Accountabilibuddyable–Las Vegas

Instead of an SSCC tonight we have this.  He only got 2 years but read the judges comments and what all went down.

Norman was in court this morning to face his punishment after pleading guilty to charges of coercing women to expose their breasts after stopping them on the road.

Judge Abbi Silver — after hearing victims’ statements — looked right at him and said: “You are nothing short of a sexual predator with a badge.”

Thankfully the judge didn’t hold back:

Norman received maximum sentencing for the counts he previously pleaded guilty to: oppression under color of office, and open or gross lewdness. His punishment is two years in prison and he was taken away in handcuffs.

And upon his release from prison he will have to register as a sex offender.  I would say his job in law enforcement is effectively done.

I wish he was serving more jail time, but as it’s the maximum sentence for his convictions and the other modifiers should keep him from doing it again.  I can take that.

Former Officer John Norman – Because he was too stupid to see he was using his position as force and leverage to manipulate people, yeah I don’t believe that and neither did the judge.

SSCC #502-504: Durham

Three police officers, including a high-ranking watch commander, were arrested Friday and charged with “pushing their way into a residence” in North Durham to retrieve items that were reportedly stolen from them.

That’s right folks, the officers acted in concert with each other to break the law.  As usual the officers are on administrative leave pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.  However given the history of different departments, I have no hope of them terminating employment of this offense.  If they do, odds are the officers will be allowed to resign to save face and prevent a black mark from affecting future employment.

State Sponsored Criminal #502: Jessica Lobaugh

#503: Benjamin Brackett

#504: Jennifer Norton

Because when you think that someone stole your stuff, you just take care of it your self right?  You are the law!

h/t Sean.

SSCC #501 – Boston

A veteran Boston police officer who has been suspended in the past for a domestic altercation pleaded not guilty on Monday to charges of raping and indecently assaulting a woman, officials said.

Surprise!  An incident in his history occurred in 2002 and was also one of the officers responsible for this incident.  Yet the department has yet to fire him.

No word on if there was any charges for the domestic altercation.  It would be doubly interesting if he was a prohibited person but exempt because he’s an LEO.

State Sponsored Criminal #501: Henderson Parker

Because when officers start doing bad things, there’s no reason at all they shouldn’t be taken off the job, it’s not like they’ve shown that they’re irresponsible.

State Sponsored Criminal #500–Orlando

A former Orlando police officer accused of raping a woman while on duty has formally entered a not-guilty plea in Orange County Circuit Court.

Records show defense attorney Robert Nesmith entered a written plea on behalf of his client, Roderick Johnson, who is accused of raping a 22-year-old woman at a police substation on Oct. 16.

Johnson arrested the woman after he learned the car she was driving was reported stolen.

The woman said Johnson took her to a substation on Orange Center Boulevard, had unprotected sex with her on a desk, and gave her $40 before taking her to jail.

No Comment.

State Sponsored Criminal #500: Robert Nesmith

Because by all means, rape a woman you arrest and then pay her as a prostitute.  You’re a cop right!

SSCC #499 – Idaho County

This one’s out of my back yard.

An Idaho County sheriff’s deputy has pleaded guilty to felony sexual battery for a sexual relationship he had with a 16-year-old girl last summer. The Lewiston Tribune reports  31-year-old Daniel L. Funderberg of Kamiah pleaded guilty Thursday during a hearing before 2nd District Judge John Stegner. Lewis County

He was placed on administrative leave after the charges were filed and is looking at a three to six-year suspended sentence under the recommendation of the prosecutor.  Nice huh?

State Sponsored Criminal #499: Daniel L. Funderberg

Because cops are some how worthy of more lenient sentences for despicable crimes.

*Worthy of note, Idaho county was where I had this “wonderful” experience!

SSCC Honorable Mention – Murray County

According to court documents, on October 8, 2011, Billings, while working in his capacity as a deputy sheriff, physically assaulted the victim, who was handcuffed at the time and not a physical threat to anyone. Billings tackled the victim to the ground, positioned himself over the victim, grabbed the victim by the chin, and began to bang the victim’s head into the floor. In so doing, Billings subjected the victim to unreasonable force, punishing him for verbally offending Billings. As a result, the victim sustained a mild concussion and suffered pain and swelling to his head. Billings knew that he was prohibited from using physical force on a restrained arrestee who is not a physical threat and assaulted the victim anyway.

I should probably be counting this, however he is facing up to 10 yeas in prison.  What does disturbs me is that no one stepped up to defend the victim.  The whole thing is down right despicable and I will try to watch for updates on sentencing.  If the judge is lenient this one’s going on the count.

State Sponsored Crimianl Honorable Mention: Craig Billings

Because when a person in cuffs mouths off, you beat the ever-loving crap out of him.  As a law enforcement officer, you can do as you damn well please right?

Actions have consequences…

So I got a text from my mom last night:

Police reportedly having difficulty buying ammo according to the national news.

To which I replied:

Welcome to the club folks.  Maybe you LEOs should tell your legislators to chill out and stop using tragedies to infringe rights.

Now, it is not a joke, and it’s very real that some departments are having trouble getting ammo.  Is it a surprise?  Which is more profitable for the manufacturers right now?  Hold it for the police or sell it to consumers?

Sult’s department is one of many law enforcement agencies in Georgia that Diamant found with bullets on back order – tens of thousands of rounds each.

“It affects our ability to be prepared,” Sult said. “It affects the potential safety of the officers, because they’re not as proficient as they should be.”

Now for my moment of warm shining insight of connecting some possible consequences not considered by some.

Who currently is buying ammo at a rate previously unheard of?

  • Law-Abiding non-LEO Civilians.

Who currently is conserving ammo as if they will not be able to get more tomorrow?

  • Law-Abiding non-LEO Civilians.

Who must continue to expend ammunition due to legal and department policy requirements?

  • Law Enforcement Officers.

Who will be tasked with enforcement of any new gun laws dreamed up by our elected critters?

  • Law Enforcement Officers.

Who stands to not have enough ammunition to enforce said treasonous laws?

  • Law Enforcement Officers.

Yeah, personally I’m failing to find anything wrong with this situation.  If our elected representatives would like to keep our paid law-enforcement officers plush with ammo, the solution is simple.  “Stop threatening the rights of Americans.”  Creating a bunch of felons overnight with the stroke of a pen will do nothing but result in conflict and additional unnecessary work load for those who honestly work in law-enforcement.  It is worthy of note that the class of individuals I am talking about should not be confused with those who appear on the SSCC.  Though many of that latter group are chomping at the bit, waiting for the order as an excuse to fight their brother.  The badge is merely a method to get away with criminal actions themselves.

Keep the heat on our representatives.  Don’t stop, and honestly even if it looks clear, do not waver.  It is quite possible and probable they may indicate our overwhelming strength early in order to cut down our response.  Look at what happened in Illinois.  The bills would die just to be resurrected again.  They wanted to fight the bear, by god they’ll get it.

SSCC #497 – Trenton

The Trenton police officer who was photographed for allegedly sleeping inside of his police car over the summer lost his gun in a police station parking lot.

The attorney who represents the officer says his client was “very upset” after he lost the weapon.

Officer Richard Takach left the gun somewhere on the side of his car or his bumper in the police station parking lot at Hermitage and Artison Monday morning at 3 a.m. just after his shift, his attorney Stuart Alterman said.

Now if your familiar with gun laws and how restrictive the state of New Jersey is regarding weapons permits, you know exactly why this one’s on the count.  It’s a classic case of being “anointed”.  And remember, right now some politicians are talking of confiscating civilian arms.  Tell me, how would that help when you have Officer Fife here?

State Sponsored Criminal #497: Richard Takach

Because proper gun handling and gun safety is only required if you don’t work for the police.