Search Results for: node/state sponsored criminal count tsa


“The agent was very aggressive in his pat-down, and he was patting me down where no one is supposed to go,” said Canseco.  “It got very uncomfortable so I moved his hand away.  That stopped everything and brought in supervisors and everyone else.”

It’s never a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 319: San Antonio TSA

Because the TSA is so god like they can abuse anyone now and get away with it.

SSCC 128 – TSA

Here’s yet another unpossible, inconceivable addition from our infallible overlords at the TSA.

A Transportation Security Administration security officer is out on bail after he was arrested and charged with child pornography.

Remember, this is by no means the first time and it most certainly won’t be the last. The claims that they thoroughly screen their agents are yet again proved false.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 128 – Michael Scott Wilson

Because the real reason for the TSA is to acclimate our children and provide compliant victims under color of law for sexual predators.  It’s a security theater, it has nothing to do with security.

SSCC Honorable Mention–TSA

They just can’t stay off this thing now can they?  Not surprising since it was their actions that caused me to create it.

When I made a similar FOIA request in 2008, I assumed the TSA would respond in a few months. Government agencies have about a month to respond to public record requests, though they often take longer. I figured even if their response took months, I’d be able to repeat it regularly to get a timely, inside look as to what passengers were complaining about and find out about incidents that required some more digging.

Boy, was I wrong.

After waiting and waiting and narrowing my request and some more waiting, the files finally arrived this week.

The information is now four years old — but it echoes much of what people are still complaining about.

Now why would they withhold information for 4 years I hear you cry.  There’s a couple reasons.

  • Statute of limitations.
  • Hoping people forget.
  • Hoping for winds of change.
  • People involved are promoted away from the incident.

The bottom line is they don’t want the public and certainly not anyone critical of them to find out about the complaints.  There’s definitely a reason why given how often their employees are in the count.

Honorable Mention: The TSA

Because we need to do everything we can to protect our employees from the people they molest and abuse.

TSA Agent Provides Phony Marriage

This one is another giant bag of unpossible given the high caliber screening processes in place for the hiring process of their employees.  Well here in the real world we know better than to trust statements like that.

A Transportation Security Administration agent was arrested this week on
federal charges for her role in an alleged phony marriage scheme that
sought to secure U.S. citizenship for her purported spouse, a Lebanon

The federal criminal complaint does not detail Taha’s alleged motive for
taking part in the sham February 2002 marriage (or whether she was paid
in return for the marriage vows). Taha, charged with conspiracy and
making false statements, has worked as a TSA agent at the Detroit
airport since late-2002.

So in other words she was helping bring people into the country by marrying them.  She dated other agents while supposedly being married, and even fathered a child with said TSA agents.

This is completely unsurprising, but never the less how did it escape their crack team of investigators?

Because your job as a federal agent is to break the law, just ask the ATF or DEA.

The TSA is Pointless

So, Joe recently proved how useless the TSA is.  His backpack, which had explosives in it the month before, I was there as he packed it across the frozen tundra, passed screening with flying colors.  We’re not talking GSR here folks, were talking Ammonium Nitrate and Potassium Chlorate with some other fuels.   His other bags which also spend copious amounts of time passed with flying colors as well.

Then tonight Joe posts this wonderful graphic.  Posted here because it’s just that awesome.

TSA Waste
Created by:

The TSA is pointless and nothing but a security theater.  Their whole job is to make stupid people think that some how they’re safer while destroying their rights.  All the while figuring out how to steal money from their customers.

Don’t forget about all of these incidents, or the incidents of sexual predators.  Remember though, it’s all for your protection.  If you don’t like them molesting you, your wife, or your children, well too bad they’re the state and can do whatever the hell they want.  I’ve disowned and disassociated from anyone willing to work for the thugs, have you?

TSA and the Law

Janet Napolitano played down the idea of migrating to an Israeli type security screening at airports here in the United States despite the back lash from the sexual assaults intrusive patdowns and screenings.

“There are some differences in the laws and the legal constraints that we abide by,” she said. “There may be some things that can be shared (with Israel) and some things that would not … The practices and techniques that we use will differ and do differ.”

What Janet really means by that statement is, “Currently we are actually violating the law, should we stop we might loose control over some of the sheep we have trained.”  By violating the 4th Amendment you have already shown the fact that you completely disregard the law, including the most important ones.


No you do not have to violate anyone’s 4th Amendment rights because they want to fly.  This is absurd and beyond belief.  There is absolutely no justification for it.  They attempt to claim justification but the truth of the matter is that necessity is the plea of every infringement!  How many people has TSA actually saved?  On the other side of that equation though, how many people abused by the TSA has stopped a terrorist attack?

This whole thing is a farce and a power grab.  This whole mess is worse than Russia in 1989.  What the hell is it going to take to wake these sheep up?

Why the TSA needs to go

When you see the following regarding someone’s experience with the backscatter X-Ray machine and someone opting out, it should be obvious why they’re doing it.

Or it was, until a male TSA agent walked behind us and hollered: "Hey, I thought she was mine! I was gonna do her!"

And that, buddy, is exactly why I’m opting out instead of standing in the see-through picture machine. Thanks for validating my choice.

Remember, they claim the necessity is for our safety, but given who the TSA hires and comments like this, it’s to get their rocks off.

H/T to Uncle.

TSA Doesn’t Want to Appear Before Congress

The TSA backed out of a congressional hearing regarding the use of their full-body scanners today.

“It is customary for federal government witnesses to appear on government-only panels in order to allow for a thoughtful, direct and frank conversation between the witnesses and the committee members,” said spokeswoman Kristin Lee. “TSA would welcome the opportunity to have the agency officials testify in a forum that does not seat agency officials with opposing litigants.”

In other words, testimony to the government panel, should only consist of government shills, and no one who would present the opposing argument against a government agencies stance should be present.

This whole thing stinks to high heaven and hopefully those on the committee will see this action for exactly what it is. The agency has been willfully negligent, conspired to violate the law, and should be dealt with as the venomous snake they are. Their refusal to show up is nothing more than an excuse and a poor one at that. May congress roll down upon them like a ton of bricks.