About the Motto

Waiting for someone else to solve your problems is not a solution. I came to this realization in high school when I worked as a lifeguard at scout camp. If a swimmer went missing it was at least 15 minutes before a rescue dive team could be on site. After 15 minutes odds are you’re recovering a corpse to give his parents to bury. During those 15 minutes though the lifeguards are still actively searching and working to find the missing swimmer. Though not as effective as scuba divers, it’s better than nothing. The idea that help is on the way never enters the mind because who cares about 15 minutes from now, they need help NOW.

While one could say being a lifeguard obligated us, that doesn’t change the fact though anyone can train to help in an emergency. If someone attempts to rob myself or my wife, my first instinct is not going to be to grab my phone and dial 911 for help. Statistically by the time they show up they’ll be placing me in a body bag. Instead I will react in defense of wife and myself. Why, because I can not tell the attacker to wait while I call the police, and then to wait again while they respond. Waiting for help just allows the problem to continue getting worse.

In dive training you learn to control your instinct to panic and think problems through. Why, because at 60 feet all that is there is you and your dive buddy. Panicking will most likely get you and your buddy killed. I had good instructors who regularly threw unexpected failures at us including things that would cause panic. By the end I learned to recognize panic much like when people realize they’re “behind the power curve.” More importantly when you’re panicking you’re doing the same thing as waiting for help.

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About TMM

TMM is the owner, editor, and principal author at The Minuteman, a competitive shooter, and staff member for Boomershoot. Even in his free time he’s merging his love and knowledge of computers and technology with his love of firearms. Many know his private name and information however due to the current political climate, many are distancing themselves due to the abandonment of Due Process.

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