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SSCC #283–Henderson

This is a bad one…

A federal jury in Memphis convicted Robert Stacy Kilgore Wednesday on four separate charges involving pornographic material he made of a 10-year-old girl and shipped across state lines.

Another predator in a position of trust.  More and more cops will employ force against children who disobey further increasing their compliance due to fear.

At least in this case they put him on trial, but only 30 years for such an abuse of power.  It is disturbing how much people blindly trust representatives of the state just because they’re from the state.  Just because they have a badge doesn’t make them some sort of saint.  They can just as easily be a predator who convinced the state to give him qualified immunity.

State Sponsored Criminal Count 283: Robert Stacy Kilgore

Because everyone’s human and those we give tin badges should be trusted by everyone implicitly without question.

Here Comes the Fat Fuzz!

Damn you Mike Griffeath! All sarcasm aside now though, I do really like Mike and I know we have the same views on the BMI scale and I’m glad he tossed the following up on facebook. This is some scary crap for so many reasons my mind just flipped out.

States receiving federal grants provided for in the bill would be required to annually track the Body Mass Index of all children ages 2 through 18. The grant-receiving states would be required to mandate that all health care providers in the state determine the Body Mass Index of all their patients in the 2-to-18 age bracket and then report that information to the state government. The state government, in turn, would be required to report the information to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for analysis.

This is one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a long time. BMI is not an accurate measure of fat content. In high school my BMI had me overweight through the roof. I swam 5 days a week, 3.5 hours a day, plus weight lifting and I was “severely overweight”. I was extremely active, didn’t sit around, eat junk and do nothing. I know I’m not the only one with this view on BMI and current methods to measure “fat content”. What I find most scary though is that this can easily be manipulated to take someone’s child away from them. It is extremely disconcerting because it totally violates the Jews in the Attic test. Your child will be required to be reported to the state; even if the only reason he is there is an emergency. I hope that anyone who helps the state or complies with the law realizes that I along with many others will consider them to be the equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo. The number one best way to make a man extremely dangerous and hostile is to mess with his family, and the government is now finding ways to take your children from you. BMI just makes an excellent excuse. You’re teaching your kid firearms usage… oh his BMI says he’s fat, we’re taking your kid you horrible parent.

With the fat ass Michelle Obama has, it’s not as if she has room to talk either.

SSCC #93-97–Wisconsin State Police

Skip to 2:07 for the part you actually care about.

Seriously I’m at a loss for words at the behavior of those officers.  What that man was doing was protected by state law and they arrested and assaulted him.  Even after being notified of their being in the wrong.

A note, I would suggest after notifying them of the law just keep your mouth shut.  They have created a monopoly on force by disarming everyone attempting to view a public meeting in a public building.  Some civil attorney is going to have a field day with this.

State Sponsored Criminal Count**: 97

Because cops can do whatever the hell they want despite the law. We create civilian disarmament zones and qualified immunity so cops can act without fear of reprisal.

*This is a perfect example of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Public unions are bullshit, but the behavior of the police and the flag preventing an act protected by state law is total crap.  Every officer involved should be thrown in jail immediately at a minimum.

**It has been pointed out that the video is lacking in what happened prior to the arrest.  There is a possibility these individuals were creating a ruckus in the gallery.  I am going to let this stand due to the statement banning video from the Gallery which blatantly violates WI law.  I wish there was video showing him just sitting there doing nothing but recording but who knows.  It appears to be correct and I’ll let it stand unless someone has video showing otherwise.  

If you don’t think the Police State is here…

You’re wrong.

  1. After a SWAT team shot and killed Jose Guerena, a man who broke no laws and his only mistake was being related to someone who did. 
  2. We had an incident where the Department of Education used their own SWAT team to kick down the door of the wrong person over “student loans.” 
  3. The Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that the public cannot resist unlawful entry by police
  4. We now have the FBI expanding the discretionary power of their agents.

The FBI is preparing new investigative guidelines for its agents that civil libertarians say would make it easier for agents to search commercial or law enforcement databases, conduct lie detector tests, search people’s trash and conduct physical surveillance, sometimes without any suspicion of wrongdoing.

To go after people who have “attracted” their attention, like their ex-girlfriend, their neighbor they hate, someone who cut them off in traffic.  People have a nasty habit of abusing any power available to them.  Couple that with the Indiana ruling and we have a storm that is ripe for disaster.  Sadly for some reason though the American people seem to look the other way as all of this is happening.  The Boston Massacre happened in the middle of a public street and riled Americans due to the liberties the king was denying them.  While now the government uses jack booted thugs to kick in our door in the middle of the night to kill the men who risked their lives to protect us.

Sadly I think Linoge nailed it on the head today with this statement:

The die has been cast, the train is in motion, the avalanche has started… however you want to phrase it, but what started as a grand experiment in the preservation of individual rights and liberties has ended, for me, with the bullet-ridden body of a United States Marine, laying dead on the floor of his home, guilty of nothing more than being related to some unsavory characters.

We have long past the precipice at this point, each time our rulers become more bold and ruthless.  An effective solution to this problem is becoming more and more difficult to see.  While we are all attempting to solve these problems through the soap box and ballot box, more and more we are seeing that the only remaining solution is the cartridge box.

The government is declaring war on it’s own citizens, it has militarized bands of jack booted thugs who are exempt from the law and legal restraint.  The are free to break down the door of any house and kill anyone inside.  The 4th amendment has been all but actually removed from the bill of rights.  It’s claws and teeth removed by the courts, and claims of necessity which gave birth to the TSA and DHS.  Their goals are to intimidate and scare their subjects in to compliance.

While my tripwire hasn’t been struck, people are certainly dancing around it.  I am stating this here and now, any no knock warrant executed on my house or that of my family will be considered a declaration of war against myself, my family and my freedom.  This includes warrants executed merely because they had the address wrong.  If you have reasonable cause to search my house, that of my family, and have a warrant from a judge, knock on my door and you will be let in peacefully.  Not only that but there are methods that could be used to ensure the safety of the officers and well as law abiding citizens.  I support the US Constitution above all else, and will defend myself against those who attempt to violate it so that they may violate me.

The government is murdering it’s own civilians and it seems like only a few of us are bothering to care or notice.  Frankly, that is the most saddening and disturbing prospect of all.  The American people no longer care about their neighbor, instead they tell the government to look after them and take care of them.

I weep for freedom, liberty, and all those who sacrificed themselves for this great American experiment.  FDR and the socialists have succeeded in what they set out to do, destroy America and the American dream.

Note: I do not condone indiscriminant acts of violence against the government or police.  I am merely condoning the act of self defense.  Someone kicking in the door of a law abiding citizen at Oh-Dark-Thirty with a gun, government agent or not, the home owner has every right to defend himself from the person invading his property.  Agents of the government can shoot people lying on the ground handcuffed in the back and get away with it.  I’d rather die with my boots on thank you.

The Plot Thickens – Unpossible I Tell You!

So last Friday I made a post regarding an incident of an unpossible nature.  Well today the plot thickened!

A man was arrested Thursday morning in Pullman for assault in the first degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.

For those who aren’t aware, here is the beginning of RCW 9.41.040:

(1)(a) A person, whether an adult or juvenile, is guilty of the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree, if the person owns, has in his or her possession, or has in his or her control any firearm after having previously been convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state or elsewhere of any serious offense as defined in this chapter.

It continues on this way throughout the entire law.  This is basically the state equivalent of “felon in possession” and would be listed as prohibited by the state of Washington.

So it begs the question where did he get the weapon?  Not that it really matters because it is yet another nail in the coffin of “laws controlling criminals.”  The fact is criminals don’t care about the law, it is only the law abiding that actually pay attention.

So here’s the skinny, we have a college bar, next to a college campus that forbids concealed carry.  When I say next to, we’re talking a block from the WSU Presidents house, 2 blocks from the WSU Campus Police station and the main bust stop for campus, 2 blocks from numerous on campus dorms, and centered smack dab in the middle of Greek housing.  The state forbids carrying firearms into bars, as well as being intoxicated while carrying a weapon.  Lastly this individual was a prohibited person under Washington State law.

Tell me, what in the name of god would another law have actually done in this instance?  All those laws have effectively done is ensure that any responsible person that would be in that area would be disarmed and lacking the most effective tools when criminals don’t bother to play by the rules.

That’s right, not a damn thing.

(Misc Rant/Story/Joke)

As an FYI, that area on campus is by no means my favorite.  I had friends that went to many of the bars in the area but for the most part I just went to friends places when they had parties.  The reason being is because one should avoid dangerous situations and those bars are exactly that.  When I spent some time with Pullman PD and did a couple ride-alongs I found out how bad that little part of campus really is.  There are numerous people who hang around the area to prey upon people leaving the bars.  Now I’m going to leave the user to apply the term prey how they would like because it applies to both genders.  Assault is the main issue, but other incidents abound as well.

About the only way I’d go in those dives is with a bunch of buddies from back in the unit, mainly two particular Sergeants come to mind.  One of whom is the only man that has ever really intimidated me.  That man made our Gunny look like a baby and that’s just not right!  The other one got kicked out of Burma while he was a Embassy Guard.  Yeah, I had some awesome friends going through my college career.

Though me and some other friends did think it would be funny to come out of some of the college hill bars acting drunk and kick their ass.  We just realized it would be pretty hard to explain it all away after.

Cop: So why were you all at the bar?

Us: Because the food is that awesome!

Cop: This is a campus bar, wanna try that again?

Because: We were studying human physiology?

Cop: You’re all stone sober yet everyone said it looked as if you were drunk as you all left?  They also said you left one by one headed in the same direction with regular spacing, why?

Us: Well we wanted to blend in!

Cop: Why?

Us: Umm, would you believe us if we said so you’d follow us instead of our drunk buddies driving away?

Cop:Wanna try again?  Besides, you were all armed in different manners as to remain legal, why?

Us: Because we were playing a game!

Cop: And what game is that?

Us: Induced Victim Selection Failure

Cop: What the hell is that?

Us: It’s where you try and get a wolf to go after a sheep-dog thinking it’s a sheep.

Cop: What happens to the wolf when he bites?

Us: Well that’s his own damn fault, should have just stayed his ass out of the kitchen if he can’t take the heat!  All he had to do was let us walk on by!

Yeah, I don’t think I would have been able to stay out of a jail cell if we tried that.  I have a feeling it would be treated as hunting over bait.  Not to say it wouldn’t have been worth it.*

*As an extra note, these assaults were done predominately by 3 to 4 individuals with one person leading the attack.  As one group leaves Pullman another one usually fills its place.  Seriously the group could be considered along the misfits from A Clockwork Orange and for that reason if we did it, I wouldn’t have shed a tear.  Again, that wouldn’t have been good for my court appearance.

SSCC #347–North Carolina

A state trooper is back on the road after a two-day suspension given after a Winston-Salem motorist says he was shot with a stun gun and repeatedly kneed in the face for calling the trooper a derogatory name.

Save it for court, never argue on the side of the road it will just land you in trouble.  This however attracted my attention.

Gordon said Davidson’s cruiser was not equipped with a video camera. The patrol rebuffed a public records request from The Associated Press seeking the release of the report required when a trooper uses a stun gun or firearm or of the written statements given by the troopers involved in the incident, saying the documents are confidential under the agency’s interpretation of state personnel laws.

Imagine that, you gave an officer with no way to be held accountable committing assault.  Not just committing assault but getting away with it.

State Sponsored Criminal #347: Sean B. Davidson

Because you too can commit felonious assault and not get charged by merely joining the North Carolina State Patrol.

Quote of the Day – Kathy Jackson (2/22/2013)

Like you, I want safer families and safer communities. Like you, I think it is appalling when bad people use firearms to do bad things. And like you, I want to see lower rates of violent crime and higher rates of good people staying safe. That is why I am a strong supporter of liberal laws in the area of concealed carry, and it’s why I am in favor of laws that improve the ability of ordinary people to protect themselves wherever they go. It’s also why I support the freedom to purchase and own firearms without a lot of bureaucratic tangles. Because I want good people to be safer, I support laws that make it easy for good people to protect themselves from violent crime.

Kathy Jackson“Reasonable” Restrictions

February 22, 2013

[Like Kathy, I don’t see anything “reasonable” about restricting a human right.  Heck, I’ve described it previously.  My care and concern is for the law-abiding.  More specifically the innocent who would be victimized. There is nothing “reasonable” about trying prevent these people from obtaining arms.

Many look at 1588 and consider it reasonable.  The more I think about that bill, the more I become very concerned and very afraid.  The burden of proof will be on the seller that he complied with the law.  It will be nothing more than a gotcha used when they want to hang you but cannot find something else.  There are some serious problems with it and on the surface it sounds like a good law.  No law-abiding person wants to just hand a firearm over to someone who is prohibited.

My problem is instead of creating a tool to help those people perform that function, they have created a method to hang that citizen should the government ever feel like doing so.

They could easily indicate on people’s drivers licenses, which are renewed every 5 years, whether someone is a prohibited person.  Do it on EVERY license.  Make this valid instead of the NICS check as well, which would be much like the Idaho CPL in Idaho.  You have now alleviated federal burden and created a tool to help every citizen in keeping guns out of the hands of prohibited people.

Now what happens if the persons status changes?  The state confiscates the old license and issues a new one.  What about those without license, Washington has state issued ID as well, not to mention most owners would become weary of those who refuse.  Could bad guys still forge a license or the endorsement?  Yeah, but it’s merely a tool to help and you’re not going to hang someone who honestly intends no harm in the process.

It’s a crime to knowingly transfer a firearm to a prohibited person.  You have given an extra tool to the citizen to verify that person isn’t prohibited   The fact it is on everyone’s license prevents a registry.  The biggest issue is those who don’t have a license or state ID, it honestly shouldn’t be required to exercise a human right.  I view this mainly as a tool to help honest people and most people can easily exercise good judgement and currently they do for the most part.  No legal requirement to check, this prevents the catch-22 of placing bureaucratic onus on the seller, but having it there most people will do the right thing.  Heck, honest buyers will pull it out just to prove they’re good to go.  No need to record anything, no need to write it down.  It’s merely a tool to aid an honest transaction.  Yup, you have the stamp of approval and you’re old enough and you’re in state.  We’re set.

Instead our elected representatives our creating a bureaucratic mess that we will have to maintain to prove our innocence.  They aren’t interested in improving safety or helping the law-abiding do the right thing.  No, all they want is another law they can use to hang a gun owner with when they feel like it. -B ]


Thank You Captain Obvious…

DSC_7521_tonemappedSo I stumbled across the following today which while isn’t news to me may be news to others, and even more so may be discounted or considered untrue.  I initially wanted to cover this as I went through the my “Power Series” posts and I touched on it on an episode of Vicious Circle but I think it’s time for me to write it all out.

President Obama has made so-called “green energy” policies a key part of his economic agenda, but as a new book argues, they actually disproportionately hurt the poor by boosting the cost of energy.

This is considered just common knowledge to those within the utility industry.  The reason being is because our legislators are ignoring not just the laws of economics but also the laws of physics.

For the purpose of this example I am going to talk specifically about the Pacific North West, more specifically Washington.

In the mid-2000’s Governor Gregiore decided that hydro-electric dams are not a renewable resource and that by 2020, 20% of the state’s electricity will be “renewable”, read that as wind power.  As an FYI for those out of the area, we pay approximately 4-5 cents per KWh for hydro up here.  Hydro is cheap and plentiful here in the Pacific North West, so much so we ship a good chunk of it to California.

To further encourage the construction of wind farms beyond the mandate the operating costs are subsidized by the state.  The cost even subsidized for a wind farm in the area is approximately 15-17 cents per KWh.  Yes you read that right, 3 times as much even with the state subsidizing it’s operation.

Except wind is not as “Green” as everyone makes it out to be.  You see wind can quickly come and go.  This means generation can quickly come and go offline merely based on what the weather does.  This is a problem because power is consumed on an on-demand basis.  You don’t want your lights turning on in the middle of the night right?  Just the same you don’t like the power going out while you’re working on your computer writing up that report for work.  Part of the whole “smart house” push is so that the utilities can control the load as well such as your refrigerator, dryer, etc., to shed load when necessary.

It makes sense and it sounds good, but ultimately I’m paying for a service and you can either provide it or you cannot.  Well the biggest problem with wind is how quickly it can disappear.  Generators don’t start instantly and other generation in the system doesn’t instantly spin up to supply power to the load.  There is inertia involved and to increase the power means you need to increase the torque etc.  The sudden decline in power being supplied while the load remains constant can cause system instability.

The solution to this problem is to have an onsite generator(s) at a wind farm that idles while the wind farm is producing power.  Usually this takes the form of a Natural Gas Turbine generator.  As the wind dies off the generator spools up to take the load.  Then the generator slowly spools back down to let the rest of the grid slowly absorb the power load.  So in other words your wind generator is burning fuel in a turbine, running as inefficiently as possible so it can pick up the load in event of a rapid loss of wind.

Out here in the Pacific North West this becomes very apparent in the spring with the high spring run off as well as peak winds through the area.  This past year the utilities were forced by the state to buy power from the wind farms while shutting down the dams.

Yes you read that right, the utilities were forced to buy more expensive power and leave cheaper power idle.  Not only were the dams forced to be idle, but because it occurred during peak run off, they were forced to dump water over the spillway and waste it.  Instead of following the laws of economics, they were tossed to the side and instead of the wind, the more expensive power providing the back fill for what hydro couldn’t provide, the roles were reversed, and for what?

Ultimately this does nothing but increase the rates for energy consumption.  Doubly so since the dam has increased costs because instead of it producing power, it’s forced to be shutdown, despite it being the more efficient and cheaper power producer.

This is what happens when politicians get involved in economics and start regulating business.  Instead of the consumer getting a better deal, they get a more expensive product and overall crappier service due to the power swings that come with the fluctuations in wind.

Then again, the goals of our politicians could be much more sinister.