Search Results for: node/state sponsored criminal count tsa

SSCC #511 – TSA

A Charlotte woman told Eyewitness News she also had cash stolen from a TSA baggage inspector at Charlotte Douglas airport.

Reggie Edwards was arrested and charged with stealing cash out of a suitcase.

Edwards was arrested again Thursday after police said they linked him to stealing $150 from a woman’s suitcase just weeks before.

So much for their “zero tolerance” policy on stealing.  Someone explain to me how schools can take “zero tolerance” to a level where it resembles “zero brains”; yet the TSA runs it so low as to make it seem like it’s, “do nothing”.

State Sponsored Criminal #511: Reggie Edwards

Because when you get caught stealing as a TSA agent, your only mistake was getting caught.  Have no fear though, you won’t be fired.

SSCC #245–The TSA

Hey, we’ve come back around to the same agency that started it all!

A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) worker at Miami International Airport was charged with grand theft after allegedly stealing from passengers’ bags and hiding the items in a special constructed pocket added to his uniform jacket.

Well how big of a pocket could he actually make?

A police spokesman said Pujol stowed the stolen goods in a secret jacket pocket that was big enough to conceal a laptop computer.

He got the job and manipulated the uniform just so he could steal from the public at large.  He did it with the state seal of approval too.  Yeah higher ups may get angry when he’s caught, but overall they could care less.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 245: Michael Pujol

Because what the American public is to a TSA employee is nothing but a shopping center for free stuff.

via Weer’d.

SSCC #13–TSA Takes Teens $100 Gift

Now it seems that TSA agents have found a more subtle score: stealing $100 that was a gift to a 16-year-old honor student from his grandmother. The boy’s mother tells the Post that the theft was "disgusting and a violation of my son’s trust."

The TSA has not terminated this individual involved as it is still under investigation.  Despite the claims of zero tolerance, I doubt anything is going to come from this as how can they prove he swiped 100 bucks.  It’s not as if he swiped 20 grand worth of jewelry and pawned it.

A Security Theater has proven worthless and nothing more than a den for thieves and perverts.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 13

Because nothing says free like representatives of the state stealing a kids lunch money gift from his grandmother.  I mean where else have we ever seen this kind bullying before?

The TSA is on Fire Today

So evidently a TSA agent forgot about a firearm he was carrying.

A Transportation Safety Administration employee was taken into custody Tuesday after he unlawfully tried to bring a handgun into the secured area of Miami International Airport, police said.

According to the police report, Valdes admitted he knew it was illegal to bring a firearm into the airport and that he just “forgot.” He also said the gun was not registered and he did not have a concealed weapons permit.

(Emphasis Mine)  What is most scary though is he was hired and passed the TSA background checks, yet he didn’t apply for a Florida carry license?!  It makes me wonder if he was actually eligible for possession of the firearm.

The bottom line here is it just proves the failure of screening processes and gun control. They got lucky this time they caught him carrying the firearm.  How many times had he carried into the secure areas unnoticed?  

*I am reasonably sure this isn’t the first time an incident like this has occurred, however I cannot find any news record for it and I evidently didn’t blog it.  If you find or know of a previous incident, where a TSA agent was caught unlawfully carrying a firearm, please post it in the comments.

Another TSA Lawsuit

This time from Jesse Ventura.

Jesse Ventura filed the lawsuit Monday in a Minnesota federal court against the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA, claiming that his right to not be subject to unwarranted searches and seizures is consistently violated when he flies.

The article then goes on to say that one of the key motivations is that Jesse Ventura is often stopped because he had hip replacement surgery.  Medical hardware of any kind makes flying a complete nightmare.  Seriously, as someone with hardware I refuse to fly.  Having a metal rod in each leg, one of which is in my femur has guaranteed a intimate visit behind the curtain since 2005.

My father in law has a prosthetic leg, the TSA wanted him to fully disassemble it.  We’re talking about every nut and bolt here where there was just bare metal for the flexing ankle.  What we have is people who barely have a high school education on a power trip, because someone felt that this would make us feel safer.  The TSA is A Security Theater, it makes the idiots think their safe while the rest of us get screwed.

Mr. Ventura is attacking on the grounds that they are warrantless searches, and a violation of the 4th amendment.  This also ignores the fact that they are trampling on rights that people cannot voluntarily surrender.  It’s good to see this happening in conjunction with the others currently in the works. 


Omer Petti, 95, said he believes an airport employee stole the cash that he was told to remove from his pocket and place in a bin on his way through security on March 29. He and his girlfriend, Madge Woodward, 85, were headed home after a family vacation in Palm Springs.

This doesn’t surprise me one bit.  While some would say yeah right, it’s a great way to rip people off if they listen to you.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 318: San Diego TSA

Because being a TSA agent means that many people will think that what you tell them to do is a good idea.  Then you take their stuff while your buddy molests them.

via Uncle

SSCC #314-#317 – TSA

The real reason for the war on nouns is to allow our fearless leaders “who know best” to create their own little enterprises in the illicit trades they create.

Two former and two current Transportation Security Administration
employees were accused of allowing large amounts of cocaine and other
drugs to pass through X-ray machines at security checkpoints in exchange
for cash, authorities said Wednesday.

I’m sure there was actually probably more involved, at least in the form of greased wheels.  I am by no means shocked or surprised by this.  At this point I don’t think that disbanding the TSA will be enough.  I’m starting to want someone’s head on a pike.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 314: Naral Richardson

315: John Whitfield

Joy White

317: Capeline

Because being a TSA agent means you can abuse the law abiding while getting pay offs to look the other way when criminals walk by.


A manager at the Transportation Security Administration has lost his job after being arrested on prostitution-related charges. According to court documents, the agency had received a complaint of “very similar” activities back in 2009.

(Emphasis mine.)  So much for their “holding employees to the higher professional and ethical standards.”  The TSA’s statement on the matter:

“TSA cooperated fully with law enforcement during their investigation into this matter. The allegations against this individual are unacceptable and in no way reflect the integrity and professionalism of the more than 50,000 security officers who strive every day to ensure the security of the traveling public.”

Guess they were really just upset he got caught second time because it seems the first time would be enough to swing the axe.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 297: Bryant Jermaine Livingston

Because it’s only a problem after you get caught multiple times, we just say that stuff about integrity, ethics, and professionalism to make people feel good.