SSCC #512 & #513: Lake Stevens

Lake Stevens has agreed to pay $100,000 to a young couple after two officers, without a warrant, forced their way into their home and forcibly arrested the man over a day-old traffic confrontation.

Screwed up barely begins to describe this situation and honestly those two officers are lucky they weren’t perforated.  In the current political climate, officers behaving like this could very well set off a powder keg.

Go read the whole story, it’s long enough and complicated enough I cannot easily post get all the details here.  However here’s the money shot:

Berg said Warbis and Wellington remain members of the Lake Stevens Police Department.

Reading through the comments indicates that Lake Stevens has a serious problem with this type of behavior and corruption.

State Sponsored Criminal #512: Steve Warbis

#513: James Wellington

Because warrants, probable cause, and all that other stuff are for other police officers.  These two can kick in whatever door they want, arrest whoever they want, threaten whoever they want, out of uniform, and absolutely nothing will happen to the officers.  Instead the taxpayers payout for their crimes.

via Marc.

SSCC #509 – LAPD

A secretive cellphone spy device known as StingRay, intended to fight terrorism, was used in far more routine LAPD criminal investigations 21 times in a four-month period during 2012, apparently without the courts’ knowledge that the technology probes the lives of non-suspects who happen to be in the same neighborhood as suspected terrorists.

According to records released to the First Amendment Coalition under the California Public Records Act, StingRay, which allows police to track mobile phones in real time, was tapped for more than 13 percent of the 155 “cellular phone investigation cases” that Los Angeles police conducted between June and September last year.

Comforting is it not.  Yet another piece of technology and it’s application that I have no doubt goes back to the Patriot Act.

I’m sure no one will be held accountable for this violation of the rights of citizens, as usual.

State Sponsored Criminal #509: The Entire LAPD

Because by all means violate the rights of law abiding citizens because a criminal has decided to live somewhere near by.  Though that is better than what they did to Jose Guerena for being related to a criminal.  

Quote of the Day – Awr Hawkins (1/29/2013)

San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne is fully supportive of the Obama/Feinstein gun grab, and says if lawmakers play it right Americans can be completely disarmed within “a generation.”

Awr HawkinsSan Diego Police Cheif: We Can Disarm Americans Within a Generation
January 28, 2013

[Still have friends who think they don’t have skin in this fight?  Show them this and tell them to think again.  That is their end goal and they now have no problems making it known.

A citizen denied arms isn’t free, they’re nothing more than a slave. -B]

h/t Uncle

SSCC #508 – Citrus County

Now, getting out of your car during a traffic stop is never a good idea unless ordered to do so.  That however doesn’t excuse that cops behavior and the way he made up the law as he went along.

This guy and officer Roid-Rage would get along great.

State Sponsored Criminal #508: Andy Cox

Because an officer of the law can just make it up as he goes along and in the end qualified immunity will protect him even if grossly negligent in his understanding.

h/t Uncle

Quote of the Day–Paul Barrett (1/27/2013)

But only a small minority of cops practice diligently. “There’s this myth out there that all police officers are gun enthusiasts, and train like crazy and shoot all the time,” said Rutherford.  A dirty little secret of law enforcement is that many cops don’t take range time seriously.  And even in high-crime cities, the vast majority of officers go years, or even an entire career, without getting into a gunfight.  The average officer is a mediocre shot, or worse.

Paul M. BarrettGlock The Rise of America’s Gun

Page 55


Image by Oleg Volk.

[First up, yes I’ve been slacking.  I’ve had this book for almost a year and have been distracted by reading other books.  I do need to come up with an efficient way to store and save quotes from books.  I started reading it just after Paul gave me a copy.  But it ended up being set off to the side and I picked it up and starting reading it again.  I’m glad I delayed it to the current political climate.  I’m going to have a small stack of quotes by the time I’m done.

It is worthy of note that Paul doesn’t sit really on either side of this debate.  He is educated on the subject due to the research for this book.  A book he wrote merely because he thought the growth and economic success story of Glock was interesting.  He’s right, it is an interesting story but one that is intertwined in politics.

Yesterday there was a “debate” on twitter and someone was throwing around the highly trained police argument again.  My video was dismissed as being biased and was implied to be unscientific.  Which is interesting because I provided all the information necessary for anyone to be able to recreate it.  Including the stage descriptions, the alterations made, why, and how the stages compared the LAPD stages.

There are some myths that just wont die.  I’m sure that this quote would be dismissed as being “biased” by this same individual.  Except this is the Rutherford providing the quote and commentary in Barrett’s passage.  is it really biased when police officers admit the “dirty little secret” as well?

People argue this point and refuse to admit they’re wrong for a couple of different reasons.

  1. It is the foundation for calling 911 and waiting for the police.  More training means they are better equipped to deal than yourself.
  2. They want to believe that the police are a superiorly trained force which allows them to feel safer.
  3. Their knowledge of firearms is 0 so police automatically gain a superior place in the knowledge department.  Everyone else is just like them right?

I’m sure there are other reasons, but we all know that you cannot rely on the police to come and save you.  That was ultimately decided by SCOTUS in Warren v. District of Columbia.  Not to mention your average police response is measured in minutes, not seconds.

You elected your officials because you trusted them to faithfully perform their duty and adhere to their oath.  I trust the people I love, one more than most, and that’s why I went out of my way to give her a gift for our wedding.


Image by Oleg Volk.

Our elected representatives however don’t trust you and want you disarmed.   They want to deprive you of a basic human right.  They want to make sure you are defenseless and reliant on the state for assistance from criminals.  They want you dependent and unable to revoke your consent in case of the event you deem that action as necessary.

Don’t fall for the lie.  Don’t believe myths with no evidence to support them.  Believe history and the lessons it teaches about civilian disarmament by governments.  –B   ]

SSCC Honorable Mention–Bexar County

The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, known as TCLEOSE, has been investigating Parrish over the last year for allegedly reporting state mandated training for other deputies who never even attended the training. He allegedly charged for the courses, and pocketed the cash, while working as a reserve deputy constable with the Precinct 4 Constable’s office. Parrish resigned from precinct 4 in September 2011.

Remember this the next time someone tries to claim how LEOs are some how magically more trained than all their civilian counter parts.  Lets also no beleaguer the fact, he was basically stealing money.

State Sponsored Criminal Honorable Mention: Dudley Parrish

Because by all means bill for services that weren’t rendered and make sure to provide training credentials to those who haven’t earned them.

SSCC #506 & #507 – Fort Deposit

This one goes up because by god, they actually do use that most underused law on the books.

Carlos Tyson Bennett, 37, pleaded guilty on Aug. 29, 2012, to one count of conspiracy against rights and four counts of deprivation of rights under color of law.

Bennett was accused of stealing money from motorists during traffic stops with another former Fort Deposit police officer, Jessie Alan Fuller, on Interstate 65 in 2009.

Bennett admitted that he and Fuller pulled over vehicles under the guise of legitimate law enforcement activity and stole cash from drivers and passengers in violation of their Fourth Amendment rights.

Only 3 years for the deed though, even with attempting to cover it all up.

State Sponsored Criminal #506: Carlos Tyson Bennett

#507: Jessie Alan Fuller

Because the reason we have full time law enforcement is so criminals can use that authority to abuse the law-abiding and steal from them.  They get a nice slap on the wrist though when they get caught.

SSCC #505 – Ovideo

And yet the temptation of looking up a relative, a celebrity’s address or a romantic interest is too great for some law enforcers.

In November, an internal Oviedo police investigation found one of the agency’s officers made unauthorized searches in D.A.V.I.D. to look up a local bank teller he was reportedly flirting with.

Oviedo police reports said Sgt. Dwayne Walker, who resigned amid the probe, used his D.A.V.I.D. account to run 19 separate searches using the first name of the bank teller and her race as part of the search criteria.

Overall the rates of misuse have risen 400% since 2011.  Think about that the next time the police say they need some database to help do their job better.

What they really mean is they want to make stalkers with a badge have an easier time stalking their victims.  Any database of citizens will be misused, so why make it in the first place?  Sure it may start with “good intentions” like most things, but is it actually necessary?

State Sponsored Criminal #505: Dwayne Walker

Because if you’re a law abiding citizen you have nothing to hide from a stalker with a badge right?