’t really funny other than the initial email and we didn’t really notice until the end.  The thread did go full circle by the way, proving both the above.  -B]