Quote of the Day: Michael Bane (3/22/2013)

Of course, you’ve got to pay your attorney, and because your car, guns and magazines were “seized for cause,” that is, the property was confiscated because you in fact broke a law, you will probably get your car back, but Denver and surrounding municipalities have a policy that NO guns “seized for cause” will be returned.

That’s the minor “inconvenience” that the Governor says is definitely worth inflicting on law-abiding Colorado citizens for a law that will, according to B-Ho’s own Justice Department says will have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on crime.

Michael BaneColorado ClusterF%$k

March 21st, 2013

[If you want a clue at the real intent of these laws, look no further than New York and this recent discovery:

Nearly a year before signing the nation’s most stringent gun control measure into law, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched a hotline that allows state residents to report illegal gun owners in exchange for a $500 reward.

Tell me, if this was really about lowering violent crime rates, why not actually offer that reward for catching people actually doing bad things?  Instead they created this broad bill that criminalizes every gun owner and are encouraging neighbors to stab each other in the back.

Here’s a tip for anyone living in that crap hole, get a 30 round mag from across the border and toss it in your local representatives car and have someone else call it in.  Even better toss it in their spouses car.  Even better if they’re a Fudd and just more than willing to throw you under the bus while they enjoy the rights they would deny you like Gabby Giffords and her husband.

There is no question in the intent of these laws, doubly so as the people supporting them also scream about confiscation. Next time someone tells you they’re not out to confiscate weapons, call bullshit.  There’s enough on the table now that anyone who says that is merely lying or not paying attention.  Frankly if you’re not paying attention, STFU, you have no business talking with regards to this conversation. –B ]

SSCC #552-#554: Pittsburgh


The injuries to the victim include a broken rib, chipped teeth, stitches across the face and a chunk of flesh missing from his tongue. The officers came up behind the victim pushed him down, and two of the officers held him down while the third continued to assault the victim.

My personal favorite is this quote from the police department:

Regarding the cell phone video and the body blows, police sources describe them as a compliance technique used by police officers attempting to handcuff suspects.

Umm, no, I’ve been taught compliance techniques and those were not that.  That was nothing more than a physical assault against someone they thought they could get away with.

Even more entertaining is this is a second incident among another one in the Pittsburgh area.  It’s a common thread when a department has problems like this, it’s usually more than just one or two officers but a systemic corruption within the police department.

State Sponsored Criminal #552: John Doe

#553: John Doe

#554: John Doe

Because when a kid is drunk, you basically get a free pass at utterly beating the crap out of him.  They likely wont remember it and you can make up whatever story you want.  Just remember, physically restraining someone and punching them in the face is a “compliance technique”.

Quote of the Day–Kevin Baker (3/20/2013)

When dealing with the State, the citizen acts at his peril.

Kevin Baker“When dealing with guns, the citizen acts at his peril.”

March 20, 2013

[And as Kevin points out, that’s not how it is supposed to be.  I find this a much more applicable description.

I should not be fearful that someone is calling the state because I took a picture of my child with a firearm.  I should not be afraid that the state is going to come kick down my door because someone provides some false information for the “war on drugs”.  We are living in a police state.

I have an idea for a post but I’m just not sure how to write it or string the thought out completely.  The premise though is the meaning of the law is becoming worthless.  More and more laws are being created, laws the creators admit are unenforceable.  This leaves two different options:

  • The law no longer really matters and is nothing more than an empty symbol.
  • The law now exists as a tool to manipulate, scare, and intimidate those they deem undesirable.

Tell me, what good do these new gun control laws do?  How does that actually benefit society, especially given they admit it will not make a difference and innocents will be caught in the crossfire?  The actual effects will cause people to choose between being safe or committing a felony.

But that’s their goal, scare and intimidate law-abiding people into giving up their rights.  Cause them to have to be unsafe to adhere to the asinine laws.  I’m of the opinion if the law has degenerated to the point that it is criminalizing the free exercise of a right, that it’s sole action is to criminalize the innocent, I might as well just accept the fact they want to treat me as a criminal.  If that’s the case and I’m going to be punished for owning something or doing something that doesn’t affect anyone else, maybe I should actually do something worthy of being called a criminal.  If I’m going to be given a penalty anyway, why not actually do something to earn it?*

The law is loosing its worth and these people are rejoicing at it’s destruction.  They don’t seem to understand it’s perversion is being done in such a way so the state can consume them just the same as it consumes us. –B]

*I am not saying one should currently, but certainly this does factor into the tripwire question.

SSCC #550 – Lloyd

Sean McCutcheon, the resource officer who fired a shot from his service weapon in a hallway at Highland High School, has resigned from the Lloyd Police Department after an investigation concluded the incident, though unintentional, was due to “officer error,” the department said on Friday.

First, that’s what happens when you finger !@#$ your weapon!  Seriously folks, just leave it in the holster, that’s where it belongs until you need it.  If you pull it out to clean it, by all freaking means strictly adhere to the 4 rules and remember the 5th too.

That said, tell me, in the land of the new SAFE Act, why is it these morons, who don’t even know how to use their weapons, be allowed rights that they then deny to their citizens?  Further, if any citizen had a ND in that type of location where it was the fault of the user, I am confident there would be some sort of charges pressed against the individual.

Remember though that these people are highly trained and would never take a weapon into the field they’ve never test fired or zeroed.

State Sponsored Criminal #550: Sean McCutcheon

Because when a cop finger !@#$s a weapon, he needs a slap on the wrist.  When a peon does it, hang him out to dry and use it to trample the rights of others.

Quote of the Day – Sebastian (3/19/2013)

The passage of SAFE in New York, the bills currently in Congress, and Colorado should be a wakeup call that they will pass whatever they can get away with. Gun control must go the way of the temperance movement.

SebastianMaking a Registry

March 19, 2013

[I couldn’t agree more.  It disturbs me no end that people are bitching about Google Glass and the dangers posed while walking around with their smart phone.  Yet at the same time they turn around and say we should throw more money and technology at something like this and then say with a straight face it could never be used for evil.

Yeah tell me, how many houses were robbed thanks to the database of gun owners created by that New York newspaper?  Tell me, how many houses will be robbed by the state when the state legalizes the theft of a particular piece of property by members of the state?  How many people will be killed in that process and in the aftermath as they try and create their “utopia”.  Thanks but no thanks, I’ve seen this movie before.   -B]


Quote of the Day – Lyle (3/15/2013)

I will not step over the line into Crazyland just to make someone else’s politics easier, or to assuage their guilt. No, Young Grasshopper; there is just the one word that matters, the one that encompasses everything, and you’re either for it or against it – liberty.

Lyle Keeney“The economic AND the personal sphere.”

March 14, 2013

[First I recommend reading that post as it provides a solid reason why there is no difference between the two.

Second I find that line can be representative of more than just the difference in the primary referenced subjects.  It easily applies to any and all civil rights, including the right to keep and bear arms.

Our opponents live in an alternate reality where they cannot separate the truth from falsity.  Not only can they not recognize their own process failure, but they cannot even correlate their behavior of civil rights and their own hypocrisy.

As Lyle said:

No, Young Grasshopper; there is just the one word that matters, the one that encompasses everything, and you’re either for it or against it – liberty.

It is really that simple. -B]


Quote of the Day – Robb Allen (3/14/2013)

These are the people who consider themselves more enlightened than you or I and who think they have what it takes to rule your life. It’s like watching a retarded kid scream about how your tying your shoelaces wrong and then gets confused over the Velcro straps holding his sandals on his hands.

Robb AllenIgnorance can be deadly
March 14th, 2013

[And it isn’t just one or two people who seem to think like the person who wrote the provoking tweet either.  Look at this recent tweet that came across twitter.

Don’t worry I responded as my snarky self.

After which he couldn’t take it and promptly banned me.  Not unexpected given their prevalence for reasoned discourse.

Honestly I think Robb nailed our opponents with that analogy. -B]

And They Call Me Racist…

I’ve been called racist because I disagree with the policies of Barak Obama.  I’ve been called racist because of my membership in the NRA.  Tell me, am I really racist though for either of those things?

Hmm, interesting, why wasn’t this covered in the 5 o’clock evening news?  Why didn’t the media out all these folks who are obviously racist for their views of the NRA?

Could it be that people are using the racist label to shame those with opinions of which they differ?  Could it be the racist flag is being thrown when someone doesn’t like the argument of the other and see it as an easy out?  Or could it be that those people are honestly racist and think that anyone else must always be racist in their motives?

You have people like Joan screaming things like:

Plus, the NRA has thought of a cynical new way to make angry white guys more afraid of Black people with guns by encouraging people of color to arm themselves.

*blink* Seriously, I’m the racist here because I don’t have a problem with anyone being armed, yet Joan isn’t racist and is upset at the though of black people carrying weapons because it upsets her and her racist friends.

Look at the reaction by anti-gunners because Colion Noir decided to join with the NRA.  Heck, look at the media in general (just google Colion Noir NRA and you’ll find pages of this type of garbage), their focus wasn’t on Colion’s message, or that he had been doing videos on his own for a long time, it was, “How dare the NRA have a black man come into it’s ranks, especially as any type of spokesman!?”

Seriously, who’s acting racist in this debate?  Because the NRA doesn’t have any other members who are black, much less any black members of the board of directors?  Could it be you cannot argue with facts and logic and you are upset that the NRA represents 4 million people of whom you wish to deprive them of their inalienable as well as constitutionally protected rights?

You all keep using that word in that way and honestly it’s going to be the same as every other abused adjective, devoid of meaning.  You’ve labeled so many people terrorists no one really cares anymore.  When we see a real terrorist you call us racist if they aren’t Christian or have a slightly darker skin color.  Doesn’t matter he just tried to kill a bunch of people, we’re being racist if we label him a terrorist.

I’m seriously sick of this bullshit and hypocrisy.  When I see a man, I see exactly that, a man, nothing more.  He has his own ideas and character and if I call into question either of those things and his skin is a different color than my own I suddenly become racist?

Tell me, am I not allowed to judge a man by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin?  Because it seems everyone is insisting I judge by the color of their skin and ignore his actions and character.

And lets not forget about being called women haters and otherwise being disparaging towards women either; yet those who want to disarm women get a free pass when they say things like the following:

“I just want to say that, actually statistics are not on your side even if you had a gun,” Hudak said during the hearing. “And, chances are that if you would have had a gun, then he would have been able to get that from you and possibly use it against you.”

Not to mention the commentary by Joseph Salazar and the recommendation that women should just piss themselves to fend off attackers by the University of Colorado.

Seriously, WTF!?  How am I the racist misogynist pig in this debate?  How am I the person who hates women or those of a different race?  How is it that my desire to have equal access to arms is a racist or misogynistic tendency?  Someone explain to me how treating every individual as being an equal is treating them as being unequal.  I don’t freaking see it and frankly I’m getting down right pissed at those telling me I am while claiming women should just lie back and think of England.

Because evidently it’s a misogynistic to prefer a woman standing over the cooling body of her attacker in an alley instead of lying brutally beaten and raped with her rapist running away to possibly never be caught.

Because evidently it’s racist to want minorities to have the same rights as everyone else.  It’s racist to want those to have arms to defend themselves from the same threats any of us may face.

Why didn’t anyone tell me I was back in 3rd grade and it is opposite day?

h/t Joe