Search Results for: node/tsa pedophile

Quote of the Day–Disavowed With Honor (02/07/2012(

Like they have done such a bang up job of it. If it were a class teaching how to molest a teenager and arrest her mother for speaking out, stripsearch elderly grandmas, or identify an old west gun design on a purse, or conduct a cupcake threat assessment.

Disavowed With HonorTSA: Teaching People How To Spot Terrorists

February 4th, 2012

[Yeah, I have nothing to add on that one.  Well, I really do but I’ve previously stated my thoughts on the TSA numerous times.  Go there, I’m freaking annoyed with these dough-assed asshats. –B]


Mayor Bloomberg, the asshat, has decided that first responders are not invited to the 10th anniversary ceremony of ground zero.

Because you know, the people who ran into the buildings trying to save people should totally be left out.  The people who spent weeks of their own time searching for survivors should not be there either.  But we have more than enough room for three asshat’s that actually had NOTHING to do with any of it.  Obama, Bush, and Giuliani did absolutely nothing that day.  Everyone else did what they were trained to do, those three are just using the deaths of others for political gain.

Those three individuals do nothing but masturbate thinking about the abuse created by the TSA and DHS knowing it has been created and furthered by their hand.  They take no greater pleasure than that of destroying the rights of the law abiding, sexually abusing them, and intimidating them.

It should come as no surprise that given those three have such fine moral caliber, the first responders would not be invited to their private little circle jerk of tyranny.  Frankly, if I was a first responder, I would keep my ass home because nothing good could possibly come from aiding in their political power plays.

Thank you TMM for the commentary.

Phishing Fail


Yeah I get lots of spam.  That is only one of 5 digests of the stuff that gets picked off before getting to my inbox.  Some of the stuff in there isn’t totally spam, but there’s no reason for me to actually pull it out.

That little bastard though in the red box is just all sorts of fail.  One I don’t live in NYC.  Two, I wouldn’t live in NYC.  Three if it’s a no reply, why the tacked on gibberish.  Four, the last time I was in NYC I was a minor and had a bus driving my ass around.  Five, how in the name of God did the city of New York get my email address?  If it was a ticket for a vehicle they’d have the registration address, not my email.

The airline tickets in there are also hilarious considering I don’t fly anymore because of the TSA.  The sad thing is they’re sending enough of this garbage out that for some people it get’s through, and the unlucky people who thinks it’s real and click on it.  Don’t click on stuff in random unsolicited emails!

SSCC #145 – ICE

Apparently ICE just couldn’t keep itself out of the count. So today is going to be a double on the SSCC.

On the night of October 20, 2010, Angel Enrique and Jesus Antonio were in bed in their small, two-bedroom apartment in the Clairmont complex in Nashville. The doors and windows were all shut and locked. Suddenly there was a loud banging at the door and voices shouting “Police!” and “Policia!” When no one answered, the agents tried to force the door open. Scared, Jesus hid in a closet. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents began hitting objects against the bedroom windows, trying to break in. Without a search warrant and without consent, the ICE agents eventually knocked in the front door and shattered a window, shouting racial slurs and storming into the bedrooms, holding guns to their heads. When asked if they had a warrant, one agent reportedly said, “We don’t need a warrant, we’re ICE,” and, gesturing to his genitals, “the warrant is coming out of my balls.”

Here’s what bugs me the most. There were 15 different residents affected by this raid, they detained people including a child purely because of their ethnicity.  This incident shows exactly what the Department of Homeland Security thinks of the Constitution and the law.  Just look at the VIPR program and the fact the TSA is now searching people traveling by bus as well as harassing truckers.  How long until they start stopping you on the way to work?  I would like to point out the double standard of the ALCU here.  They are more than happy to go after ICE over these incidents involving immigration, yet they sit on their hands when it comes to warrant-less searches during travel.

Tam’s comments regarding the indignities of Soviet Russia from the 80’s is looking like a positive compared to the down hill trend the DHS has placed us on.

State Sponsored Criminal Count: 145 – John Doe

Because a warrant is just a technicality and doesn’t actually mean anything.  It saves us time and effort to skip the paperwork.  

Quick, Say Something Funny – VC 118

118 – Quick, Say Something Funny
is up.

As usual there was drinking involved and much was covered involving current events this time.  From the TSA, open carry and the 2AF, and we even go find out what the hell we’re talking about.  Enjoy, laugh, learn, and be disturbed.

Vicious Circle – You only will want to gouge your eyes out if you click on all the links.

A Security Theater – Veteran Edition

I was sitting across from a Marine tonight and the subject of the TSA came up.  He had this to say.

Nothing confused me or pissed me off more when flying home and we switched to a commercial charter flight off of a military transport.  They went through and made all of us throw away our lighters.  We still had our M16’s and bayonets, but those lighters were mighty dangerous, especially since we could use them to take over the plane.

The saddest thing was, he was dead serious.  Flying back they made everyone toss their lighters for “security reasons”.

SSCC #385–St. Paul

A St. Paul, Minnesota family claims in a lawsuit that police officers who conducted a wrong-door raid on their home shot their dog, and then forced their three handcuffed children to sit near the dead pet while officers ransacked the home.

Words fail to express my rage.  I shall do as Weer’d said and let it speak for itself.

State Sponsored Criminal #385: The St. Paul Minnesota SWAT Team

Because you need to teach little Timmy and Tiffany to obey their perverted Uncle Sam at an early age, and if you plug their dog and make them lay next to it, the next time Pedo-bear TSA agent molest them they’ll ignore it because they don’t want their new Sparky to take a bullet.

h/t Popehat