Quote of the Day–Dan Muhlbauer (01/03/2013)

“We cannot have big guns out here as far as the big guns that are out here, the semi-automatics and all of them,” Muhlbauer said. “Those are not hunting weapons.

“Even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them,” Muhlbauer said. “Because if they’re out there, they’re just going to get circulated around to the wrong people. Those guns should not be in the public’s hands. There are just too many guns.”

Iowa State Representative Dan Muhlbauer

December 26, 2012

[First, let me be perfectly clear.  μολὼν λαβέ or molon labe Representative Muhlbauer.  I didn’t go shoot anyone with my firearms and neither did the majority of gun owning Americans so leave my property alone.

If you desperately want my property, I request that you lead the confiscation teams so that those you would attempt to use force of government to steal from can more easily deal with the tyrannical bureaucrat who sent the jack booted thugs to their door.  However like most petty tyrants you won’t actually bleed for your cause, instead you will send others to do your dirty work for you.

I will restate this for those who may have never seen my tripwire post, more specifically the lessons of the 20th century:

Lesson No. 2: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and confiscate your firearms– kill him. The disarmament of law-abiding citizens is the required precursor to genocide.

A word of warning though Mr. Muhlbauer, if any of those you attempt to kill succeed in surviving and escape, my assumption is they are coming for YOU.  A man like that will be on the run already and ultimately have nothing left to lose.  In the process of attempting to steal his property, you threatened his family, invaded his house, and even attempted to kill him.  Think about that sir, you may not be pulling the trigger yourself, but you’re creating the laws to tell others to kill people for you.  You are responsible!

I didn’t put a gun in anyone’s hand, I didn’t pull the trigger, I had absolutely nothing to do with a mentally deranged individual, yet you want to hold me and others like me responsible.  You would disarm us to leave us as defenseless as those children, praying that the police show up in time.  Tell me, did the police show up in time?  Because it took 20 minutes and it was a blood bath that any responsible gun owner could have stopped if they were there, but you sir would disarm them.  You would take their property or imprison or kill them.

That sir is sick and down right despicable.  You claim to be about protecting the children, yet you would have masked men invade homes in the middle of the night heavily armed killing anyone inside who merely looked like they might resist.  Think I’m exaggerating?  Look at your war on drugs and the number of innocent people killed in the wake of that mess.  You would use the force of government to kill otherwise law-abiding citizens for the victim-less crime of merely owning property.

Who is the mass murderer here Mr. Muhlbauer?  Who is attempting to use force to coerce others into behavior you, Mr. Muhlbauer, deem acceptable?

One group wants to merely be left alone, another group blames the first for tragedies the first group had no part in.  Tread wisely Mr. Muhlbauer.  We are not bloodthirsty and we aren’t out to kill or hurt people like you would claim.  We will however defend ourselves and our natural rights, rights that you have no say in.

To the people of Iowa, find a way to run that tyrant out of his job.  Sadly your state doesn’t support recalls like mine does, and yes I’m already looking into what needs to be done to recall a politician.  Anyone who votes yes from the State of Washington for an Assault Weapons Ban or Magazine ban, I will lead the charge to remove from office.  Some officials may think their reelection would be at least 2 years away, not true in some states.

There’s the Soap Box, Ballot Box, and Cartridge Box.  An attempt to remove anyone of the three options for defending ourselves and ensuring the governed can revoke their consent results in the third box being the only option. –B]

Quote of the Day – A Girl and Her Gun (01/02/2013)

Unless you are planning on using your gun to kill or giving it/selling it to someone who is, your buy back is nothing more than another thing to make you feel good. Listen closely to what has been said a million times by a million smart folks…your feel good move WILL NOT make a flying flipping bit of difference in terms of keeping your kid, my kid, any kid safe in schools, movie theaters, banks, parks…

(Emphasis mine)
A Girl and Her Gun – I Got Your Buy Back…
January 1st, 2013

[Most of the clamoring I’ve heard recently, including the BS being introduced in congress is the same old song and dance we’ve always heard.  It’s the classic, “Do it again but only harder.”

What’s the definition of insanity again?  It happens to be the same as futility.

 The act of doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

As Joe has so rightly pointed out though we need an orthogonal solution.  The problem is, they are unwilling to accept any solution but that which they want.  To them that is the only answer to the problem, their problem as defined by them.  Both sides of the debate admit there is a problem and want to find a solution.  One side of this debate doesn’t want to debate though, they want to lecture and do what they want.

Currently I’m sick of the BS being spouted by that particular group and as far as I’m concerned can be run out of the discussion.  We had the discussion on their talking points and they lost.  If they don’t want to grow up and actually discuss things like a reasonable and rational person, difficult given the prevalence for Peterson Syndrome, they can go sit at the kids table and eat while the grownups talk.

Ultimately A Girl’s conclusion is right:

So when another attack happens because no effective change took place I hope you are still feeling good about yourself. As for me, I prefer to do what at least has a chance of working. You will not be getting my gun. Not for 200 bucks or for $500 or for $1000 or…you get the picture.

Another attack will happen, it is an inevitability.  The choice of tool by the killer may change, but this tragedy will happen again as long as we keep redoing the same failed solutions.  China has had a string of similar incidents where a knife was used instead of a firearm.

For those of you who think that we can negotiate and retain some of our rights.  What happens when the next attack occurs? Or the one after that?  They will come and nibble again and again, stripping your rights away.  Ultimately to the point where they are trying to outlaw kitchen knives.

We stand to gain nothing by negotiating with the enemy on this front, instead we stand to lose everything.  Now is the time to stand up and fight.

If you haven’t contacted your reps, do so now.  That link will allow you to contact all your reps in one shot.  I spent some time last weekend and wrote individual personalized letters to each of my reps.  If you have the time, do it.  Don’t let the work of the past 19 years undoing the damage sink and fade into the darkness. -B]

SSCC #491-Ogden

But Hill opened his front door and was met with six men who he said were dressed in black, with no police identifiers that he saw. Three had assault rifles, Hill said; two were carrying tactical shotguns.

It’s worth noting that the home owner had to ask more than one before anyone on the other-side of the door identified themselves as police officers.  Then after he opened the door they promptly arrested him, and then they informed him his name was Derek and he was AWOL from the military… None of that information was correct.  The officers then refused to listen to the homeowner and then harrassed and intimidated his wife and children.

The money quote that put these guys on the count:

Melanie Hill said one of the officers made a comment about her husband coming to the door with a bat, saying that had it been a gun, the officers would have “blown you away.”

Because that is a lawful justification for the use of lethal force?  Merely being armed when answering a suspicious knock at the door by unresponsive people in the middle of the night is a reason to be shot?  Good to know.  Guess these guys went to the same training classes as officer roid-rage.

And remember folks, this was all over someone who was AWOL.  Not someone who is actually an immediate threat, but because they were AWOL.   This is your government and how they view the people.  Had they shot this man in cold blood, qualified immunity would protect them.  As far as I’m concerned, start shooting the bastards, period, end of discussion.  They can show up at the door and act reasonable or they can die.  Their job isn’t safe, that’s a given, but it shouldn’t be made safer by endangering those who are innocent.

Not to mention this classic line occurred as well:

Eric Hill said he received a phone call from police Chief Mike Ashment several days ago, explaining that the warrant was served at his house because it was the last known address of the man facing the arrest warrant.

The Hill family bought the house six months ago, Eric Hill said, but added that his neighbor told him the man police were looking for was the previous homeowner’s nephew, who had never lived at the home.

So in other-words they endangered the life of a family because they were too lazy to properly do their job.  In my world that’s negligence.

State Sponsored Criminal #491: John Doe

Because when you show up at someone’s house wearing all black with guns, you have a right to shoot the property owner for merely being armed.

Quote of the Day – Massad Ayoob (12/30/2012)

For one thing, defensive firearms are meant to be “equalizers,” force multipliers that can allow one good person to defend against multiple evil people.  To allow one good person to defend against a single evil person so much stronger and/or bigger and/or more violent than he or she, that the attacker’s potentially lethal assault can be stopped.  History shows that it often takes many gunshots to stop even a single determined aggressor. Most police officers have seen the famous autopsy photo in the cops-only text book “Street Survival” of the armed robber who soaked up 33 police 9mm bullets before he stopped trying to kill the officers.  Consider Lance Thomas, the Los Angeles area watch shop owner who was in many shootouts with multiple gang bangers who tried to rob and murder him.  He shot several of them, and discovered that it took so many hits to stop them that he placed multiple loaded handguns every few feet along his workbench.  That’s not possible in a home, or when lawfully carrying concealed on the street: a semiautomatic pistol with a substantial cartridge capacity makes much more sense for that defensive application.

(Emphasis mine.)
Massad AyoobWhy Good People Need Semiautomatic Firearms and “High Capacity” Magazines
December 29th, 2012

[First it’s worth reading the whole thing.  My usual response currently about why do you “need” currently is, “It’s a bill of rights not a bill of needs.”  Massad does a fantastic job of destroying their “need” argument.  As Massad points out: If semiautomatic rifles and pistols with high-capacity magazines are so ineffective for defense, why do police carry them?  If all they can do is aid in criminal activity, why are the police allowed access?

Our opponents will admit a gun in the right hands is a net positive.  They will not argue to disarm representatives of the state.  So how does taking a firearm from an innocent law-abiding citizen, the right hands, fix the negative of criminals gaining possession.

Ultimately gun control has nothing to do with crime and everything to do with control.  Crime has been decreasing even with an increase in firearms ownership in America.  There is no causation despite what they claim.  Never mind that the numbers say this is quite unlikely to occur.   That isn’t to say it isn’t a tragedy, it’s just not worth throwing freedom and liberty away for ineffective measures to try to stop a statistically unlikely event.

So in the end, why would anyone want to limit access to that effective equalizer? -B]

Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds…

And here’s a nice listing from Colion Noir.

Here’s another one from Colion:

Call, Write, Show Up!

Seriously folks.  Now more than ever we need to ring the bell for freedom.

(Stolen from here)

Following is a summary of the 2013 legislation:

  • Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
    • 120 specifically-named firearms
    • Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one military characteristic
    • Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds
  • Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:
    • Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test
    • Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test
    • Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans
  • Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.
  • Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
    • Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment
    • Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes and
    • Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons
  • Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
    • Background check of owner and any transferee;
    • Type and serial number of the firearm;
    • Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
    • Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
    • Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration

The full summary can be found here.

Now a couple observations, this is their current absolute wish list.  This thing is so over the top to “garner compromise”.  They shall receive none from me.  Write, call, and show up.  Seriously folks, you all can most certainly write.  If you’re unsure what to write, Robb has a wonderful starting point.

Don’t just do this yourselves, get EVERYONE else you can to do it too.  Do not just go quietly into the night, make your voice heard.  Make them realize the beast that they want to tangle with.  Make them understand that there will be no compromise from us on this subject.  Know someone who just bought a new AR in the panic, get them to write in!  I’ve heard many people lately bitch about it but not a one of them has bothered to write in and complain.

Do not just sit on the side lines and expect this to turn out for the best.  If you want to see the future, create it!  There is no doubt that the NRA stepped in it last week, but as Sebastian said:

We’re going to war, and this is the NRA we have, and more importantly, this is the NRA we can win with. But only if we hang together, because our alternative is to surely hang separately.

The NRA, like it or not, is the most effective and biggest legislative lobbyist we have on our side.  Honestly they are the only one’s that we can effectively use against our enemy.  If you doubt their ability, why do you think our opponents are so enthralled with attacking and attempting to discredit the NRA and its members?  The one thing that bugs me more than anything though are the people who bitch about the direction of the organization but they do not get active themselves.  As I have said already, “If you want to see the future, make it.”  That does not happen by sitting on your ass and complaining on your blog or to your friends.  It happens by going out and getting active, at least at the local level.  Do you think the NRA would ignore a large section of it’s membership if that section actually stood up and said something?  No, but that section has sat quite for so long they forget they’re there.

If you sit around and do not even bother to lift a finger in this fight and we loose, you have no one to blame but yourself.

I aim to misbehave…

So my wife got me a t-shirt for my birthday today.  I would say it’s fitting:

Joss Whedon’s Serenity Browncoat/I Aim To Misbehave Men’s T-Shirt, Large

For those of you who may not understand, I give you this:

I spent last night in conversation with my mom regarding  the current state of affairs and the political fallout from the actions of a mad man that shall not be named.*  I find the shirt fitting because I’m not going to run, I am not going to cower, I am going to stand and fight against the coming onslaught.

I am going to fight against those who would disarm the law abiding, I will fight those who think that one more law would magically stop a mad man,  I will fight against those who think that the appearance of a weapon is some how related to its effectiveness, I am going to fight against those who use the tragedy and misfortune of innocent children and families to further their own political agenda.  Ultimately I am fighting against those who would disarm the victims to ensure they are incapable of mounting the most effective response and defense.

Ultimately in the words of Malcolm Renyolds, “I aim to misbehave.”  Because my stepping up to the plate is exactly what our opponents would say is misbehavior.  They would rather I just shut up and sit in the corner so they could then use my silence as an indication that I feel guilty for the actions of another.

No.  I aim to misbehave.  I aim to act and pursue this in ways they couldn’t imagine.  I aim to help the big dogs in this fight to take control of the conversation and pummel our opponents into the ground.  I aim to make this their last stand.  I aim to put them into the dust bin of history next to the KKK.

Me thinks I’m going to have to watch Serenity when I get home tonight.

*Seriously, if you put his name in the comments I will perma-ban you, I will not aid in giving these people fame for their atrocities.

Quote of the Day – Robb Allen

So, take a quick, deep breath. Write, call, show up. But for Browning’s sake, clear  your head, focus your mind, and do not give an inch. We’re in the right, we are the good guys here, and there’s no room to compromise. Let them break against our wall, don’t preemptively open a door or two for them.

Robb Allen – You’re getting sunshine rammed down your throat whether you want it or not
December 20, 2012

[Make no mistake people, we’re in a fight and we must not get complacent.  Just because there are valid points being made about how we will survive doesn’t mean that it’s a done deal.  The points being brought up across the board are good news.  There is a pile of facts that indicates that no, the sky will not fall on us overnight.  We can fight and win, there is no question on this.  The problem is we need to act in a manner to guarantee our victory.

Bug every last gun owner you can, get them to write, call, or even meet in person with their representatives.  This is serious folks, the more active we are up front the less work it will take at the final push.  We need to take the initiative, we need to take control of the conversation.

Getting a bill through will take time and the American public is worse than a dog when it comes to their attention span.  Another squirrel is coming and ultimately this serves as a distraction for law-makers to avoid the more pressing and serious issues of the economy and government spending.  The case laid out by Chris is a decent one as well.

So yes, there is good news on the horizon, much like I talked about last night.  We must fight, we must win, we must brush our opponents into the dust bin of history!  We can seal Joe’s wish in one fell swoop, do not back down, do not cower, do not get angry or upset, merely fight, the deck is not stacked against us like our opponents would have you think. -B]