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Just Like Any Other Day…

Today marks yet another complete revolution around that burning ball of fusion called the sun for me.  I’ve gone around now 28 times since escaping my mom early.  Liberated by a doctor 6 and a half weeks premature.  I was liberated at 19 inches and 4lbs 1oz.

Barron with Mom

Notice my moms lack of a wedding band.  That was my fault she swelled up like a balloon and went into the hospital December 7th.  A date that will live in infamy because she calls me then and asked what happened X years ago.  She remembers to call me on the day she went into the hospital to tell me about the two long weeks she had.  Birthday, no call, she did already with the call on the 7th.

Barron with Dad

As you can see, my dad just dwarfed me in size.  I know I have pictures somewhere but I have no clue where of me and him standing next to each other after I grew up.  As you can see below, I made up for lost time.

Wedding Photos 198_resized

Note I’m not even fully standing up straight.  There was no question I was my fathers son since I was a spitting image in height and build.  Seriously a friend had to do a double take when I had a full beard after the accident.  She thought my dad came back from the dead.  One of these day’s, if I find the pictures, I’ll post our grade school pictures side by side and make you guess who is who.

Wanna Try Again Sparky

White House spokesman Jay Carney, however, told the press pool that the
size of the small event dictated that the Teleprompter be left behind,
not this week’s theft.

Do you think I have the memory of a rock?  Because well I don’t and I quite distinctly remember him speaking at a small event at an elementary school.  Guess what was there!?

So yeah, he went without the teleprompters as planned?  I will point out his discussion with the students was without a prompter, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on the validity of that claim.  But the discussion with the media after had them front and center. It doesn’t matter how small it is, he relies on them heavily, unless he’s talking to children.

That About Sums It Up

Some people are so blind as to not view the actions of the group ignoring blissfully their behavior.  Going so far as to completely ignore the fact that their “hypocrisy knows no bounds”.

If you’re unaware why I would make that last comment, occupy Oakland trashed a Wells Fargo and among others protesting the banks.  A few days later they opened a bank account to store their funds. So when I saw the following tonight I felt it a perfect description of #occupy $space.

Remember who they consider a bunch of crazy loons and a threat to society versus those who disparage law and order, those who abuse and believe women shouldn’t live free, those who would steal and destroy private property.

If #occupy was really about getting the government out of corporations and corporations out of government, they wouldn’t be demanding bailouts for students.  They wouldn’t be demanding larger government to aid in crony capitalism.  They wouldn’t be supporting Obamacare which destroys free enterprise and ties government and the healthcare industry together.  Notice a pattern here?  They want big government and the destruction of freedom and liberty.  One dumb friend said I was just afraid of that which I do not understand.  No I have a legitimate fear of mob rule where a bunch of miscreant come and destroy my property because I’m not willing to work as their slave.  I exchange my knowledge and skills for money with my employer, they want me taxed harder so I can bail out their bad decisions with regards to school and their personal finances.  A clue they actually have no want to actually solve the problem is the majority want to repeat by re-electing Obama who signed the very bailouts they’re protesting against.

F-off you spoiled rotten little shits.  You are not the 99%, you do not represent me and stop claiming as such.  The only thing I wish more is that I could obtain permission to deal with these dough-assed crack monkeys who are doing nothing but destroying private and public property, obstructing access and thus destroying private business, and preventing people from the right to freely exercise commerce on their property and the use of public lands for their personal edifice.  As I have said before and I will say again, your rights end when you are hampering the rights of others.  F-off you lazy hippie bums.  It’s not our damn fault you went and racked up a bunch of student debt on a degree that had absolutely zero job prospects.  That’s a poor investment on your part and government has no business in charity, the same as no duty to help businesses, and no duty to help someone with personal financial troubles.

I find it ironic that people paint the Tea Party as this evil group yet we’re all honest law abiding peaceable citizens.  Yet we’re the terrorists.

h/t Wirecutter

Do I Look Like a Maternal Copulating Opossum?

It seems that particular parts of humanity wish to surrender their place on the top of the food chain and force that decision upon others.  Every week there is a new article showing how bad this situation is getting.  Lets start off at the beginning and work our way up to the idiocy which indicates how how we are ensuring our own destruction.

Starting off there is the wolf issue that has been created by a bunch of tree huggers that don’t have to live with the problem.  The wolf is endangered I hear you cry.  Well when you introduce a predator into an area with 0 other predators you end up with a serious problem.  Doubly so when that predator is a non-native species.  They start decimating herds of animals that aren’t used to the new predator, and nothing kills the new predator.  They multiply like rabbits, meaning they need more food to survive, further destroying the local herds of elk and deer.

How bad can it really be though?

In a highly unusual move for wolves, they killed about 120 adult male sheep in one incident on the Rebish/Konen Livestock Ranch south of Dillon last week.

That compares with a total of 111 sheep killed by wolves in Montana in 2008, according to Carolyn Sime, the statewide wolf coordinator for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Even with numerous incidents like this going on, you have people and groups who live well outside the area that don’t have to deal with the problem saying the wolves shouldn’t be hunted.  It took multiple federal law suits to finally get the ban on hunting lifted.  The scariest thing about all this though isn’t the effect on live stock, it’s the view that the predator begins to take towards humans.  They no longer view us as a threat.  Don’t believe me, here’s an incident out of Alaska.

Authorities were in an Alaska Peninsula village Tuesday investigating whether a 32-year-old schoolteacher, found dead off a road leading out of town, was killed in a wolf attack, according to state and local officials.

Wild animals are dangerous, yet we have groups screaming  who consist of people like this woman.

The moose was reported to be in the Town Square Park area in Anchorage, and had been seen there all day feeding on the trees. The woman, reported to be in her 20s, was kicked in the chest and shoulder by the moose after attempting to pet it. After she was checked by medics, she amazingly didn’t have to go to the hospital.

Mother nature is not a Disney movie, Bambi isn’t real, and four legged varmints still see you as a possible meal.  Doubly so when you are no longer providing a reason for them to fear us.

How dangerous can wolves really be though.  Yeah they killed the woman in Alaska and they’re problematic for ranchers.  Does that really mean they can easily kill people though?


via Email at work

That predator is big enough that it can take down a person for a meal, doubly so when it’s running in a pack.  This problem isn’t just restricted to wolves though.

Here is an incident out of St. Louis that is strangely familiar as there is a similar problem here in Washington.

Aldermanic President Lewis Reed is sounding the alarm. “I’ve witnessed packs of dogs, 10 and 15 dogs running together, and I’ve seen all these dogs I’m talking about they don’t have collars, they don’t have tags, these are truly wild dogs,” he said.

Reed says stray dogs are terrorizing the north side. ”It’s obscene that parents have to walk their kids to school, in some parts of the city, with a golf club to fend off wild dogs.”

Think about that for a second.  The animals have been left alone to the point where they are acting predatory to humans.  Instead of actually really doing something about the problem, their solution is to hire a bunch of dog catchers at the cost of a half million.  Arming your current catchers to immediately remove them from the population can help solve the problem.  If the dogs react in fear to humans even if they’re wild the threat is diminished.  For those who say, arm them with what.  You can use an air gun, if they can take a hog they can take a dog.  No serious threat to the public by over penetration either.

The problem is when we let animals view us no longer as a predator, they naturally see us as prey.  Our culture as well as our laws are forcing more people to surrender their status.

In other areas we have people being terrorized by, wait for it, wild turkeys!

Neighbors told Duffy the turkeys have been in the area for years and usually scurry away when folks walk by. They say only recently two turkeys broke off from the flock and are intent on standing guard in their own empty lot.

They don’t see us as a predator anymore.  When you run away, that ingrains that belief that you are weaker further in their brain.  If you’re not willing to fight for your position on the top, or cannot fight and maintain it, you are not the king predator anymore.

From Clayton Cramer and Sebastian we see how crazy this push to remove our status on the top of the food chain is. 

The sign warns you that mountain lions are a problem, and if threatened, you are supposed to not run, do not panic, try to appear larger than you are (which only works for me when I am dieting), and attempt to pick up small children who are with you without bending over or turning away from the mountain lion.

And best of all: firearms are strictly prohibited in the nature preserve.  So, remember, if all else fails, fight the mountain lion in hand-to-hand combat.  Look, I have had house cats that made me regret trying to pick them up, and I’m supposed to fight a 150 pound mountain lion unarmed?

I hate putting all that in here but it just makes the point of how dumb these people are.  They recommend beating the mountain lion with a stick, which is ok if you’re unprepared (which you shouldn’t be).  Clayton goes on to prove why beating a cougar with a stick shouldn’t be a your first line option.

That’s what bugs me.  Just like the anti rights people, these other groups seem intent on making people be prey, whether it be for two legged or four legged predators.  They want to make the decision regarding self defense for everyone else.  Concern is given for the predator completely ignoring the prey.

Which brings us to the biggest piece of idiocy I have seen in a long time.

Via Uncle this morning I found this:

Cuccinelli said D.C.’s new rat law–the Wildlife Protection Act of 2010 (Wildlife Protection Act of 2010.pdf) –is “crazier than fiction” because it requires that rats and other vermin not be killed but captured, preferably in families; no glue or snap traps can be utilized; the rodents must be relocated from where they are captured; and some of these animals may need to be transferred to a “wildlife rehabilitator” as part of their relocation process.

Mice are like rabbits.  No matter how hard you try you can’t kill them all.  Not only that, you’re effort here to save the mice is for what?  Do you want to help spread Bubonic Plague and all the other diseases that rats spread.  Seriously, what in the hell is the problem with killing varmints and vermin that are a detriment to the public health?  Not to mention the damage that they can do.

Seriously the only upside of this is if there was a plague outbreak that wiped out DC to destroy the idiots that passed this dumb ass legislation to begin with.  I know that won’t happen though and it’s doubly annoying since you’ve also got legislation that is preventing the use of effective pesticides.  Just like a ‘yote, the only good mouse is a dead mouse.

So here we have our government joining with a bunch of tree huggers that are throwing rational logical thought out the window.  We have a group of people forcing their morality on others despite the injury and detriment it can have on others.  We have the government aiding in creating victims of 4 legged predators as well as diseases from varmints and vermin.  The worry about extinction to me falls short of killing people. 

If you think that people should die instead of the predators, my only request is you do it first.  Leaders lead by example and if you think someone shouldn’t be allowed to carry a firearm to fend of a wild animal, you need to live in that area and suffer the effects of living there.  If you want to tell someone they can’t kill the mice infesting their house, you need to live in the mouse infested house.  No one has any business forcing their morality on another.

I am not going to play dead for any predator.  Two or four legged and I’m not going to walk around unarmed to make some hippie feel like he’s saving the environment.

Once is Happenstance

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three or more times is enemy action.  Well I don’t believe in coincidence and at this point it no longer matters.

Yesterday another elderly woman came forward saying she received the same type of treatment as the 85 year old grandmother.

Ruth Sherman, 88, of Sunrise, Fla., told WCBS television (
) that agents were suspicious about her colostomy bag and asked her to pull down the waist of her pants so they could see it on Nov. 28.

So that’s twice.  Today a third woman has come forward describing the same type of treatment, this time over a glucose monitor.

Kallish’s troubles began because of the glucose monitor and insulin pump she wears because of her diabetes. After she set off the metal detector she was sent to a private room and, she says, told to take her pants off. She says the officer didn’t touch her. “So I took my pants off and showed [the glucose monitor] to her,” Kallish said. “She just looked at it and said, ‘Have a nice trip.'”

That’s three.  The TSA claimed on Friday that strip searches as the above are not procedure.  However in all three instances there was an underlying medical condition that the officers exploited to abuse their power.

At what point do people finally say enough is enough.  How much abuse do the public have to take before someone finally wises up that while the TSA may claim that something is not policy or procedure doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen.  TSA agents don’t follow normal policy or procedures regarding the use of equipment that make use of radio active equipment, why does anyone think they would magically follow their own rule book?

This is like playing Monopoly with a kid who is making up his own rules and constantly changing them.  Except this kid can throw you in jail when you point out he’s breaking the rules.  How do you deal with a spoiled brat who harasses and intimidates anyone who dares challenge their Authoritah.  Not to mention when you tell their parents about their kids misbehaving they just pat them on the back and say stop that.  Even when one of the parents is hassled.

My father-in-law was told not only to remove his prosthetic leg, but they wanted him to disassemble it.  There’s no cosmesis, and the leg requires special tools to assemble and disassemble.  If you’ve ever seen a bare prosthetic there is no room to put anything in it.  The TSA claims that type of behavior would never happen yet it does. 

This is what happens when you create a job program for the lowest common denominator who cant even graduate high school and give them more power than they know what to do with.  Then the parent who gave them that power says that there’s no accountability.

Can We Start Ridiculing TSA Agents Publicly Yet?

About a year ago I called for people to start verbally harassing and otherwise making people who work for the TSA ashamed of what they do.  There were a few people who seemed to think that it was a pointless idea and that those people were just doing a hard job.

Here’s my problem with that.  TSA agents blatantly violate and ignore their own rules and regulations, and then you have some agents while violating said rules, they act in a way as to desecrate a deceased loved one.  Then they laugh about what they just did.

“I was told later on that she had no right to even open it, that they could have used other devices, like an X-ray machine. So she opened it up. She used her finger and was sifting through it. And then she accidentally spilled it.”

The agent’s response?

“She didn’t apologize. She started laughing. I was on my hands and knees picking up bone fragments. I couldn’t pick up all, everything that was lost. I mean, there was a long line behind me.”

The TSA website has the following statement regarding their policy on human remains:

 Out of respect to the deceased and their family and friends, under no circumstances will an officer open the container even if the passenger requests this be done. Documentation from the funeral home is not sufficient to carry a crematory container through security and onto a plane without screening.

So I’m sure this particular agent will receive some extra training but that doesn’t excuse her attitude and behavior toward this passenger.  Behavior such as this from TSA agents is not the exception but the norm. There was a recent congressional report for Congressman Marsha Blackburn that detailed only 50 of the numerous crimes since 2005.  Most disturbing of the 50 detailed was the following statistic:

Theft is followed closely by sex crimes and child pornography charges, with 14 such incidents listed in Blackburn’s report. Six TSA employees were charged with possession of child pornography; one of them got caught because he “uploaded explicit pictures of young girls to an Internet site on which he also posted a photograph of himself in his TSA uniform,” the report notes. Eight others were charged variously with child molestation, rape (including child rape), and even running a prostitution ring. It’s not hard to figure out why persons possessing such proclivities would seek jobs where they would be able to ogle and grope other people’s private parts with impunity.

So I again ask, why do people put up with this behavior and not start causing discomfort?  At a minimum you might make them police their own instead of everyone just looking the other way.  Heck, even the legal system is looking the other way and the real reason these individuals are in trouble is they got caught.  That’s why they are given probation for knowingly and willfully committing a crime.  Not just probation, but their record will remain clean without a conviction.   Whereas if you’re unlucky enough to get in an auto wreck from bad weather, you end up with a conviction, even though you intended no malice or harm.  They willfully violate other agency rules and cause damage to medical equipment.  Then after they’ve done the damage they play dumb about it.

Our congressional representatives instead of actually attempting to solve the problem have instead just exempted themselves from the indignities and crimes done by the TSA.  There have been a few instances where the TSA has abused a congress critter but the furor quickly dies out.  Our legal system as shown above is refusing to hold agents accountable for their actions.  For all intents and purposes though government has been shown to be incapable and inept and reining in the monster they created.  So other than hanging agents from trees, running them out on rails, and buckets of tar and feathers what is there left?  What is left to cause agents to either police themselves or leave the corrupt service they have created?

Agents themselves have absolutely no issue disgracing, abusing, and otherwise violating the public which they supposedly serve.  Their job itself is a farce and nothing more that a wasteful joke intended to make those who are sheep feel better.  The batting average of the public at large for stopping terrorist attacks since September 11th is 1000.  The batting average for the TSA since that date is 0.  Sure they’ve lucked out and found items people forgot about, but they have yet to actually find someone who set out with an intent to deceive the system.  They actually fail red team tests on a regular basis.

So given this information, why do the people who actually succeed at stopping terrorist attacks put up with this garbage from a bunch of high school dropouts who are incapable of reading at a 1st grade level?  I think any kid could read that statement from the TSA above and know thou shall not open the urn.

At this point, I want to see a group of passengers start chanting, “Two by two hands of blue”* while others continue to educate the agents on why they’re a bunch of tyrannical tories who deserve no love from their countrymen.

The TSA has created this us vs them environment and the sooner we all realize it already exists the better.  The only argument I have heard against calling these jack booted thugs out as they are was that we could increase the rift.  Well the rift is already pretty damn big, what the hell else do you want?  A hole through the middle of the earth, would that finally be big enough for you to say the time is now?

Personally I think verbal abuse isn’t enough any more, a rail, tar, and feathers I think still might be too nice for most of these folks.  Start off verbally and if they double down on stupid, break out the rail.

*If you don’t get the reference, go watch Firefly… now.  Seriously why are you still here? It’s on Netflix and Hulu and you can watch the whole series and Serenity in a day.

h/t To Uncle on this one.

Quote of the Day – Kevin Baker (12/08/2011)

Hell, most of ’em can’t make soup if it doesn’t come out of a can. But they can make drum circles in public parks!

Kevin Baker
It’s a Meme!

[While I was in school I was amazed at the number of people who completely lacked the ability to survive on their own.  I think the funniest thing was when I had to explain what the puncture side of a bottle opener was for.

This is what happens when parents do everything for their kids and never bother to actually teach them how to take care of themselves.  -B]

Ear Worm Wednesday–02/07/2012

This one’s going to be a twofer.  First up is Hollywood Undead – Hear Me Now.

Been to Hell has been rolling too.

Which leads into the second.  For some reason Pandora decided to start playing Dubstep on my Hollywood Undead station.  This one’s been covered by Weer’d but it’s just so awesome here it is again!

It started playing dubstep and I didn’t even know it, I just recognized it as industrial from when I was in school.  Ends up that genre morphed into what we have today.