Quote of the Day – Michael Z. Williamson (1/9/2013)

Eventually, we need to move away from the notion that owning and operating a vehicle is a right and entitlement, and limit it to people with a proven, bona fide professional need.  There are plenty of trains and buses for normal people.  This is how most civilized nations are moving and is not a violation of your right to travel.

January 9th, 2013

[I’m amazed at the number of people I’ve seen screaming about the fact we regulate cars and not guns.  Mr. Williamson does a fantastic job ripping that misconception down piece by piece.  Seriously, go read the whole thing.

In the back of my head I wanted to laugh but couldn’t because I knew of the exact regulations he was referring to, every last one of them.  The other side of this debate though will insist over and over that none of those things actually exist, even if you cite the exact law.  That end quote though I find a perfect closure.  If you think we need to get rid of guns in the name of public safety, motorized vehicles need to go too. -B ]

h/t Robb.

SSCC #496 – San Antonio

A San Antonio police officer who is accused of extortion — and was watched by a surveillance team as he reportedly picked up the cash while on duty in his patrol car — was charged in federal court Friday morning.

Now at first glance that doesn’t sound too bad does it…

After he admitted having a small amount of marijuana in his car, the man said Lundy detained him and told him he could “help him out,” by not filing possession charges if he got $400 in return, according to the affidavit.

The man told Lundy he didn’t have the money on him but that he could provide it by Jan. 2. He was allowed to leave and subsequently received phone calls from a blocked number concerning the payment, which had gone up to $500, the affidavit said.

But remember this drug was is for our safety and the betterment of our communities.  No word on the termination of his employment yet.

State Sponsored Criminal #496: Curtis W. Lundy

Because the real reason we have the drug war is to create a class of privileged criminals.

via Dwight

Quote of the Day – A Girl and Her Gun (01/02/2013)

Unless you are planning on using your gun to kill or giving it/selling it to someone who is, your buy back is nothing more than another thing to make you feel good. Listen closely to what has been said a million times by a million smart folks…your feel good move WILL NOT make a flying flipping bit of difference in terms of keeping your kid, my kid, any kid safe in schools, movie theaters, banks, parks…

(Emphasis mine)
A Girl and Her Gun – I Got Your Buy Back…
January 1st, 2013

[Most of the clamoring I’ve heard recently, including the BS being introduced in congress is the same old song and dance we’ve always heard.  It’s the classic, “Do it again but only harder.”

What’s the definition of insanity again?  It happens to be the same as futility.

 The act of doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

As Joe has so rightly pointed out though we need an orthogonal solution.  The problem is, they are unwilling to accept any solution but that which they want.  To them that is the only answer to the problem, their problem as defined by them.  Both sides of the debate admit there is a problem and want to find a solution.  One side of this debate doesn’t want to debate though, they want to lecture and do what they want.

Currently I’m sick of the BS being spouted by that particular group and as far as I’m concerned can be run out of the discussion.  We had the discussion on their talking points and they lost.  If they don’t want to grow up and actually discuss things like a reasonable and rational person, difficult given the prevalence for Peterson Syndrome, they can go sit at the kids table and eat while the grownups talk.

Ultimately A Girl’s conclusion is right:

So when another attack happens because no effective change took place I hope you are still feeling good about yourself. As for me, I prefer to do what at least has a chance of working. You will not be getting my gun. Not for 200 bucks or for $500 or for $1000 or…you get the picture.

Another attack will happen, it is an inevitability.  The choice of tool by the killer may change, but this tragedy will happen again as long as we keep redoing the same failed solutions.  China has had a string of similar incidents where a knife was used instead of a firearm.

For those of you who think that we can negotiate and retain some of our rights.  What happens when the next attack occurs? Or the one after that?  They will come and nibble again and again, stripping your rights away.  Ultimately to the point where they are trying to outlaw kitchen knives.

We stand to gain nothing by negotiating with the enemy on this front, instead we stand to lose everything.  Now is the time to stand up and fight.

If you haven’t contacted your reps, do so now.  That link will allow you to contact all your reps in one shot.  I spent some time last weekend and wrote individual personalized letters to each of my reps.  If you have the time, do it.  Don’t let the work of the past 19 years undoing the damage sink and fade into the darkness. -B]

SSCC #491-Ogden

But Hill opened his front door and was met with six men who he said were dressed in black, with no police identifiers that he saw. Three had assault rifles, Hill said; two were carrying tactical shotguns.

It’s worth noting that the home owner had to ask more than one before anyone on the other-side of the door identified themselves as police officers.  Then after he opened the door they promptly arrested him, and then they informed him his name was Derek and he was AWOL from the military… None of that information was correct.  The officers then refused to listen to the homeowner and then harrassed and intimidated his wife and children.

The money quote that put these guys on the count:

Melanie Hill said one of the officers made a comment about her husband coming to the door with a bat, saying that had it been a gun, the officers would have “blown you away.”

Because that is a lawful justification for the use of lethal force?  Merely being armed when answering a suspicious knock at the door by unresponsive people in the middle of the night is a reason to be shot?  Good to know.  Guess these guys went to the same training classes as officer roid-rage.

And remember folks, this was all over someone who was AWOL.  Not someone who is actually an immediate threat, but because they were AWOL.   This is your government and how they view the people.  Had they shot this man in cold blood, qualified immunity would protect them.  As far as I’m concerned, start shooting the bastards, period, end of discussion.  They can show up at the door and act reasonable or they can die.  Their job isn’t safe, that’s a given, but it shouldn’t be made safer by endangering those who are innocent.

Not to mention this classic line occurred as well:

Eric Hill said he received a phone call from police Chief Mike Ashment several days ago, explaining that the warrant was served at his house because it was the last known address of the man facing the arrest warrant.

The Hill family bought the house six months ago, Eric Hill said, but added that his neighbor told him the man police were looking for was the previous homeowner’s nephew, who had never lived at the home.

So in other-words they endangered the life of a family because they were too lazy to properly do their job.  In my world that’s negligence.

State Sponsored Criminal #491: John Doe

Because when you show up at someone’s house wearing all black with guns, you have a right to shoot the property owner for merely being armed.

Quote of the Day – Robb Allen

So, take a quick, deep breath. Write, call, show up. But for Browning’s sake, clear  your head, focus your mind, and do not give an inch. We’re in the right, we are the good guys here, and there’s no room to compromise. Let them break against our wall, don’t preemptively open a door or two for them.

Robb Allen – You’re getting sunshine rammed down your throat whether you want it or not
December 20, 2012

[Make no mistake people, we’re in a fight and we must not get complacent.  Just because there are valid points being made about how we will survive doesn’t mean that it’s a done deal.  The points being brought up across the board are good news.  There is a pile of facts that indicates that no, the sky will not fall on us overnight.  We can fight and win, there is no question on this.  The problem is we need to act in a manner to guarantee our victory.

Bug every last gun owner you can, get them to write, call, or even meet in person with their representatives.  This is serious folks, the more active we are up front the less work it will take at the final push.  We need to take the initiative, we need to take control of the conversation.

Getting a bill through will take time and the American public is worse than a dog when it comes to their attention span.  Another squirrel is coming and ultimately this serves as a distraction for law-makers to avoid the more pressing and serious issues of the economy and government spending.  The case laid out by Chris is a decent one as well.

So yes, there is good news on the horizon, much like I talked about last night.  We must fight, we must win, we must brush our opponents into the dust bin of history!  We can seal Joe’s wish in one fell swoop, do not back down, do not cower, do not get angry or upset, merely fight, the deck is not stacked against us like our opponents would have you think. -B]

Quote of the Day–Chris S. (12/19/2012)

Even my grandma is calling to ask about guns!

Chris S. – After Answering a Phone Call

[On my way home tonight I stopped by to chat with Chris and see how things were doing at my local gun shop.  Here’s how it looked as I walked in:


I walked in as the last AR on the shelf was being bought.  The few remaining that look like they are are really just dedicated .22 LR.  The one sole carbine on the right is a 9mm carbine which was also liberated by the same individual who bought the last AR.  Notice how there are no Glock mags, AR mags, or just about any other standard capacity magazine.  Yeah the last of the P-Mags were leaving as I arrived.  They moved, in the middle of no where mind you, in a store that’s mainly known as a golf shop, over 50 rifles in the past 4 days they were open for business. 

So here’s what it looked like as I left from the purchase of a single individual:


To give you an idea of how serious this rush is, he was asked if he had any SCARs or other high end rifles and was offered cash for purchase.  Think about that for a second folks, people were arriving cash money in hand to buy these.

I don’t think our opponents have fully realized what they have done.  I can guarantee you that those who have bought rifles over the past weekend aren’t planning on turning them in if they’re outlawed.  I went through all the pistols he had left.  Most were single stack or revolvers.  Every other normal capacity Glock, S&W, and XD was gone.

People are seriously afraid and I cannot say that the fear is ungrounded.  But as piece of good news I do think that Sebastian is right in this following statement:

This is not our last stand, it is theirs. If we beat them back now, if we deny them their agenda and keep the lawmakers in line, we will sweep these people from the field. They will, like Custer, have underestimated our numbers and our ferocity. We will dog our lawmakers. They will be sick of hearing from us by the time this is over. Obama’s historical legacy will be a lousy economy, and an ineffective and bumbling second term. It is our time to show the weak and pitiful Republicans how this is done, and how you beat Obama.

There’s no question though folks, this is going to be a fight.  Do not underestimate the power of our enemy, especially with emotions on their side.  Do not get cocky, do not think that magically we are just going to win this.  It is going to take work and effort.  Write or otherwise contact your legislators starting immediately.  If you’re not sure what to do, follow this write up from Robb.  Sadly again unlike our paid competitors I have to work for a living and I will be busy through the weekend.  My goal is to sit down Sunday afternoon or take the day off Monday and write up an improved form letter based off of Robb’s.  At the same time I’m going to work on creating a simple way to automate the whole process of contacting the necessary people.

Get everyone you can to start writing in as well.  We need to be heard and we need to show our voice.  There is no question that our opponents are dancing in the blood of the dead to merely further their political goals.  Their cards are shown when other politicians admit and explain that the laws they recommend wouldn’t actually prevent something like this from happening.

I offered my help to Chris on arming customers on the political front and got him hooked with with Sebastian’s primer.  My goal is to arm every last customer with the knowledge necessary to help win this fight.

Now is the time to fight.  To those that argue for a ban on assault weapons I say, “Molon Labe!” –B]

And here come the Fudds…

So already I’ve seen comments and even got an email from a friend about a particular comment that was left, below is what the comment said (emphasis mine, spelling his).

We all here want to feel safe and do what we can to protect our families & loved ones: we are parents to our children, wives to our husbands, true friends to our friends. More than this we are neighbors and members of our community, in church, club, workplace and park.

I honor the Bill Of Rights and welcome the freedom the Second Ammendment gives me. I also recognize that this was written 221 years ago against the backdrop of our emerging nation. At this sad time and remembering past atrocities I will now seek a complete ban on assault riflesI will continue to proudly keep and carry my little Ruger.
While I dont know many of you here I know that you are no different to my own neighbors; good people living in difficult times. We all need to do the right thing and show leadership.

Here’s the thing folks, you either have a right to arms or you don’t.  There is no negotiating on this, we did that in 1994 and look what happened.  Further the current atrocity pulling at everyone’s heart strings happened within a state with an assault weapons ban!

If the ban didn’t stop him there what makes you think it would somehow work in the future?  Please inform me how “just one more law” would have altered the course of events given the litany of laws he broke before he even started shooting children.  Explain to me how the law-abiding gun owners are at fault and the sacrifice of their rights will somehow make the world a safer place.  Even law-makers admit that an assault weapons ban wouldn’t have changed anything, you must know something the rest of us don’t.

But lets destroy your BS regarding 221 years ago shall we?  At the time people owned cannon, artillery, and during the American Revolution the Kentucky Long Rifle was the AR-15 of the era.  Read that again, the Kentucky Long Rifle was the AR-15 of the era.  It was a military arm that was quite excellent at striking targets at long distances.  By todays standard our bolt-action rifles could be compared with muskets.  Muskets, lacking rifling, were less accurate but quicker to reload.  So there’s a trade-off yes, overall the technology was quite similar, however there was a considerable difference between the two.

Lets move forward not even 100 years to the civil war and the advent of the henry repeating rifle as well as the percussion-cap revolver.  Both of which greatly increased the available firepower of a single individual, yet by your argument we should have nothing more than what we had 221 years ago when it was written.  So no revolvers, no repeating rifles, this destroys cartridge firearms, thus kiss your bolt-action rifles and shotguns good-bye seeing as they couldn’t have conceived of this 221 years ago.

Because they couldn’t conceive of the advances in technology 221 years ago, because they didn’t see the immediate benefit of the printing press, you argue for a complete ban on an inanimate object, that you don’t use, thinking that will somehow stop evil. You are however more than happy to continue carrying your “little Ruger” which, by your argument, should be outlawed since we should only take into account what they had at the time.

So if you want to carry a defensive pistol and you want to carry on this argument, you will carry nothing more than a single shot flint-lock pistol.  For you see, you should only ever need one round!  If you need more than one, obviously you need to practice your aim more!  No one needs a 10 shot magazine, the size of the Ruger LCP, or even a six shot revolver, for our fore-fathers survived on 1 shot flint locks and that is what they had in mind when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, at least that’s what you claim.  You cannot have it both ways, you cannot just embrace technology you like and throw away that you dislike.

Our opponents would be happy to take away every semi-automatic pistol, who needs them right?  You can carry a revolver, it has six rounds, more than enough for anything you might encounter!  Then one day someone goes on a spree, reloading while the response takes 20 minutes and you hear cries that we need blanket revolver ban.  It’s a slippery slope my friend and the first assault weapons ban proved that along with another important fact.

The federal assault-weapons ban, scheduled to expire in September, is not responsible for the nation’s steady decline in gun-related violence and its renewal likely will achieve little, according to an independent study commissioned by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

“We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence,” said the unreleased NIJ report, written by Christopher Koper, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Now you could say I’m over stepping and taking this too far to which I would reply, how do you set the bar then?  George Washington didn’t cross the Delaware to get to his duck blind and by god the Second Amendment was not written with the aspect of hunting in mind.  No, at the time the American public maintained it’s own supply of military arms and while some would say that is no longer necessary, I would point out that to this day the United States has an unorganized militia that can be called upon to defend her.  As well as the fact that our government has committed atrocities against her own people and you wish to give that same government a sole monopoly on force.  Merely ensuring that her own citizens cannot resist if they feel it necessary to do so.

Lastly your argument for an assault weapons ban also completely ignores the fact that the majority of the features banned are purely cosmetic and safety related.  Tell me, what good does it do to ban a collapsible stock?  You know that thing that allows you to adjust the length of pull for different sized shooters.  That thing you adjust to make sure the shooter doesn’t get scoped, or otherwise suffer injury.  The pistol grip, which is quite beneficial for disabled shooters allowing for a more natural grip angle and thus preventing further damage to the wrist because of recoil.  Also my personal favorite, banning a barrel shroud.  Really!? Banning an object who’s sole purpose is to prevent the user from burning themselves.  That’s like banning suppressors, because we all like hearing damage!

Your statement above is nothing but pure hypocrisy no matter how you cut it. You either support the individual right of self-defense, including their right to choose what they think is the best arm for them, or you don’t.  You cannot just say, well I don’t like evil black rifles so their bad but leave my pistols alone.  What happens to the disabled woman who cannot easily deploy a pistol but can a rifle?  Must she be stuck with a bolt-action rifle that she cannot effectively operate the bolt on?  Ok, so you’ve left semi-auto rifles now with the necessary features to aid in ease of use.  Now are you going to limit her to 10 rounds?  That operator as I said lacks normal dexterity so while you can quickly and easily reload a magazine you’ve still limited the disabled shooter.  And for what?  It’s not like the magazine bans really matter to a determined individual:

Remember it was 20 minutes for the police to respond, so short of banning metallic cartridges, people can reload guns, again and again, using them for evil.  The answer is to step up and stop evil when it appears, that is best done by allowing people to retain the best tools for doing so.  That is not done by banning the otherwise law-abiding and turning them into felons overnight.  I find it ironic though that you claim we should do the right thing and show leadership and you do so by blindly following the talking heads.  The right thing is stepping up and doing what needs to be done, even if it seems difficult.  The right thing is protecting the rights of others despite the actions of a lone mad man.  By the way sir, you lead from the front, not from the rear as you kiss the boots of your future masters begging forgiveness for something that wasn’t your fault.

In the words of Samuel Adams:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.

We ask not your counsels or your arms.

Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.

May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

SSCC #480-#483: McAllen

Federal prosecutors announced charges Thursday against four officers from a South Texas anti-drug task force who they say took thousands of dollars in bribes to guard large shipments of cocaine.

The officers — two from the Mission police department and two Hidalgo County sheriff’s deputies — were members of the “Panama Unit,” which is a joint task force between the two agencies that targets drug trafficking, according to prosecutors. Mission’s police chief said one of the officers was actually part of a different task force, but a prosecutor’s office official didn’t immediately respond to an after-hours seeking clarification.

This isn’t the first time the enforcers in the “War on Drugs” were personally profiting off of it.  But remember, it’s necessary for our safety and protection.   Since prohibitions are wonderful things and all and don’t have any negative effects.  Yes, that last sentence was seeping with sarcasm, just to make sure I’m clear.

State Sponsored Criminal #480: Rigoberto Espinoza
#481: Jonathan Trevino
#482: Fabian Rodriguez
#483: Gerardo Duran

Because the real reason to join the police is to abuse the law abiding while taking bribes to protect the criminals.

via Bob S.