Quote of the Day – Wolfman (11/7/2012)

Everyone that wants to blame this on the crazy Libertarians needs to realize- NOBODY COURTED US FOR OUR VOTE. Oh, sure, we get some lip service. But nobody came out and said, “Hey, you, in the back, that just want to be left alone… What can we do to make YOU happy?” Which makes me think that we were not a critical voting bloc, yes? We were, maybe, not the moderate independents that both camps were appealing to? So why, in the fiery depths of bipartisan burning f#$%ing HELL are we the ones that are expected to compromise our beliefs and vote YOUR guy into power? How was that supposed to work? We are goddamn Libertarians, for Pete’s sake, not toeing the line IS THE ENTIRETY OF OUR PLATFORM! So we are expected to just fall into place, and vote blindly for the guy thats just as bad, bit in different ways than the other guy that sucks? I repeat: Screw you.

WolfmanJust One Election Comment
November 7th, 2012

[I was able to retain my calm today up until the point where I started seeing BS being flung about how Libertarians cost Romney the election.  Uhh, no there sparky, you accomplished that feat all on your own.

Let me explain something to people who may not be familiar with me.  I am very principled and honestly it takes a lot for me to even contemplate it.  Bill Whittle got me to seriously think about it for all of about 30 seconds.  Is Obama bad, yeah, but honestly, let’s think about this from my perspective as a Libertarian, is Romney any better?

The only thing Romney had going for him is the media and other parts of government might start working as a check and balance again.  Deep down though that man would not have represented me, my desires, or what I would like to see from my government. That is what I’m supposed to be voting for, not the lesser of two evils.

The bottom line is that the Republicans could easily get the Libertarian vote, how, by running a candidate that agrees with our principles.  Why should we be the only side to comprise in the selection of a candidate?  Tell you what, run a candidate that isn’t big government, doesn’t focus on social issues that honestly aren’t the business of government, and focuses purely on correcting the failed economic policies of the past god knows how many years, and you will finally have my attention.

This isn’t as difficult as you might think.  You see that whole social issue thing is why the Democrats keep winning.  Republicans keep attacking social issues and attempt to use the force of government to force their morals on others.  Yeah there’s some seriously contentious issues in there, but face it, the big one isn’t going to change and all it ever does is get you in trouble.  As for same-sex marriage  let me explain something to you idiots, the government put itself in the business of marriage and there are rights and benefits that are given to married couples.  Can you explain why the state is allowed to differentiate between the two groups with regards to rights and benefits?  Because seriously that’s what this all boils down to.

The government cannot compel a priest, pastor, or whatever to marry two individuals if they believe it is against their religion.  What the government can do, is create the contract of marriage between two consenting adults.  No one is forcing people to go out and have same-sex marriages either.  What is being said is the state must recognize it.  If you’re church doesn’t want to recognize it, that’s its business, but the church has no business forcing the state to follow along with it’s views.

Yet it never fails that some Republican candidate will run his mouth about it.

What about drug use?  Well, lets cut the BS and admit that the drug war has failed and the only reason it still exists is because of the jobs and money it generates for those currently involved in waging it.  Just because something is made legal doesn’t mean you have to go smoke it.  It doesn’t mean that it’s use allows someone to being exempted from being held criminally negligent if they do something stupid.  What it does mean is someone is free to make the choice.

I could continue but the bottom line is you want my vote of support.  That means you need to run a candidate that I find worth voting for.  If you can’t or don’t want to do that don’t even think about attempting to blame us for your loss.  If you had really wanted our vote, you would have actually courted and attempted to earn it.

Nothing pisses me off more than some ass-hat telling me that I should sell my principles up the river for their guy.  No, if you want me on your side, you need to sacrifice and provide a reason to vote for your side there boy genius.

This also ignores the fact that the margin of libertarian voters in every state would not have changed the election results.  So my Republican friends, it’s your failure, own it! -B]

Bloomberg Wants You to Be A Victim

So Mayor Bloomberg Fat @$@! George, said the following recently which provides a very nice window into the mind of a crazy person:

“We appreciate the help,” Bloomberg said. “The National Guard has been helpful, but the NYPD is the only people we want on the streets with guns, and we don’t need it. There’s been one or two minor outbreakings, disgraceful though they may be, of looting reported in the paper, but the vast bulk of people are doing the right thing.”

Umm, evidently the mayor has missed the memo, actually multiple memos about how his police force aren’t some how magically superior than the rest of the public.  As a matter of fact, they have probably the highest incident rate in my criminal count currently.

Instead of accepting help to prevent looting and restore order, thus allowing his citizens to stop living in fear since he forcibly disarmed them, he says no, he wants only his paid thugs to be armed in the city.  Remember this man has his own private army to protect him and his family.

As for the comments about the National Guard allowing for a police state to occur within New York City, you haven’t been paying attention have you.  I have three words for those who think New York City isn’t a police state, “Stop and Frisk“.

The mayor that is more worried about big gulps and preventing law-abiding citizens from defending themselves unsurprisingly is actively preventing others from defending those same citizens.

Mr. Mayor, I suggest you recite the Scout Oath and Law, since it’s become blatantly apparent that you’ve forgotten it.  Not to mention I’m reasonably sure that you wouldn’t know a good turn if it hopped up and bit you square in the face.  Frankly sir, I wish you would just shut up and step down because between you and Michael Moore, you’re making the rest of us look bad.  Your statements and actions reflect on all of us and you would do well to remember your charge.  Here let me help you.

The Eagle’s Charge

The foremost responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. To an Eagle Scout, honor is the foundation of all character. He knows that “A Scout is trustworthy” is the very first point of the Scout Law for good reason. An Eagle Scout lives honorably, not only because honor is important to him but because of the vital significance of the example he sets for other Scouts. Living honorably reflects credit on his home, his church, his troop, and his community. May the white of the Eagle badge remind you to always live with honor.

The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation. His loyalty to his troop and brother Scouts makes him pitch in and carry his share of the load. All of these help to build the loyalty which means devotion to community, to country, to one’s own ideals, and to God. Let the blue of the Eagle badge always inspire your loyalty.

The third obligation of the Eagle Scout is to be courageous. Courage has always been a quality by which men measure themselves and others. To a Scout, bravery means not only the courage to face physical danger, but the determination to stand up for the right. Trusting in God, with faith in his fellowman, he looks forward to each day, seeking his share of the world’s work to do. Let the red in the Eagle badge remind you always of courage.

The fourth obligation of an Eagle Scout is to be cheerful. To remind the Eagle Scout to always wear a smile, the red, white, and blue ribbon is attached to the scroll of the Second Class Scout award, which has its ends turned up in a smile.

The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. The Eagle Scout extends a helping hand to those who still toil up Scouting’s trail, just as others helped him in his climb to the Eagle. The performance of the daily Good Turn takes on a new meaning when he enters a more adult life continuing service to others. The Eagle stands as protector of the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while defending his own. He will always “Be Prepared” to put forth his best.

You deserve much credit for having achieved Scouting’s highest award. But wear your award with humility, ever mindful that the Eagle Scout is looked up to as an example. May the Scout Oath and the Scout Law be your guide for tomorrow and onward.

Yeah, about the only thing you’ve done in that charge is walk around with a grin that approximates Joe Biden’s smirk.  Honestly though that point is probably the least important of the points.

If you feel that you’re being courageous and doing the right thing here’s a pro tip: it’s not being courageous when others are dead and victimized for your decisions.  It is anything but courageous to tell someone they cannot carry arms in their own defense while paying someone else to carry arms to defend you.

Courageous in this day is standing up for individual liberties and rights from nanny statists like you who would rather rape and pillage the land for their own profit.

People of New York, remember your mayor would rather his men, one of which was recently arrested for planning a kid-napping where he was going to eat the victim, than have the national guard arrive and restore order.

When it comes time for reelection, you would do well to remember his behavior because he needs to be sent packing.

Quote of the Day – Joe Huffman(11/5/2012)

Don’t ever be at a loss for words when someone whines about the rich getting richer. Don’t try to explain that it doesn’t or shouldn’t matter if some people get rich or that it means there is opportunity for others to get rich. Handle it as Ms. Thatcher did. Follow it up by forcefully making the case that if the gap between the rich and the poor is a valid cause for government and/or social action then they will never be satisfied until fully equality is achieved. And there are those that admit what they demand is fully equality in just those words. But what they cannot seem to comprehend is that fully equality can only be approximated by everyone being in extreme poverty. Full equality comes with death. And it should come as no surprise the political left is well acquainted with death on a very large scale.

(Emphasis mine.)

Joe Huffman – Quote of the day – Margaret Thatcher
November 4th, 2012

[Go read the whole thing.  That which I emphasized above is the money shot and is worth remembering.  Because that is exactly what many would like to bring upon all of us. -B]

This One’s for Sean…

So, I kind of batted at Joan in my Priceless video but it wasn’t really a good solid hit.  It was more of just a fun video.  Joe took a good solid swing here which I felt was on the right track but the more I thought about it, more needed to be done.  I had piles of video of pumpkins blowing up between 2010 and 2012.

Sean posted a comment when Joe did his first post on Joan’s PSH stating we should have a self contained video that explained her break down and put everything in one easy to see spot.  Well I did just that.  Now while overall this really didn’t need to be made, it was more practice and work with the Adobe tools.  The learning curve is steep but doing projects, no matter how pointless is how you get over them.

So this one’s for Joan!

Besides, it’s quite fitting since it’s Halloween with the pumpkins and all.


So last weekend Joe came out and did a private party for Barb L. and her son.  This had been planned for at least a couple of weeks earlier and since it was October we figured we’d do a pumpkin shoot.

The last two we actually did after the elections for one reason or another that’s just how it worked out.  The upshot was that’s when pumpkins end up being dirt cheap since it’s after Halloween.  Well I swung by the store the Friday before and picked up over 300lbs of pumpkins. The trick is to buy pumpkins larger than their scales.

Now why would I discuss our plans about pumpkins… Well it seems that Joan Peterson (link safe), went into full PSH(link unsafe) over a video from Hickok45Joe promptly stated that he was in agreement with Joan because there’s a better way to carve pumpkins, you just use the gun as the detonator!  So without further ado, here’s a new commercial I did…

Some things are absolutely priceless.  While certainly sending Joan over the edge to spout quotes like:

So wouldn’t it be great if families got together in their neighborhoods and carved pumpkins with handguns?

Or even better, Evil Black Rifles™ like we used here.  But you know what’s even more priceless, something her and her ilk can never recreate.  Go back and look at the smile on that kids face at the end of the video.

Or this smile:


Or this one:


And that was despite being soaked to the bone and freezing cold.  But wait, there’s more!


Honestly I could keep on going with picture after picture and video after video of the grins Boomerite have created.  But since it’s Boomerite, that means a firearm has to be involved too!

We all know why Joan says these things, she’s a delusional Puritan who thinks the world revolves around her and her feelings.  I’m sure she would object to my method of celebrating the 4th of July as well.  (Not to mention this video has yet another grin and expression of happiness!).

The crux of Joan’s rant was that bullets go through stuff, evidently most bullets contain PFM that allows them to penetrate everything and keep going forever.  You see evidently, according to her, the bullets Hickok used after leaving the pumpkin were blood seekers and sought out his neighbors and killed them.  Evidently somehow the bullets can just go straight through the berm and then fly until they find a person.

Now she does use a couple of examples of people who violated the 4 rules and tries to use that as justification for disarming everyone.  First is this quote from Tam:

I don’t care if every other gun owner on the planet went out and murdered somebody last night. I didn’t. So piss off.

Second is that she’s in a world of denial, her side lost, and her only grasps for relevancy are when people break existing law and then she claims just one piece of paper would have stopped evil or stupid.  She’s wanting to prohibit exercise of this right by everyone for the actions of a few.

Honestly the thing I think she hates most about that video, is she knows there is no way for her side to compete with the joy that shooting pumpkins brings.  So I will bring that joy to someone new every chance I get.

*Now while I was actually going to spoof Mastercard to begin with, Joan’s PSH made finding a good punchline that much easier.

Romney and The Lesser of Two Evils Argument…

Bill Whittle on the problem of principles and wanting to vote 3rd party and the upcoming election.  It is definitely worth a watch.

Sadly he’s right.  I would rather vote third-party, except as Bill Whittle says doing so enables the greater evil.

The closing comment from Bill Whittle is right:

The fundamental difference between these two men is Mitt Romney loves America and Barack Obama is determined to destroy America.

No matter what we’re not reversing the slope this election.  The best we can do is lessen it to try to pull back.  I am principled enough that I cannot fool myself into thinking that voting for a third-party exempts me from my responsibility regarding the health and well-being of this country.

Adventures in Venture Capitalism

It’s been known for a while that green-energy is suspect and has serious issues.  Yet our fearless leader has shoved more money at failed projects that most could comprehend.  If this man ran a venture capitalist firm his clients would have left long ago because he was driving them to be broke.

What exactly am I talking about, well here’s a list of companies that have failed that received funding from Obama.

  1. Evergreen Solar ($24 million)*
  2. SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
  3. Solyndra ($535 million)*
  4. Beacon Power ($69 million)*
  5. AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy ($17.1 million)
  6. Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
  7. SunPower ($1.5 billion)
  8. First Solar ($1.46 billion)
  9. Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
  10. EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
  11. Amonix ($5.9 million)
  12. National Renewable Energy Lab ($200 million)
  13. Fisker Automotive ($528 million)
  14. Abound Solar ($374 million)*
  15. A123 Systems ($279 million)*
  16. Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($6 million)
  17. Johnson Controls ($299 million)
  18. Schneider Electric ($86 million)
  19. Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
  20. ECOtality ($126.2 million)
  21. Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
  22. Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
  23. Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
  24. Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
  25. Range Fuels ($80 million)*
  26. Thompson River Power ($6.4 million)*
  27. Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
  28. LSP Energy ($2.1 billion)*
  29. UniSolar ($100 million)*
  30. Azure Dynamics ($120 million)*
  31. GreenVolts ($500,000)
  32. Vestas ($50 million)
  33. LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($150 million)
  34. Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
  35. Navistar ($10 million)
  36. Satcon ($3 million)*

*Denotes companies that have filed for bankruptcy.

Total waste?  $8.108 Billion dollars.  Yes that’s billion with a B.  People keep insisting that to fix the budget problem we need to make massive cuts to the big pieces of the pie.  What people don’t seem to understand is that the biggest pieces are all the small tiny pieces added together.

Look at all that money that’s been wasted.  Debt that has now been laid upon our children and working class.  For what?  So that some donors to the Obama administration can go buy a new vacation house?  So that some leftist can feel good about his view on the environment and forcing others to pay for his moral views?

Seriously, why is anyone even thinking about continuing to vote for a man who so willingly and blatantly has been robbing the American public blind.  Not only is he robbing them but selling your children into slavery.  There is no such thing as a free lunch yet everyone seems to think they’re getting one.

That stimulus so heavily lobbied for has $80 billion in politically tied energy projects.  Yet we see how those projects actually worked, not to mention how it actually delayed existing projects.  Over 1900 investigations have begun to look into waste, further costs to the American tax payer.

To put this into even greater perspective, 10% of the funding for energy projects provided by the stimulus is nothing but waste.  That’s to a cost $25.82 per every man, woman and child, just in waste.  If you just count the tax payers, it’s an extra $70.81 in cost.  If you don’t believe me, do the math yourself.  Here’s where I got the numbers for population and taxpayers.  To take it further we have another 6 trillion in debt overall, that comes out to be another $51,000 dollars for every man, woman, and child.  The overall debt burden in this country is enough for most people to buy a house, again, every man, woman, and child, even babies.

Lets look at the issue in another way focusing on spending during 2012 overall:

Under Obama, for every $7 we’ve had, we’ve spent nearly $11 (or, to be more exact, $10.95).  That’s like a family that makes $70,000 a year — and is already knee-deep in debt — blowing nearly $110,000 a year.

Joe also put it really well a while ago before we ended up even further in this hole:

If your family income were $50,000 then:

Now that has brought the spending problem into a better perspective, let me ask, why is the out of control spending and economy not at the fore front of the presidential race?  I hope all of you who continue to not see a problem with this reckless spending and endless growth of government are happy selling your soul and children’s soul into slavery.  Because you honestly have no business writing checks your ass can’t cash and putting your kids name or my name on it.  Period.

NRA and this Election

I got an email this afternoon from Stephanie at the NRA, who I had the pleasure of meeting at GBR.  The NRA has created two ads geared towards this election, specifically in-light of recent statements made by Obama during the debate as well as on his website.

This is serious folks and the fact that Heller hinged on one vote in the Supreme Court is serious.  That man wants nothing more than to disarm the American public at this point.  Many look at Romney and say he’s a gun banner just the same as Obama.  Except when you start really digging past the myths to the truth, that’s not entirely true.

Roberta was right, we are not going to reverse the slope.  We can slow it down though, and even more than that, we need to protect the tools necessary to survive when the time comes we finally discover the edge of the fiscal cliff, more specifically the bottom.

The bottom line is we must protect our natural rights from any who would assault them. Think long and hard before you vote this year.  I am one who always wants to vote what I feel is right, however sometimes you must make a tactical decision to cede ground in one place to take ground in another.